[109th Congress Public Law 97]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]

[DOCID: f:publ097.109]

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Public Law 109-97
109th Congress

                                 An Act

Making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug 
    Administration, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending 
      September 30, 2006, and for other purposes. <<NOTE: Nov. 10, 
                         2005 -  [H.R. 2744]>> 

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled, <<NOTE: Agriculture, 
Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies 
Appropriations Act, 2006.>> That the following sums are appropriated, 
out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for 
Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and 
Related Agencies programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2006, 
and for other purposes, namely:

                                 TITLE I

                          AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMS

                  Production, Processing and Marketing

                         Office of the Secretary

    For necessary expenses of the Office of the Secretary of 
Agriculture, $5,127,000: Provided, That not to exceed $11,000 of this 
amount shall be available for official reception and representation 
expenses, not otherwise provided for, as determined by the Secretary.

                          Executive Operations

                             chief economist

    For necessary expenses of the Chief Economist, including economic 
analysis, risk assessment, cost-benefit analysis, energy and new uses, 
and the functions of the World Agricultural Outlook Board, as authorized 
by the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 U.S.C. 1622g), $10,539,000.

                        national appeals division

    For necessary expenses of the National Appeals Division, 

                  office of budget and program analysis

    For necessary expenses of the Office of Budget and Program Analysis, 

[[Page 119 STAT. 2121]]

                         homeland security staff

    For necessary expenses of the Homeland Security Staff, $934,000.

                 Office of the Chief Information Officer

    For necessary expenses of the Office of the Chief Information 
Officer, $16,462,000.

                      Common Computing Environment

    For necessary expenses to acquire a Common Computing Environment for 
the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Farm and Foreign 
Agricultural Service, and Rural Development mission areas for 
information technology, systems, and services, $110,072,000, to remain 
available until expended, for the capital asset acquisition of shared 
information technology systems, including services as authorized by 7 
U.S.C. 6915-16 and 40 U.S.C. 1421-28: Provided, That obligation of these 
funds shall be consistent with the Department of Agriculture Service 
Center Modernization Plan of the county-based agencies, and shall be 
with the concurrence of the Department's Chief Information 
Officer: <<NOTE: Utah.>> Provided further, That of the funds provided 
under this section, the Secretary shall acquire one meter natural color 
digital ortho-imagery of the entire state of Utah.

                  Office of the Chief Financial Officer

    For necessary expenses of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, 
$5,874,000: Provided, <<NOTE: 7 USC 2279h.>> That hereafter the Chief 
Financial Officer shall actively market and expand cross-servicing 
activities of the National Finance Center: Provided further, That no 
funds made available by this appropriation may be obligated for FAIR Act 
or Circular A-76 activities until the Secretary has submitted to the 
Committees on Appropriations of both Houses of Congress and the 
Committee on Government Reform of the House of Representatives a report 
on the Department's contracting out policies, including agency budgets 
for contracting out.

           Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights

    For necessary salaries and expenses of the Office of the Assistant 
Secretary for Civil Rights, $821,000.

                         Office of Civil Rights

    For necessary expenses of the Office of Civil Rights, $20,109,000.

          Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration

    For necessary salaries and expenses of the Office of the Assistant 
Secretary for Administration, $676,000.

[[Page 119 STAT. 2122]]

        Agriculture Buildings and Facilities and Rental Payments

                     (including transfers of funds)

    For payment of space rental and related costs pursuant to Public Law 
92-313, including authorities pursuant to the 1984 delegation of 
authority from the Administrator of General Services to the Department 
of Agriculture under 40 U.S.C. 486, for programs and activities of the 
Department which are included in this Act, and for alterations and other 
actions needed for the Department and its agencies to consolidate 
unneeded space into configurations suitable for release to the 
Administrator of General Services, and for the operation, maintenance, 
improvement, and repair of Agriculture buildings and facilities, and for 
related costs, $187,734,000, to remain available until expended, as 
follows: for payments to the General Services Administration and the 
Department of Homeland Security for building security, $147,734,000, and 
for buildings operations and maintenance, 
$40,000,000: <<NOTE: Notification.>> Provided, That amounts which are 
made available for space rental and related costs for the Department of 
Agriculture in this Act may be transferred between such appropriations 
to cover the costs of additional, new, or replacement space 15 days 
after notice thereof is transmitted to the Appropriations Committees of 
both Houses of Congress.

                     Hazardous Materials Management

                     (including transfers of funds)

    For necessary expenses of the Department of Agriculture, to comply 
with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and 
Liability Act (42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.) and the Resource Conservation and 
Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.), $12,000,000, to remain available 
until expended: Provided, That appropriations and funds available herein 
to the Department for Hazardous Materials Management may be transferred 
to any agency of the Department for its use in meeting all requirements 
pursuant to the above Acts on Federal and non-Federal lands.

                       Departmental Administration

                     (including transfers of funds)

    For Departmental Administration, $23,103,000, to provide for 
necessary expenses for management support services to offices of the 
Department and for general administration, security, repairs and 
alterations, and other miscellaneous supplies and expenses not otherwise 
provided for and necessary for the practical and efficient work of the 
Department: Provided, That this appropriation shall be reimbursed from 
applicable appropriations in this Act for travel expenses incident to 
the holding of hearings as required by 5 U.S.C. 551-558.

      Office of the Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations

                     (including transfers of funds)

    For necessary salaries and expenses of the Office of the Assistant 
Secretary for Congressional Relations to carry out the programs

[[Page 119 STAT. 2123]]

funded by this Act, including programs involving intergovernmental 
affairs and liaison within the executive branch, $3,821,000: Provided, 
That these funds may be transferred to agencies of the Department of 
Agriculture funded by this Act to maintain personnel at the agency 
level: <<NOTE: Notification. Deadline.>> Provided further, That no funds 
made available by this appropriation may be obligated after 30 days from 
the date of enactment of this Act, unless the Secretary has notified the 
Committees on Appropriations of both Houses of Congress on the 
allocation of these funds by USDA agency: Provided further, That no 
other funds appropriated to the Department by this Act shall be 
available to the Department for support of activities of congressional 

                        Office of Communications

    For necessary expenses to carry out services relating to the 
coordination of programs involving public affairs, for the dissemination 
of agricultural information, and the coordination of information, work, 
and programs authorized by Congress in the Department, $9,509,000: 
Provided, That not to exceed $2,000,000 may be used for farmers' 

                     Office of the Inspector General

    For necessary expenses of the Office of the Inspector General, 
including employment pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978, 
$80,336,000, including such sums as may be necessary for contracting and 
other arrangements with public agencies and private persons pursuant to 
section 6(a)(9) of the Inspector General Act of 1978, and including not 
to exceed $125,000 for certain confidential operational expenses, 
including the payment of informants, to be expended under the direction 
of the Inspector General pursuant to Public Law 95-452 and section 1337 
of Public Law 97-98.

                      Office of the General Counsel

    For necessary expenses of the Office of the General Counsel, 

   Office of the Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics

    For necessary salaries and expenses of the Office of the Under 
Secretary for Research, Education and Economics to administer the laws 
enacted by the Congress for the Economic Research Service, the National 
Agricultural Statistics Service, the Agricultural Research Service, and 
the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, 

                        Economic Research Service

    For necessary expenses of the Economic Research Service in 
conducting economic research and analysis, $75,931,000: Provided, That 
none of the funds made available by this Act or any other Act may be 
used by the Department of Agriculture to publish, disseminate, or 
distribute, internally or externally, Agriculture Information Bulletin 
Number 787: <<NOTE: Contracts. Reports.>> Provided further, That of the 

[[Page 119 STAT. 2124]]

funds provided to the Economic Research Service, the Secretary of 
Agriculture shall use $350,000 to enter into an agreement for a 
comprehensive report on the economic development and current status of 
the sheep industry in the United States to be prepared by the National 
Academy of Sciences.

                National Agricultural Statistics Service

    For necessary expenses of the National Agricultural Statistics 
Service in conducting statistical reporting and service work, 
$140,700,000, of which up to $29,115,000 shall be available until 
expended for the Census of Agriculture.

                      Agricultural Research Service

                          salaries and expenses

    For necessary expenses to enable the Agricultural Research Service 
to perform agricultural research and demonstration relating to 
production, utilization, marketing, and distribution (not otherwise 
provided for); home economics or nutrition and consumer use including 
the acquisition, preservation, and dissemination of agricultural 
information; and for acquisition of lands by donation, exchange, or 
purchase at a nominal cost not to exceed $100, and for land exchanges 
where the lands exchanged shall be of equal value or shall be equalized 
by a payment of money to the grantor which shall not exceed 25 percent 
of the total value of the land or interests transferred out of Federal 
ownership, $1,135,004,000: Provided, <<NOTE: 7 USC 2254.>> That 
appropriations hereunder shall be available for the operation and 
maintenance of aircraft and the purchase of not to exceed one for 
replacement only: Provided further, That appropriations hereunder shall 
be available pursuant to 7 U.S.C. 2250 for the construction, alteration, 
and repair of buildings and improvements, but unless otherwise provided, 
the cost of constructing any one building shall not exceed $375,000, 
except for headhouses or greenhouses which shall each be limited to 
$1,200,000, and except for 10 buildings to be constructed or improved at 
a cost not to exceed $750,000 each, and the cost of altering any one 
building during the fiscal year shall not exceed 10 percent of the 
current replacement value of the building or $375,000, whichever is 
greater: Provided further, <<NOTE: Maryland.>> That the limitations on 
alterations contained in this Act shall not apply to modernization or 
replacement of existing facilities at Beltsville, Maryland: Provided 
further, That appropriations hereunder shall be available for granting 
easements at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center: Provided 
further, That the foregoing limitations shall not apply to replacement 
of buildings needed to carry out the Act of April 24, 1948 (21 U.S.C. 
113a): Provided further, That the foregoing limitations shall not apply 
to the purchase of land at Florence, South Carolina: Provided further, 
That funds may be received from any State, other political subdivision, 
organization, or individual for the purpose of establishing or operating 
any research facility or research project of the Agricultural Research 
Service, as authorized by law: <<NOTE: Colorado. Contracts.>> Provided 
further, That the Secretary, through the Agricultural Research Service, 
or successor, is authorized to lease approximately 40 acres of land at 
the Central Plains Experiment Station, Nunn, Colorado, to the Board of 
Governors of the Colorado State University System, for its Shortgrass 
Steppe Biological Field Station, on such terms

[[Page 119 STAT. 2125]]

and conditions as the Secretary deems in the public interest: Provided 
further, That the Secretary understands that it is the intent of the 
University to construct research and educational buildings on the 
subject acreage and to conduct agricultural research and educational 
activities in these buildings: Provided further, That as consideration 
for a lease, the Secretary may accept the benefits of mutual cooperative 
research to be conducted by the Colorado State University and the 
Government at the Shortgrass Steppe Biological Field Station: Provided 
further, That the term of any lease shall be for no more than 20 years, 
but a lease may be renewed at the option of the Secretary on such terms 
and conditions as the Secretary deems in the public interest: Provided 
further, That the Agricultural Research Service may convey all rights 
and title of the United States, to a parcel of land comprising 19 acres, 
more or less, located in Section 2, Township 18 North, Range 14 East in 
Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, originally conveyed by the Board of 
Trustees of the Institution of Higher Learning of the State of 
Mississippi, and described in instruments recorded in Deed Book 306 at 
pages 553-554, Deed Book 319 at page 219, and Deed Book 33 at page 115, 
of the public land records of Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, including 
facilities, and fixed equipment, to the Mississippi State University, 
Starkville, Mississippi, in their ``as is'' condition, when vacated by 
the Agricultural Research Service: <<NOTE: Tobacco and tobacco 
products.>> Provided further, That none of the funds appropriated under 
this heading shall be available to carry out research related to the 
production, processing, or marketing of tobacco or tobacco products.

                        buildings and facilities

    For acquisition of land, construction, repair, improvement, 
extension, alteration, and purchase of fixed equipment or facilities as 
necessary to carry out the agricultural research programs of the 
Department of Agriculture, where not otherwise provided, $131,195,000, 
to remain available until expended.

      Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service

                    research and education activities

    For payments to agricultural experiment stations, for cooperative 
forestry and other research, for facilities, and for other expenses, 
$676,849,000, as follows: to carry out the provisions of the Hatch Act 
of 1887 (7 U.S.C. 361a-i), $178,757,000; for grants for cooperative 
forestry research (16 U.S.C. 582a through a-7), $22,230,000; for 
payments to the 1890 land-grant colleges, including Tuskegee University 
and West Virginia State University (7 U.S.C. 3222), $37,591,000, of 
which $1,507,496 shall be made available only for the purpose of 
ensuring that each institution shall receive no less than $1,000,000; 
for special grants for agricultural research (7 U.S.C. 450i(c)), 
$128,223,000; for special grants for agricultural research on improved 
pest control (7 U.S.C. 450i(c)), $14,798,000; for competitive research 
grants (7 U.S.C. 450i(b)), $183,000,000; for the support of animal 
health and disease programs (7 U.S.C. 3195), $5,057,000; for 
supplemental and alternative crops and products (7 U.S.C. 3319d), 
$1,187,000; for grants for research pursuant to the Critical 
Agricultural Materials Act (7 U.S.C. 178 et seq.),

[[Page 119 STAT. 2126]]

$1,102,000, to remain available until expended; for the 1994 research 
grants program for 1994 institutions pursuant to section 536 of Public 
Law 103-382 (7 U.S.C. 301 note), $1,039,000, to remain available until 
expended; for rangeland research grants (7 U.S.C. 3333), $1,000,000; for 
higher education graduate fellowship grants (7 U.S.C. 3152(b)(6)), 
$3,738,000, to remain available until expended (7 U.S.C. 2209b); for a 
veterinary medicine loan repayment program pursuant to section 1415A of 
the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act 
of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.), $500,000; for higher education 
challenge grants (7 U.S.C. 3152(b)(1)), $5,478,000; for a higher 
education multicultural scholars program (7 U.S.C. 3152(b)(5)), 
$998,000, to remain available until expended (7 U.S.C. 2209b); for an 
education grants program for Hispanic-serving Institutions (7 U.S.C. 
3241), $6,000,000; for noncompetitive grants for the purpose of carrying 
out all provisions of 7 U.S.C. 3242 (section 759 of Public Law 106-78) 
to individual eligible institutions or consortia of eligible 
institutions in Alaska and in Hawaii, with funds awarded equally to each 
of the States of Alaska and Hawaii, $3,250,000; for a secondary 
agriculture education program and 2-year post-secondary education (7 
U.S.C. 3152(j)), $1,000,000; for aquaculture grants (7 U.S.C. 3322), 
$3,968,000; for sustainable agriculture research and education (7 U.S.C. 
5811), $12,400,000; for a program of capacity building grants (7 U.S.C. 
3152(b)(4)) to colleges eligible to receive funds under the Act of 
August 30, 1890 (7 U.S.C. 321-326 and 328), including Tuskegee 
University and West Virginia State University, $12,312,000, to remain 
available until expended (7 U.S.C. 2209b); for payments to the 1994 
Institutions pursuant to section 534(a)(1) of Public Law 103-382, 
$2,250,000; for resident instruction grants for insular areas under 
section 1491 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and 
Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3363), $500,000; and for necessary 
expenses of Research and Education Activities, $50,471,000, of which 
$2,587,000 for the Research, Education, and Economics Information System 
and $2,051,000 for the Electronic Grants Information System, are to 
remain available until expended: Provided, <<NOTE: Tobacco and tobacco 
products.>> That none of the funds appropriated under this heading shall 
be available to carry out research related to the production, 
processing, or marketing of tobacco or tobacco products: Provided 
further, That this paragraph shall not apply to research on the medical, 
biotechnological, food, and industrial uses of tobacco.

               native american institutions endowment fund

    For the Native American Institutions Endowment Fund authorized by 
Public Law 103-382 (7 U.S.C. 301 note), $12,000,000, to remain available 
until expended.

                          extension activities

    For payments to States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, 
the Virgin Islands, Micronesia, Northern Marianas, and American Samoa, 
$455,955,000, as follows: payments for cooperative extension work under 
the Smith-Lever Act, to be distributed under sections 3(b) and 3(c) of 
said Act, and under section 208(c) of Public Law 93-471, for retirement 
and employees' compensation costs for extension agents, $275,730,000; 
payments for extension work at the 1994 Institutions under the Smith-
Lever Act (7 U.S.C.

[[Page 119 STAT. 2127]]

343(b)(3)), $3,273,000; payments for the nutrition and family education 
program for low-income areas under section 3(d) of the Act, $62,634,000; 
payments for the pest management program under section 3(d) of the Act, 
$9,960,000; payments for the farm safety program under section 3(d) of 
the Act, $4,563,000; payments for New Technologies for Ag Extension 
under Section 3(d) of the Act, $1,500,000; payments to upgrade research, 
extension, and teaching facilities at the 1890 land-grant colleges, 
including Tuskegee University and West Virginia State University, as 
authorized by section 1447 of Public Law 95-113 (7 U.S.C. 3222b), 
$16,777,000, to remain available until expended; payments for youth-at-
risk programs under section 3(d) of the Smith-Lever Act, $7,728,000; for 
youth farm safety education and certification extension grants, to be 
awarded competitively under section 3(d) of the Act, $444,000; payments 
for carrying out the provisions of the Renewable Resources Extension Act 
of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 1671 et seq.), $4,060,000; payments for Indian 
reservation agents under section 3(d) of the Smith-Lever Act, 
$1,996,000; payments for sustainable agriculture programs under section 
3(d) of the Act, $4,067,000; payments for rural health and safety 
education as authorized by section 502(i) of Public Law 92-419 (7 U.S.C. 
2662(i)), $1,965,000; payments for cooperative extension work by the 
colleges receiving the benefits of the second Morrill Act (7 U.S.C. 321-
326 and 328) and Tuskegee University and West Virginia State University, 
$33,868,000, of which $1,724,884 shall be made available only for the 
purpose of ensuring that each institution shall receive no less than 
$1,000,000; for grants to youth organizations pursuant to section 7630 
of title 7, United States Code, $2,000,000; and for necessary expenses 
of Extension Activities, $25,390,000.

                          integrated activities

    For the integrated research, education, and extension grants 
programs, including necessary administrative expenses, $55,792,000, as 
follows: for competitive grants programs authorized under section 406 of 
the Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act of 1998 
(7 U.S.C. 7626), $45,792,000, including $12,867,000 for the water 
quality program, $14,847,000 for the food safety program, $4,167,000 for 
the regional pest management centers program, $4,464,000 for the Food 
Quality Protection Act risk mitigation program for major food crop 
systems, $1,389,000 for the crops affected by Food Quality Protection 
Act implementation, $3,106,000 for the methyl bromide transition 
program, and $1,874,000 for the organic transition program; for a 
competitive international science and education grants program 
authorized under section 1459A of the National Agricultural Research, 
Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3292b), to remain 
available until expended, $1,000,000; for grants programs authorized 
under section 2(c)(1)(B) of Public Law 89-106, as amended, $744,000, to 
remain available until September 30, 2007 for the critical issues 
program, and $1,334,000 for the regional rural development centers 
program; and $10,000,000 for the Food and Agriculture Defense Initiative 
authorized under section 1484 of the National Agricultural Research, 
Extension, and Teaching Act of 1977, to remain available until September 
30, 2007.

[[Page 119 STAT. 2128]]

               outreach for socially disadvantaged farmers

    For grants and contracts pursuant to section 2501 of the Food, 
Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 2279), 
$6,000,000, to remain available until expended.

   Office of the Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs

    For necessary salaries and expenses of the Office of the Under 
Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs to administer programs 
under the laws enacted by the Congress for the Animal and Plant Health 
Inspection Service; the Agricultural Marketing Service; and the Grain 
Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration; $724,000.

               Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

                          salaries and expenses

                     (including transfers of funds)

    For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary to prevent, 
control, and eradicate pests and plant and animal diseases; to carry out 
inspection, quarantine, and regulatory activities; and to protect the 
environment, as authorized by law, $815,461,000, of which $4,140,000 
shall be available for the control of outbreaks of insects, plant 
diseases, animal diseases and for control of pest animals and birds to 
the extent necessary to meet emergency conditions; of which $39,000,000 
shall be used for the boll weevil eradication program for cost share 
purposes or for debt retirement for active eradication zones; of which 
$33,340,000 shall be available for a National Animal Identification 
program: Provided, That no funds shall be used to formulate or 
administer a brucellosis eradication program for the current fiscal year 
that does not require minimum matching by the States of at least 40 
percent: Provided further, That this appropriation shall be available 
for the operation and maintenance of aircraft and the purchase of not to 
exceed four, of which two shall be for replacement only: Provided 
further, That, in addition, in emergencies which threaten any segment of 
the agricultural production industry of this country, the Secretary may 
transfer from other appropriations or funds available to the agencies or 
corporations of the Department such sums as may be deemed necessary, to 
be available only in such emergencies for the arrest and eradication of 
contagious or infectious disease or pests of animals, poultry, or 
plants, and for expenses in accordance with sections 10411 and 10417 of 
the Animal Health Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 8310 and 8316) and sections 
431 and 442 of the Plant Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 7751 and 7772), and 
any unexpended balances of funds transferred for such emergency purposes 
in the preceding fiscal year shall be merged with such transferred 
amounts: Provided further, That appropriations hereunder shall be 
available pursuant to law (7 U.S.C. 2250) for the repair and alteration 
of leased buildings and improvements, but unless otherwise provided the 
cost of altering any one building during the fiscal year shall not 
exceed 10 percent of the current replacement value of the building.

[[Page 119 STAT. 2129]]

    In fiscal year 2006, the agency is authorized to collect fees to 
cover the total costs of providing technical assistance, goods, or 
services requested by States, other political subdivisions, domestic and 
international organizations, foreign governments, or individuals, 
provided that such fees are structured such that any entity's liability 
for such fees is reasonably based on the technical assistance, goods, or 
services provided to the entity by the agency, and such fees shall be 
credited to this account, to remain available until expended, without 
further appropriation, for providing such assistance, goods, or 

                        buildings and facilities

    For plans, construction, repair, preventive maintenance, 
environmental support, improvement, extension, alteration, and purchase 
of fixed equipment or facilities, as authorized by 7 U.S.C. 2250, and 
acquisition of land as authorized by 7 U.S.C. 428a, $4,996,000, to 
remain available until expended.

                     Agricultural Marketing Service

                           marketing services

    For necessary expenses to carry out services related to consumer 
protection, agricultural marketing and distribution, transportation, and 
regulatory programs, as authorized by law, and for administration and 
coordination of payments to States, $75,376,000, including funds for the 
wholesale market development program for the design and development of 
wholesale and farmer market facilities for the major metropolitan areas 
of the country: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available 
pursuant to law (7 U.S.C. 2250) for the alteration and repair of 
buildings and improvements, but the cost of altering any one building 
during the fiscal year shall not exceed 10 percent of the current 
replacement value of the building.
    Fees may be collected for the cost of standardization activities, as 
established by regulation pursuant to law (31 U.S.C. 9701).

                  limitation on administrative expenses

    Not to exceed $65,667,000 (from fees collected) shall be obligated 
during the current fiscal year for administrative expenses: 
Provided, <<NOTE: Notification.>> That if crop size is understated and/
or other uncontrollable events occur, the agency may exceed this 
limitation by up to 10 percent with notification to the Committees on 
Appropriations of both Houses of Congress.

    funds for strengthening markets, income, and supply (section 32)

                     (including transfers of funds)

    Funds available under section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935 (7 
U.S.C. 612c), shall be used only for commodity program expenses as 
authorized therein, and other related operating expenses, including not 
less than $20,000,000 for replacement of a system to support commodity 
purchases, except for: (1) transfers to the Department of Commerce as 
authorized by the Fish and Wildlife Act of August 8, 1956; (2) transfers 
otherwise provided

[[Page 119 STAT. 2130]]

in this Act; and (3) not more than $16,055,000 for formulation and 
administration of marketing agreements and orders pursuant to the 
Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 and the Agricultural Act of 

                   payments to states and possessions

    For payments to departments of agriculture, bureaus and departments 
of markets, and similar agencies for marketing activities under section 
204(b) of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 U.S.C. 1623(b)), 
$3,847,000, of which not less than $2,500,000 shall be used to make a 
grant under this heading.

         Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration

                          salaries and expenses

    For necessary expenses to carry out the provisions of the United 
States Grain Standards Act, for the administration of the Packers and 
Stockyards Act, for certifying procedures used to protect purchasers of 
farm products, and the standardization activities related to grain under 
the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, $38,443,000: Provided, That this 
appropriation shall be available pursuant to law (7 U.S.C. 2250) for the 
alteration and repair of buildings and improvements, but the cost of 
altering any one building during the fiscal year shall not exceed 10 
percent of the current replacement value of the building.

         limitation on inspection and weighing services expenses

    Not to exceed $42,463,000 (from fees collected) shall be obligated 
during the current fiscal year for inspection and weighing 
services: <<NOTE: Notification.>> Provided, That if grain export 
activities require additional supervision and oversight, or other 
uncontrollable factors occur, this limitation may be exceeded by up to 
10 percent with notification to the Committees on Appropriations of both 
Houses of Congress.

              Office of the Under Secretary for Food Safety

    For necessary salaries and expenses of the Office of the Under 
Secretary for Food Safety to administer the laws enacted by the Congress 
for the Food Safety and Inspection Service, $602,000.

                   Food Safety and Inspection Service

    For necessary expenses to carry out services authorized by the 
Federal Meat Inspection Act, the Poultry Products Inspection Act, and 
the Egg Products Inspection Act, including not to exceed $50,000 for 
representation allowances and for expenses pursuant to section 8 of the 
Act approved August 3, 1956 (7 U.S.C. 1766), $837,756,000, of which no 
less than $753,252,000 shall be available for Federal food safety 
inspection; and in addition, $1,000,000 may be credited to this account 
from fees collected for the cost of laboratory accreditation as 
authorized by section 1327 of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation and 
Trade Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 138f): Provided, That no fewer than 63 full 
time equivalent positions above the fiscal year 2002 level shall be 
employed during fiscal year 2006 for purposes dedicated solely to 
inspections and enforcement related to the Humane Methods of Slaughter 
Act: <<NOTE: Notification.>> Provided further, 

[[Page 119 STAT. 2131]]

That of the amount available under this heading, notwithstanding section 
704 of this Act $4,000,000, available until September 30, 2007, shall be 
obligated to include the Humane Animal Tracking System as part of the 
Field Automation and Information Management System following 
notification to the Committees on Appropriations, which shall include a 
detailed explanation of the components of such system: Provided further, 
That of the total amount made available under this heading, no less than 
$20,653,000 shall be obligated for regulatory and scientific training: 
Provided further, That this appropriation shall be available pursuant to 
law (7 U.S.C. 2250) for the alteration and repair of buildings and 
improvements, but the cost of altering any one building during the 
fiscal year shall not exceed 10 percent of the current replacement value 
of the building.

Office of the Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services

    For necessary salaries and expenses of the Office of the Under 
Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services to administer the 
laws enacted by Congress for the Farm Service Agency, the Foreign 
Agricultural Service, the Risk Management Agency, and the Commodity 
Credit Corporation, $635,000.

                           Farm Service Agency

                          salaries and expenses

                     (including transfers of funds)

    For necessary expenses for carrying out the administration and 
implementation of programs administered by the Farm Service Agency, 
$1,030,000,000: Provided, That the Secretary is authorized to use the 
services, facilities, and authorities (but not the funds) of the 
Commodity Credit Corporation to make program payments for all programs 
administered by the Agency: Provided further, That other funds made 
available to the Agency for authorized activities may be advanced to and 
merged with this <<NOTE: Deadlines. Public 
information. Notification.>> account: Provided further, That none of the 
funds made available by this Act may be used to pay the salaries or 
expenses of any officer or employee of the Department of Agriculture to 
close any local or county office of the Farm Service Agency unless the 
Secretary of Agriculture, not later than 30 days after the date on which 
the Secretary proposed the closure, holds a public meeting about the 
proposed closure in the county in which the local or county office is 
located, and, after the public meeting but not later than 120 days 
before the date on which the Secretary approves the closure, notifies 
the Committee on Agriculture and the Committee on Appropriations of the 
House of Representatives and the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, 
and Forestry and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate, and the 
members of Congress from the State in which the local or county office 
is located of the proposed closure.

                         state mediation grants

    For grants pursuant to section 502(b) of the Agricultural Credit Act 
of 1987, as amended (7 U.S.C. 5101-5106), $4,250,000.

[[Page 119 STAT. 2132]]

               grassroots source water protection program

    For necessary expenses to carry out wellhead or groundwater 
protection activities under section 1240O of the Food Security Act of 
1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839bb-2), $3,750,000, to remain available until 

                         dairy indemnity program

                      (including transfer of funds)

    For necessary expenses involved in making indemnity payments to 
dairy farmers and manufacturers of dairy products under a dairy 
indemnity program, $100,000, to remain available until expended: 
Provided, That such program is carried out by the Secretary in the same 
manner as the dairy indemnity program described in the Agriculture, 
Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies 
Appropriations Act, 2001 (Public Law 106-387, 114 Stat. 1549A-12).

           agricultural credit insurance fund program account

                     (including transfers of funds)

    For gross obligations for the principal amount of direct and 
guaranteed farm ownership (7 U.S.C. 1922 et seq.) and operating (7 
U.S.C. 1941 et seq.) loans, Indian tribe land acquisition loans (25 
U.S.C. 488), and boll weevil loans (7 U.S.C. 1989), to be available from 
funds in the Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund, as follows: farm 
ownership loans, $1,608,000,000, of which $1,400,000,000 shall be for 
guaranteed loans and $208,000,000 shall be for direct loans; operating 
loans, $2,074,632,000, of which $1,150,000,000 shall be for unsubsidized 
guaranteed loans, $274,632,000 shall be for subsidized guaranteed loans 
and $650,000,000 shall be for direct loans; Indian tribe land 
acquisition loans, $2,020,000; and for boll weevil eradication program 
loans, $100,000,000: Provided, That the Secretary shall deem the pink 
bollworm to be a boll weevil for the purpose of boll weevil eradication 
program loans.
    For the cost of direct and guaranteed loans, including the cost of 
modifying loans as defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget 
Act of 1974, as follows: farm ownership loans, $17,370,000, of which 
$6,720,000 shall be for guaranteed loans, and $10,650,000 shall be for 
direct loans; operating loans, $133,849,000, of which $34,845,000 shall 
be for unsubsidized guaranteed loans, $34,329,000 shall be for 
subsidized guaranteed loans, and $64,675,000 shall be for direct loans; 
and Indian tribe land acquisition loans, $81,000.
    In addition, for administrative expenses necessary to carry out the 
direct and guaranteed loan programs, $312,591,000, of which $304,591,000 
shall be transferred to and merged with the appropriation for ``Farm 
Service Agency, Salaries and Expenses''.
    Funds appropriated by this Act to the Agricultural Credit Insurance 
Program Account for farm ownership and operating direct loans and 
guaranteed loans may be transferred among these 
programs: <<NOTE: Notification.>> Provided, That the Committees on 
Appropriations of both Houses of Congress are notified at least 15 days 
in advance of any transfer.

[[Page 119 STAT. 2133]]

                         Risk Management Agency

    For administrative and operating expenses, as authorized by section 
226A of the Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 (7 
U.S.C. 6933), $77,048,000: Provided, That not to exceed $1,000 shall be 
available for official reception and representation expenses, as 
authorized by 7 U.S.C. 1506(i).


    The following corporations and agencies are hereby authorized to 
make expenditures, within the limits of funds and borrowing authority 
available to each such corporation or agency and in accord with law, and 
to make contracts and commitments without regard to fiscal year 
limitations as provided by section 104 of the Government Corporation 
Control Act as may be necessary in carrying out the programs set forth 
in the budget for the current fiscal year for such corporation or 
agency, except as hereinafter provided.

                 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Fund

    For payments as authorized by section 516 of the Federal Crop 
Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1516), such sums as may be necessary, to remain 
available until expended.

                    Commodity Credit Corporation Fund

                  reimbursement for net realized losses

    For the current fiscal year, such sums as may be necessary to 
reimburse the Commodity Credit Corporation for net realized losses 
sustained, but not previously reimbursed, pursuant to section 2 of the 
Act of August 17, 1961 (15 U.S.C. 713a-11): Provided, That of the funds 
available to the Commodity Credit Corporation under section 11 of the 
Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act (15 U.S.C 714i) for the conduct 
of its business with the Foreign Agricultural Service, up to $5,000,000 
may be transferred to and used by the Foreign Agricultural Service for 
information resource management activities of the Foreign Agricultural 
Service that are not related to Commodity Credit Corporation business.

                       hazardous waste management

                        (limitation on expenses)

    For the current fiscal year, the Commodity Credit Corporation shall 
not expend more than $5,000,000 for site investigation and cleanup 
expenses, and operations and maintenance expenses to comply with the 
requirement of section 107(g) of the Comprehensive Environmental 
Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (42 U.S.C. 9607(g)), and 
section 6001 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. 

[[Page 119 STAT. 2134]]

                                TITLE II

                          CONSERVATION PROGRAMS

   Office of the Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment

    For necessary salaries and expenses of the Office of the Under 
Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment to administer the laws 
enacted by the Congress for the Forest Service and the Natural Resources 
Conservation Service, $744,000.

                 Natural Resources Conservation Service

                         conservation operations

    For necessary expenses for carrying out the provisions of the Act of 
April 27, 1935 (16 U.S.C. 590a-f), including preparation of conservation 
plans and establishment of measures to conserve soil and water 
(including farm irrigation and land drainage and such special measures 
for soil and water management as may be necessary to prevent floods and 
the siltation of reservoirs and to control agricultural related 
pollutants); operation of conservation plant materials centers; 
classification and mapping of soil; dissemination of information; 
acquisition of lands, water, and interests therein for use in the plant 
materials program by donation, exchange, or purchase at a nominal cost 
not to exceed $100 pursuant to the Act of August 3, 1956 (7 U.S.C. 
428a); purchase and erection or alteration or improvement of permanent 
and temporary buildings; and operation and maintenance of aircraft, 
$839,519,000, to remain available until May 31, 2007, of which not less 
than $10,650,000 is for snow survey and water forecasting, and not less 
than $10,547,000 is for operation and establishment of the plant 
materials centers, and of which not less than $27,500,000 shall be for 
the grazing lands conservation initiative: Provided, That appropriations 
hereunder shall be available pursuant to 7 U.S.C. 2250 for construction 
and improvement of buildings and public improvements at plant materials 
centers, except that the cost of alterations and improvements to other 
buildings and other public improvements shall not exceed $250,000: 
Provided further, That when buildings or other structures are erected on 
non-Federal land, that the right to use such land is obtained as 
provided in 7 U.S.C. 2250a: Provided further, That this appropriation 
shall be available for technical assistance and related expenses to 
carry out programs authorized by section 202(c) of title II of the 
Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act of 1974 (43 U.S.C. 1592(c)): 
Provided further, That qualified local engineers may be temporarily 
employed at per diem rates to perform the technical planning work of the 

                     watershed surveys and planning

    For necessary expenses to conduct research, investigation, and 
surveys of watersheds of rivers and other waterways, and for small 
watershed investigations and planning, in accordance with the Watershed 
Protection and Flood Prevention Act (16 U.S.C. 1001-1009), $6,083,000.

[[Page 119 STAT. 2135]]

                watershed and flood prevention operations

    For necessary expenses to carry out preventive measures, including 
but not limited to research, engineering operations, methods of 
cultivation, the growing of vegetation, rehabilitation of existing works 
and changes in use of land, in accordance with the Watershed Protection 
and Flood Prevention Act (16 U.S.C. 1001-1005 and 1007-1009), the 
provisions of the Act of April 27, 1935 (16 U.S.C. 590a-f), and in 
accordance with the provisions of laws relating to the activities of the 
Department, $75,000,000, to remain available until expended; of which up 
to $10,000,000 may be available for the watersheds authorized under the 
Flood Control Act (33 U.S.C. 701 and 16 U.S.C. 1006a): Provided, That 
not to exceed $30,000,000 of this appropriation shall be available for 
technical assistance: Provided further, That not to exceed $1,000,000 of 
this appropriation is available to carry out the purposes of the 
Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-205), including 
cooperative efforts as contemplated by that Act to relocate endangered 
or threatened species to other suitable habitats as may be necessary to 
expedite project construction.

                    watershed rehabilitation program

    For necessary expenses to carry out rehabilitation of structural 
measures, in accordance with section 14 of the Watershed Protection and 
Flood Prevention Act (16 U.S.C. 1012), and in accordance with the 
provisions of laws relating to the activities of the Department, 
$31,561,000, to remain available until expended.

                  resource conservation and development

    For necessary expenses in planning and carrying out projects for 
resource conservation and development and for sound land use pursuant to 
the provisions of sections 31 and 32 of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant 
Act (7 U.S.C. 1010-1011; 76 Stat. 607); the Act of April 27, 1935 (16 
U.S.C. 590a-f); and subtitle H of title XV of the Agriculture and Food 
Act of 1981 (16 U.S.C. 3451-3461), $51,300,000, to remain available 
until expended: <<NOTE: Contracts. Deadline.>> Provided, That the 
Secretary shall enter into a cooperative or contribution agreement, 
within 45 days of enactment of this Act, with a national association 
regarding a Resource Conservation and Development program and such 
agreement shall contain the same matching, contribution requirements, 
and funding level, set forth in a similar cooperative or contribution 
agreement with a national association in fiscal year 2002: Provided 
further, That not to exceed $3,411,000 shall be available for national 
headquarters activities.

                                TITLE III

                       RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS

           Office of the Under Secretary for Rural Development

    For necessary salaries and expenses of the Office of the Under 
Secretary for Rural Development to administer programs under the laws 
enacted by the Congress for the Rural Housing Service, the Rural 
Business-Cooperative Service, and the Rural Utilities Service, $635,000.

[[Page 119 STAT. 2136]]

                   rural community advancement program

                     (including transfers of funds)

    For the cost of direct loans, loan guarantees, and grants, as 
authorized by 7 U.S.C. 1926, 1926a, 1926c, 1926d, and 1932, except for 
sections 381E-H and 381N of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development 
Act, $701,941,000, to remain available until expended, of which 
$82,620,000 shall be for rural community programs described in section 
381E(d)(1) of such Act; of which $530,100,000 shall be for the rural 
utilities programs described in sections 381E(d)(2), 306C(a)(2), and 
306D of such Act, of which not to exceed $500,000 shall be available for 
the rural utilities program described in section 306(a)(2)(B) of such 
Act, and of which not to exceed $1,000,000 shall be available for the 
rural utilities program described in section 306E of such Act; and of 
which $89,221,000 shall be for the rural business and cooperative 
development programs described in sections 381E(d)(3) and 310B(f) of 
such Act: Provided, That of the total amount appropriated in this 
account, $25,000,000 shall be for loans and grants to benefit Federally 
Recognized Native American Tribes, including grants for drinking water 
and waste disposal systems pursuant to section 306C of such Act, of 
which $4,464,000 shall be available for community facilities grants to 
tribal colleges, as authorized by section 306(a)(19) of the Consolidated 
Farm and Rural Development Act, and of which $250,000 shall be available 
for a grant to a qualified national organization to provide technical 
assistance for rural transportation in order to promote economic 
development: Provided further, That of the amount appropriated for rural 
community programs, $6,350,000 shall be available for a Rural Community 
Development Initiative: Provided further, That such funds shall be used 
solely to develop the capacity and ability of private, nonprofit 
community-based housing and community development organizations, low-
income rural communities, and Federally Recognized Native American 
Tribes to undertake projects to improve housing, community facilities, 
community and economic development projects in rural areas: Provided 
further, That such funds shall be made available to qualified private, 
nonprofit and public intermediary organizations proposing to carry out a 
program of financial and technical assistance: Provided further, That 
such intermediary organizations shall provide matching funds from other 
sources, including Federal funds for related activities, in an amount 
not less than funds provided: Provided further, That of the amount 
appropriated for the rural business and cooperative development 
programs, not to exceed $500,000 shall be made available for a grant to 
a qualified national organization to provide technical assistance for 
rural transportation in order to promote economic development; 
$2,000,000 shall be for grants to the Delta Regional Authority (7 U.S.C. 
1921 et seq.) for any purpose under this heading: Provided further, That 
of the amount appropriated for rural utilities programs, not to exceed 
$25,000,000 shall be for water and waste disposal systems to benefit the 
Colonias along the United States/Mexico border, including grants 
pursuant to section 306C of such Act; $25,000,000 shall be for water and 
waste disposal systems for rural and native villages in Alaska pursuant 
to section 306D of such Act, with up to 2 percent available to 
administer the program and/or improve interagency coordination may be 
transferred to and merged with the appropriation for ``Rural 
Development, Salaries and Expenses'', of

[[Page 119 STAT. 2137]]

which $100,000 shall be provided to develop a regional system for 
centralized billing, operation, and management of rural water and sewer 
utilities through regional cooperatives, of which 25 percent shall be 
provided for water and sewer projects in regional hubs, and the State of 
Alaska shall provide a 25 percent cost share, and grantees may use up to 
5 percent of grant funds, not to exceed $35,000 per community, for the 
completion of comprehensive community safe water plans; not to exceed 
$18,250,000 shall be for technical assistance grants for rural water and 
waste systems pursuant to section 306(a)(14) of such Act, unless the 
Secretary makes a determination of extreme need, of which $5,600,000 
shall be for Rural Community Assistance Programs and not less than 
$850,000 shall be for a qualified national Native American organization 
to provide technical assistance for rural water systems for tribal 
communities; and not to exceed $13,750,000 shall be for contracting with 
qualified national organizations for a circuit rider program to provide 
technical assistance for rural water systems: Provided further, That of 
the total amount appropriated, not to exceed $21,367,000 shall be 
available through June 30, 2006, for authorized empowerment zones and 
enterprise communities and communities designated by the Secretary of 
Agriculture as Rural Economic Area Partnership Zones; of which 
$1,067,000 shall be for the rural community programs described in 
section 381E(d)(1) of such Act, of which $12,000,000 shall be for the 
rural utilities programs described in section 381E(d)(2) of such Act, 
and of which $8,300,000 shall be for the rural business and cooperative 
development programs described in section 381E(d)(3) of such Act: 
Provided further, That of the amount appropriated for rural community 
programs, $18,000,000 shall be to provide grants for facilities in rural 
communities with extreme unemployment and severe economic depression 
(Public Law 106-387), with 5 percent for administration and capacity 
building in the State rural development offices: Provided further, That 
of the amount appropriated, $26,000,000 shall be transferred to and 
merged with the ``Rural Utilities Service, High Energy Cost Grants 
Account'' to provide grants authorized under section 19 of the Rural 
Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 918a): Provided further, That any 
prior year balances for high cost energy grants authorized by section 19 
of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 901(19)) shall be 
transferred to and merged with the ``Rural Utilities Service, High 
Energy Costs Grants Account''.

                 Rural Development Salaries and Expenses

                     (including transfers of funds)

    For necessary expenses for carrying out the administration and 
implementation of programs in the Rural Development mission area, 
including activities with institutions concerning the development and 
operation of agricultural cooperatives; and for cooperative agreements; 
$164,625,000: Provided, That of the funds appropriated under this title 
for salaries and expenses, $11,147,000, to remain available until 
September 30, 2007, shall be used to complete the consolidation of Rural 
Development activities in St. Louis, Missouri: Provided further, That 
notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds appropriated under 
this section may be used for advertising and promotional activities that 
support the Rural Development mission area: Provided further, That not 
more than $10,000 may

[[Page 119 STAT. 2138]]

be expended to provide modest nonmonetary awards to non-USDA employees: 
Provided further, That any balances available from prior years for the 
Rural Utilities Service, Rural Housing Service, and the Rural Business-
Cooperative Service salaries and expenses accounts shall be transferred 
to and merged with this appropriation.

                          Rural Housing Service

              rural housing insurance fund program account

                     (including transfers of funds)

    For gross obligations for the principal amount of direct and 
guaranteed loans as authorized by title V of the Housing Act of 1949, to 
be available from funds in the rural housing insurance fund, as follows: 
$4,821,832,000 for loans to section 502 borrowers, as determined by the 
Secretary, of which $1,140,799,000 shall be for direct loans, and of 
which $3,681,033,000 shall be for unsubsidized guaranteed loans; 
$35,000,000 for section 504 housing repair loans; $100,000,000 for 
section 515 rental housing; $100,000,000 for section 538 guaranteed 
multi-family housing loans; $5,000,000 for section 524 site loans; 
$11,500,000 for credit sales of acquired property, of which up to 
$1,500,000 may be for multi-family credit sales; and $5,048,000 for 
section 523 self-help housing land development loans.
    For the cost of direct and guaranteed loans, including the cost of 
modifying loans, as defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget 
Act of 1974, as follows: section 502 loans, $170,837,000, of which 
$129,937,000 shall be for direct loans, and of which $40,900,000, to 
remain available until expended, shall be for unsubsidized guaranteed 
loans; section 504 housing repair loans, $10,238,000; repair, 
rehabilitation, and new construction of section 515 rental housing, 
$45,880,000; section 538 multi-family housing guaranteed loans, 
$5,420,000; multi-family credit sales of acquired property, $681,000; 
and section 523 self-help housing and development loans, $52,000: 
Provided, That of the total amount appropriated in this paragraph, 
$2,500,000 shall be available through June 30, 2006, for authorized 
empowerment zones and enterprise communities and communities designated 
by the Secretary of Agriculture as Rural Economic Area Partnership 
Zones: Provided further, <<NOTE: Alaska.>> That any funds under this 
paragraph initially allocated by the Secretary for housing projects in 
the State of Alaska that are not obligated by September 30, 2006, shall 
be carried over until September 30, 2007, and made available for such 
housing projects only in the State of Alaska.

    For additional costs to conduct a demonstration program for the 
preservation and revitalization of the section 515 multi-family rental 
housing properties, $9,000,000: Provided, That funding made available 
under this heading shall be used to restructure existing section 515 
loans, as the Secretary deems appropriate, expressly for the purposes of 
ensuring the project has sufficient resources to preserve the project 
for the purpose of providing safe and affordable housing for low-income 
residents including reducing or eliminating interest; deferring loan 
payments, subordinating, reducing or reamortizing loan debt; and other 
financial assistance including advances and incentives required by the 
    In addition, for administrative expenses necessary to carry out the 
direct and guaranteed loan programs, $454,809,000, which

[[Page 119 STAT. 2139]]

shall be transferred to and merged with the appropriation for ``Rural 
Development, Salaries and Expenses'', of which not less than $1,000,000 
shall be made available for the Secretary to contract with third parties 
to acquire the necessary automation and technical services needed to 
restructure section 515 mortgages.

                        rental assistance program

    For rental assistance agreements entered into or renewed pursuant to 
the authority under section 521(a)(2) or agreements entered into in lieu 
of debt forgiveness or payments for eligible households as authorized by 
section 502(c)(5)(D) of the Housing Act of 1949, $653,102,000; and, in 
addition, such sums as may be necessary, as authorized by section 521(c) 
of the Act, to liquidate debt incurred prior to fiscal year 1992 to 
carry out the rental assistance program under section 521(a)(2) of the 
Act: Provided, That of this amount, up to $8,000,000 shall be available 
for debt forgiveness or payments for eligible households as authorized 
by section 502(c)(5)(D) of the Act, and not to exceed $50,000 per 
project for advances to nonprofit organizations or public agencies to 
cover direct costs (other than purchase price) incurred in purchasing 
projects pursuant to section 502(c)(5)(C) of the Act: Provided further, 
That agreements entered into or renewed during the current fiscal year 
shall be funded for a four-year period: Provided further, That any 
unexpended balances remaining at the end of such four-year agreements 
may be transferred and used for the purposes of any debt reduction; 
maintenance, repair, or rehabilitation of any existing projects; 
preservation; and rental assistance activities authorized under title V 
of the Act: Provided further, That rental assistance that is recovered 
from projects that are subject to prepayment shall be deobligated and 
reallocated for vouchers and debt forgiveness or payments consistent 
with the requirements of this Act for purposes authorized under section 
542 and section 502(c)(5)(D) of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended.

                      rural housing voucher program

    For the rural housing voucher program as authorized under section 
542 of the Housing Act of 1949, (without regard to section 542(b)), 
$16,000,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That such 
vouchers shall be available to any low-income household (including those 
not receiving rental assistance) residing in a property financed with a 
section 515 loan which has been prepaid after September 30, 2005: 
Provided further, That the amount of the voucher shall be the difference 
between comparable market rent for the section 515 unit and the tenant 
paid rent for such unit: Provided further, That funds made available for 
such vouchers, shall be subject to the availability of annual 
appropriations: Provided further, That the Secretary shall, to the 
maximum extent practicable, administer such vouchers with current 
regulations and administrative guidance applicable for section 8 housing 
vouchers administered by the Secretary of the Department of Housing and 
Urban Development (including the ability to pay administrative costs 
related to delivery of the voucher funds).

[[Page 119 STAT. 2140]]

                   mutual and self-help housing grants

    For grants and contracts pursuant to section 523(b)(1)(A) of the 
Housing Act of 1949 (42 U.S.C. 1490c), $34,000,000, to remain available 
until expended: Provided, That of the total amount appropriated, 
$1,000,000 shall be available through June 30, 2006, for authorized 
empowerment zones and enterprise communities and communities designated 
by the Secretary of Agriculture as Rural Economic Area Partnership 

                     rural housing assistance grants

    For grants and contracts for very low-income housing repair, 
supervisory and technical assistance, compensation for construction 
defects, and rural housing preservation made by the Rural Housing 
Service, as authorized by 42 U.S.C. 1474, 1479(c), 1490e, and 1490m, 
$43,976,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That 
$2,976,000 shall be made available for loans to private non-profit 
organizations, or such non-profit organizations' affiliate loan funds 
and State and local housing finance agencies, to carry out a housing 
demonstration program to provide revolving loans for the preservation of 
low-income multi-family housing projects: Provided further, That loans 
under such demonstration program shall have an interest rate of not more 
than 1 percent direct loan to the recipient: Provided further, That the 
Secretary may defer the interest and principal payment to the Rural 
Housing Service for up to 3 years and the term of such loans shall not 
exceed 30 years: Provided further, That of the total amount 
appropriated, $1,200,000 shall be available through June 30, 2006, for 
authorized empowerment zones and enterprise communities and communities 
designated by the Secretary of Agriculture as Rural Economic Area 
Partnership Zones.

                       farm labor program account

    For the cost of direct loans, grants, and contracts, as authorized 
by 42 U.S.C. 1484 and 1486, $31,168,000, to remain available until 
expended, for direct farm labor housing loans and domestic farm labor 
housing grants and contracts.

                   Rural Business--Cooperative Service

               rural development loan fund program account

                      (including transfer of funds)

    For the principal amount of direct loans, as authorized by the Rural 
Development Loan Fund (42 U.S.C. 9812(a)), $34,212,000.
    For the cost of direct loans, $14,718,000, as authorized by the 
Rural Development Loan Fund (42 U.S.C. 9812(a)), of which $1,724,000 
shall be available through June 30, 2006, for Federally Recognized 
Native American Tribes and of which $3,449,000 shall be available 
through June 30, 2006, for Mississippi Delta Region counties (as 
determined in accordance with Public Law 100-460): Provided, That of 
such amount made available, the Secretary may provide up to $1,500,000 
for the Delta Regional Authority (7 U.S.C. 1921 et seq.): Provided 
further, That such costs, including the cost of modifying such loans, 
shall be as defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget Act of 
1974: Provided further, That

[[Page 119 STAT. 2141]]

of the total amount appropriated, $887,000 shall be available through 
June 30, 2006, for the cost of direct loans for authorized empowerment 
zones and enterprise communities and communities designated by the 
Secretary of Agriculture as Rural Economic Area Partnership Zones.
    In addition, for administrative expenses to carry out the direct 
loan programs, $4,793,000 shall be transferred to and merged with the 
appropriation for ``Rural Development, Salaries and Expenses''.

            rural economic development loans program account

                     (including rescission of funds)

    For the principal amount of direct loans, as authorized under 
section 313 of the Rural Electrification Act, for the purpose of 
promoting rural economic development and job creation projects, 
    For the cost of direct loans, including the cost of modifying loans 
as defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, 
$4,993,000, to remain available until expended.
    Of the funds derived from interest on the cushion of credit 
payments, as authorized by section 313 of the Rural Electrification Act 
of 1936, $170,000,000 shall not be obligated and $170,000,000 are 

                  rural cooperative development grants

    For rural cooperative development grants authorized under section 
310B(e) of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C. 
1932), $29,488,000, of which $500,000 shall be for a cooperative 
research agreement with a qualified academic institution to conduct 
research on the national economic impact of all types of cooperatives; 
and of which $2,500,000 shall be for cooperative agreements for the 
appropriate technology transfer for rural areas program: Provided, That 
not to exceed $1,488,000 shall be for cooperatives or associations of 
cooperatives whose primary focus is to provide assistance to small, 
minority producers and whose governing board and/or membership is 
comprised of at least 75 percent minority; and of which $20,500,000, to 
remain available until expended, shall be for value-added agricultural 
product market development grants, as authorized by section 6401 of the 
Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 1621 note).

        rural empowerment zones and enterprise communities grants

    For grants in connection with second and third rounds of empowerment 
zones and enterprise communities, $11,200,000, to remain available until 
expended, for designated rural empowerment zones and rural enterprise 
communities, as authorized by the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 and the 
Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999 
(Public Law 105-277): Provided, That of the funds appropriated, 
$1,000,000 shall be made available to third round empowerment zones, as 
authorized by the Community Renewal Tax Relief Act (Public Law 106-554).

                        renewable energy program

    For the cost of a program of direct loans, loan guarantees, and 
grants, under the same terms and conditions as authorized

[[Page 119 STAT. 2142]]

by section 9006 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7 
U.S.C. 8106), $23,000,000 for direct and guaranteed renewable energy 
loans and grants: Provided, That the cost of direct loans and loan 
guarantees, including the cost of modifying such loans, shall be as 
defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974.

                         Rural Utilities Service

   rural electrification and telecommunications loans program account

                      (including transfer of funds)

    Insured loans pursuant to the authority of section 305 of the Rural 
Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 935) shall be made as follows: 5 
percent rural electrification loans, $100,000,000; municipal rate rural 
electric loans, $100,000,000; loans made pursuant to section 306 of that 
Act, rural electric, $2,700,000,000; Treasury rate direct electric 
loans, $1,000,000,000; guaranteed underwriting loans pursuant to section 
313A, $1,500,000,000; 5 percent rural telecommunications loans, 
$145,000,000; cost of money rural telecommunications loans, 
$424,000,000; and for loans made pursuant to section 306 of that Act, 
rural telecommunications loans, $125,000,000.
    For the cost, as defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget 
Act of 1974, including the cost of modifying loans, of direct and 
guaranteed loans authorized by sections 305 and 306 of the Rural 
Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 935 and 936), as follows: cost of 
rural electric loans, $6,160,000, and the cost of telecommunications 
loans, $212,000: Provided, That notwithstanding section 305(d)(2) of the 
Rural Electrification Act of 1936, borrower interest rates may exceed 7 
percent per year.
    In addition, for administrative expenses necessary to carry out the 
direct and guaranteed loan programs, $38,784,000 which shall be 
transferred to and merged with the appropriation for ``Rural 
Development, Salaries and Expenses''.

                  rural telephone bank program account

              (including transfer and rescission of funds)

    The Rural Telephone Bank is hereby authorized to make such 
expenditures, within the limits of funds available to such corporation 
in accord with law, and to make such contracts and commitments without 
regard to fiscal year limitations as provided by section 104 of the 
Government Corporation Control Act, as may be necessary in carrying out 
its authorized programs.
    For administrative expenses, including audits, necessary to continue 
to service existing loans, $2,500,000, which shall be transferred to and 
merged with the appropriation for ``Rural Development, Salaries and 
    Of the unobligated balances from the Rural Telephone Bank 
Liquidating Account, $2,500,000 shall not be obligated and $2,500,000 
are rescinded.

[[Page 119 STAT. 2143]]

         distance learning, telemedicine, and broadband program

    For the principal amount of direct distance learning and 
telemedicine loans, $25,000,000; and for the principal amount of 
broadband telecommunication loans, $500,000,000.
    For the cost of direct loans and grants for telemedicine and 
distance learning services in rural areas, as authorized by 7 U.S.C. 
950aaa et seq., $30,375,000, to remain available until expended, of 
which $375,000 shall be for direct loans: Provided, That the cost of 
direct loans shall be as defined in section 502 of the Congressional 
Budget Act of 1974: Provided further, That $5,000,000 shall be made 
available to convert analog to digital operation those noncommercial 
educational television broadcast stations that serve rural areas and are 
qualified for Community Service Grants by the Corporation for Public 
Broadcasting under section 396(k) of the Communications Act of 1934, 
including associated translators and repeaters, regardless of the 
location of their main transmitter, studio-to-transmitter links, and 
equipment to allow local control over digital content and programming 
through the use of high-definition broadcast, multi-casting and 
datacasting technologies.
    For the cost of broadband loans, as authorized by 7 U.S.C. 901 et 
seq., $10,750,000, to remain available until September 30, 2007: 
Provided, That the interest rate for such loans shall be the cost of 
borrowing to the Department of the Treasury for obligations of 
comparable maturity: Provided further, That the cost of direct loans 
shall be as defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget Act of 
    In addition, $9,000,000, to remain available until expended, for a 
grant program to finance broadband transmission in rural areas eligible 
for Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program benefits authorized by 7 
U.S.C. 950aaa.

                                TITLE IV

                         DOMESTIC FOOD PROGRAMS

 Office of the Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

    For necessary salaries and expenses of the Office of the Under 
Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services to administer the 
laws enacted by the Congress for the Food and Nutrition Service, 

                       Food and Nutrition Service

                        child nutrition programs

                     (including transfers of funds)

    For necessary expenses to carry out the National School Lunch Act 
(42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.), except section 21, and the Child Nutrition Act 
of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 1771 et seq.), except sections 17 and 21; 
$12,660,829,000, to remain available through September 30, 2007, of 
which $7,473,208,000 is hereby appropriated and $5,187,621,000 shall be 
derived by transfer from funds available under section 32 of the Act of 
August 24, 1935 (7 U.S.C. 612c): Provided, That none of the funds made 
available under this heading

[[Page 119 STAT. 2144]]

shall be used for studies and evaluations: Provided further, That up to 
$5,235,000 shall be available for independent verification of school 
food service claims.

special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children 

    For necessary expenses to carry out the special supplemental 
nutrition program as authorized by section 17 of the Child Nutrition Act 
of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 1786), $5,257,000,000, to remain available through 
September 30, 2007, of which such sums as are necessary to restore the 
contingency reserve to $125,000,000 shall be placed in reserve, to 
remain available until expended, to be allocated as the Secretary deems 
necessary, notwithstanding section 17(i) of such Act, to support 
participation should cost or participation exceed budget estimates: 
Provided, That of the total amount available, the Secretary shall 
obligate not less than $15,000,000 for a breastfeeding support 
initiative in addition to the activities specified in section 
17(h)(3)(A): Provided further, That only the provisions of section 
17(h)(10)(B)(i) and section 17(h)(10)(B)(ii) shall be effective in 2006; 
including $14,000,000 for the purposes specified in section 
17(h)(10)(B)(i) and $20,000,000 for the purposes specified in section 
17(h)(10)(B)(ii): Provided further, That funds made available for the 
purposes specified in section 17(h)(10)(B)(ii) shall only be made 
available upon a determination by the Secretary that funds are available 
to meet caseload requirements without the use of the contingency reserve 
funds: Provided further, That none of the funds made available under 
this heading shall be used for studies and evaluations: Provided 
further, That none of the funds in this Act shall be available to pay 
administrative expenses of WIC clinics except those that have an 
announced policy of prohibiting smoking within the space used to carry 
out the program: Provided further, That none of the funds provided in 
this account shall be available for the purchase of infant formula 
except in accordance with the cost containment and competitive bidding 
requirements specified in section 17 of such Act: Provided further, That 
none of the funds provided shall be available for activities that are 
not fully reimbursed by other Federal Government departments or agencies 
unless authorized by section 17 of such Act.

                           food stamp program

    For necessary expenses to carry out the Food Stamp Act (7 U.S.C. 
2011 et seq.), $40,711,395,000, of which $3,000,000,000 to remain 
available through September 30, 2007, shall be placed in reserve for use 
only in such amounts and at such times as may become necessary to carry 
out program operations: Provided, That none of the funds made available 
under this heading shall be used for studies and evaluations: Provided 
further, That of the funds made available under this heading and not 
already appropriated to the Food Distribution Program on Indian 
Reservations (FDPIR) established under section 4(b) of the Food Stamp 
Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 2013(b)), not less than $3,000,000 shall be used 
to purchase bison meat for the FDPIR from Native American bison 
producers as well as from producer-owned cooperatives of bison ranchers: 
Provided further, That funds provided herein shall be expended in 
accordance with section 16 of the Food Stamp Act: Provided 
further, <<NOTE: Workfare.>> That this appropriation shall be subject to 

[[Page 119 STAT. 2145]]

work registration or workfare requirements as may be required by law: 
Provided further, That funds made available for Employment and Training 
under this heading shall remain available until expended, as authorized 
by section 16(h)(1) of the Food Stamp Act: Provided further, That 
notwithstanding section 5(d) of the Food Stamp Act of 1977, any 
additional payment received under chapter 5 of title 37, United States 
Code, by a member of the United States Armed Forces deployed to a 
designated combat zone shall be excluded from household income for the 
duration of the member's deployment if the additional pay is the result 
of deployment to or while serving in a combat zone, and it was not 
received immediately prior to serving in the combat zone.

                      commodity assistance program

    For necessary expenses to carry out disaster assistance and the 
commodity supplemental food program as authorized by section 4(a) of the 
Agriculture and Consumer Protection Act of 1973 (7 U.S.C. 612c note); 
the Emergency Food Assistance Act of 1983; special assistance (in a form 
determined by the Secretary of Agriculture) for the nuclear affected 
islands, as authorized by section 103(f)(2) of the Compact of Free 
Association Amendments Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-188); and the 
Farmers' Market Nutrition Program, as authorized by section 17(m) of the 
Child Nutrition Act of 1966, $179,366,000, to remain available through 
September 30, 2007: Provided, That none of these funds shall be 
available to reimburse the Commodity Credit Corporation for commodities 
donated to the program: Provided further, That notwithstanding any other 
provision of law, effective with funds made available in fiscal year 
2006 to support the Seniors Farmers' Market Nutrition Program, as 
authorized by section 4402 of Public Law 107-171, such funds shall 
remain available through September 30, 2007: Provided further, That of 
the funds made available under section 27(a) of the Food Stamp Act of 
1977 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.), the Secretary may use up to $10,000,000 
for costs associated with the distribution of commodities.

                    nutrition programs administration

    For necessary administrative expenses of the domestic nutrition 
assistance programs funded under this Act, $140,761,000.

                                 TITLE V


                      Foreign Agricultural Service

                          salaries and expenses

                     (including transfers of funds)

    For necessary expenses of the Foreign Agricultural Service, 
including carrying out title VI of the Agricultural Act of 1954 (7 
U.S.C. 1761-1768), market development activities abroad, and for 
enabling the Secretary to coordinate and integrate activities of the 
Department in connection with foreign agricultural work, including not 
to exceed $158,000 for representation allowances and for expenses 
pursuant to section 8 of the Act approved August

[[Page 119 STAT. 2146]]

3, 1956 (7 U.S.C. 1766), $147,901,000: Provided, That the Service may 
utilize advances of funds, or reimburse this appropriation for 
expenditures made on behalf of Federal agencies, public and private 
organizations and institutions under agreements executed pursuant to the 
agricultural food production assistance programs (7 U.S.C. 1737) and the 
foreign assistance programs of the United States Agency for 
International Development.

   public law 480 title i direct credit and food for progress program 

                     (including transfers of funds)

    For the cost, as defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget 
Act of 1974, of agreements under the Agricultural Trade Development and 
Assistance Act of 1954, and the Food for Progress Act of 1985, including 
the cost of modifying credit arrangements under said Acts, $65,040,000, 
to remain available until expended: Provided, That the Secretary of 
Agriculture may implement a commodity monetization program under 
existing provisions of the Food for Progress Act of 1985 to provide no 
less than $5,000,000 in local-currency funding support for rural 
electrification development overseas.
    In addition, for administrative expenses to carry out the credit 
program of title I, Public Law 83-480, and the Food for Progress Act of 
1985, to the extent funds appropriated for Public Law 83-480 are 
utilized, $3,385,000, of which $168,000 may be transferred to and merged 
with the appropriation for ``Foreign Agricultural Service, Salaries and 
Expenses'', and of which $3,217,000 may be transferred to and merged 
with the appropriation for ``Farm Service Agency, Salaries and 

        public law 480 title i ocean freight differential grants

                      (including transfer of funds)

    For ocean freight differential costs for the shipment of 
agricultural commodities under title I of the Agricultural Trade 
Development and Assistance Act of 1954 and under the Food for Progress 
Act of 1985, $11,940,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, 
That funds made available for the cost of agreements under title I of 
the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 and for 
title I ocean freight differential may be used interchangeably between 
the two accounts with prior notice to the Committees on Appropriations 
of both Houses of Congress.

                     public law 480 title ii grants

    For expenses during the current fiscal year, not otherwise 
recoverable, and unrecovered prior years' costs, including interest 
thereon, under the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 
1954, for commodities supplied in connection with dispositions abroad 
under title II of said Act, $1,150,000,000, to remain available until 

[[Page 119 STAT. 2147]]

        commodity credit corporation export loans program account

                     (including transfers of funds)

    For administrative expenses to carry out the Commodity Credit 
Corporation's export guarantee program, GSM 102 and GSM 103, $5,279,000; 
to cover common overhead expenses as permitted by section 11 of the 
Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act and in conformity with the 
Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, of which $3,440,000 may be 
transferred to and merged with the appropriation for ``Foreign 
Agricultural Service, Salaries and Expenses'', and of which $1,839,000 
may be transferred to and merged with the appropriation for ``Farm 
Service Agency, Salaries and Expenses''.

  mc govern-dole international food for education and child nutrition 
                             program grants

    For necessary expenses to carry out the provisions of section 3107 
of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 1736o-
1), $100,000,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That the 
Commodity Credit Corporation is authorized to provide the services, 
facilities, and authorities for the purpose of implementing such 
section, subject to reimbursement from amounts provided herein.

                                TITLE VI



                      Food and Drug Administration

                          salaries and expenses

    For necessary expenses of the Food and Drug Administration, 
including hire and purchase of passenger motor vehicles; for payment of 
space rental and related costs pursuant to Public Law 92-313 for 
programs and activities of the Food and Drug Administration which are 
included in this Act; for rental of special purpose space in the 
District of Columbia or elsewhere; for miscellaneous and emergency 
expenses of enforcement activities, authorized and approved by the 
Secretary and to be accounted for solely on the Secretary's certificate, 
not to exceed $25,000; and notwithstanding section 521 of Public Law 
107-188; $1,838,567,000: Provided, That of the amount provided under 
this heading, $305,332,000 shall be derived from prescription drug user 
fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 379h, shall be credited to this account and 
remain available until expended, and shall not include any fees pursuant 
to 21 U.S.C. 379h(a)(2) and (a)(3) assessed for fiscal year 2007 but 
collected in fiscal year 2006; $40,300,000 shall be derived from medical 
device user fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 379j, and shall be credited to 
this account and remain available until expended; and $11,318,000 shall 
be derived from animal drug user fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 379j, and 
shall be credited to this account and remain available until expended: 
Provided further, That fees derived from prescription drug, medical 
device, and animal drug assessments received during fiscal year 2006, 
including any such fees assessed

[[Page 119 STAT. 2148]]

prior to the current fiscal year but credited during the current year, 
shall be subject to the fiscal year 2006 limitation: Provided further, 
That none of these funds shall be used to develop, establish, or operate 
any program of user fees authorized by 31 U.S.C. 9701: Provided further, 
That of the total amount appropriated: (1) $443,153,000 shall be for the 
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition and related field 
activities in the Office of Regulatory Affairs; (2) $520,564,000 shall 
be for the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research and related field 
activities in the Office of Regulatory Affairs; (3) $178,714,000 shall 
be for the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research and for related 
field activities in the Office of Regulatory Affairs; (4) $99,787,000 
shall be for the Center for Veterinary Medicine and for related field 
activities in the Office of Regulatory Affairs; (5) $245,770,000 shall 
be for the Center for Devices and Radiological Health and for related 
field activities in the Office of Regulatory Affairs; (6) $41,152,000 
shall be for the National Center for Toxicological Research; (7) 
$58,515,000 shall be for Rent and Related activities, of which 
$21,974,000 is for White Oak Consolidation, other than the amounts paid 
to the General Services Administration for rent; (8) $134,853,000 shall 
be for payments to the General Services Administration for rent; and (9) 
$116,059,000 shall be for other activities, including the Office of the 
Commissioner; the Office of Management; the Office of External 
Relations; the Office of Policy and Planning; and central services for 
these offices: Provided further, That funds may be transferred from one 
specified activity to another with the prior approval of the Committees 
on Appropriations of both Houses of Congress.
    In addition, mammography user fees authorized by 42 U.S.C. 263b may 
be credited to this account, to remain available until expended.
    In addition, export certification user fees authorized by 21 U.S.C. 
381 may be credited to this account, to remain available until expended.

                        buildings and facilities

    For plans, construction, repair, improvement, extension, alteration, 
and purchase of fixed equipment or facilities of or used by the Food and 
Drug Administration, where not otherwise provided, $8,000,000, to remain 
available until expended.

                          INDEPENDENT AGENCIES

                  Commodity Futures Trading Commission

    For necessary expenses to carry out the provisions of the Commodity 
Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 1 et seq.), including the purchase and hire of 
passenger motor vehicles, and the rental of space (to include multiple 
year leases) in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, $98,386,000, 
including not to exceed $3,000 for official reception and representation 

[[Page 119 STAT. 2149]]

                       Farm Credit Administration

                  limitation on administrative expenses

    Not to exceed $44,250,000 (from assessments collected from farm 
credit institutions and from the Federal Agricultural Mortgage 
Corporation) shall be obligated during the current fiscal year for 
administrative expenses as authorized under 12 U.S.C. 2249: Provided, 
That this limitation shall not apply to expenses associated with 

                                TITLE VII

                           GENERAL PROVISIONS

             (including rescissions and transfers of funds)

    Sec. 701. Within the unit limit of cost fixed by law, appropriations 
and authorizations made for the Department of Agriculture for the 
current fiscal year under this Act shall be available for the purchase, 
in addition to those specifically provided for, of not to exceed 320 
passenger motor vehicles, of which 320 shall be for replacement only, 
and for the hire of such vehicles.
    Sec. 702. <<NOTE: 7 USC 2209g.>> Hereafter, funds appropriated by 
this or any other Appropriations Act to the Department of Agriculture 
(excluding the Forest Service) shall be available for uniforms or 
allowances as authorized by law (5 U.S.C. 5901-5902).

    Sec. 703. <<NOTE: 7 USC 2225a.>> Hereafter, funds appropriated by 
this or any other Appropriations Act to the Department of Agriculture 
(excluding the Forest Service) shall be available for employment 
pursuant to the second sentence of section 706(a) of the Department of 
Agriculture Organic Act of 1944 (7 U.S.C. 2225) and 5 U.S.C. 3109.

    Sec. 704. <<NOTE: 7 USC 2209b.>> New obligational authority provided 
for the following appropriation items in this Act shall remain available 
until expended: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, the 
contingency fund to meet emergency conditions, information technology 
infrastructure, fruit fly program, emerging plant pests, boll weevil 
program, low pathogen avian influenza program, up to $33,340,000 in 
animal health monitoring and surveillance for the animal identification 
system, up to $1,500,000 in the scrapie program for indemnities, up to 
$3,000,000 in the emergency management systems program for the vaccine 
bank, up to $1,000,000 for wildlife services methods development, up to 
$1,000,000 of the wildlife services operations program for aviation 
safety, and up to 25 percent of the screwworm program; Food Safety and 
Inspection Service, field automation and information management project; 
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, funds for 
competitive research grants (7 U.S.C. 450i(b)), funds for the Research, 
Education, and Economics Information System, and funds for the Native 
American Institutions Endowment Fund; Farm Service Agency, salaries and 
expenses funds made available to county committees; Foreign Agricultural 
Service, middle-income country training program, and up to $2,000,000 of 
the Foreign Agricultural Service appropriation solely for the purpose of 
offsetting fluctuations in international currency exchange rates, 
subject to documentation by the Foreign Agricultural Service.

[[Page 119 STAT. 2150]]

    Sec. 705. The Secretary of Agriculture may transfer unobligated 
balances of discretionary funds appropriated by this Act or other 
available unobligated discretionary balances of the Department of 
Agriculture to the Working Capital Fund for the acquisition of plant and 
capital equipment necessary for the delivery of financial, 
administrative, and information technology services of primary benefit 
to the agencies of the Department of Agriculture: Provided, That none of 
the funds made available by this Act or any other Act shall be 
transferred to the Working Capital Fund without the prior approval of 
the agency administrator: Provided further, That none of the funds 
transferred to the Working Capital Fund pursuant to this section shall 
be available for obligation without the prior approval of the Committees 
on Appropriations of both Houses of Congress.
    Sec. 706. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall 
remain available for obligation beyond the current fiscal year unless 
expressly so provided herein.
    Sec. 707. <<NOTE: 7 USC 1766b note.>> Hereafter, not to exceed 
$50,000 in each fiscal year of the funds appropriated by this or any 
other Appropriations Act to the Department of Agriculture (excluding the 
Forest Service) shall be available to provide appropriate orientation 
and language training pursuant to section 606C of the Act of August 28, 
1954 (7 U.S.C. 1766b).

    Sec. 708. No funds appropriated by this Act may be used to pay 
negotiated indirect cost rates on cooperative agreements or similar 
arrangements between the United States Department of Agriculture and 
nonprofit institutions in excess of 10 percent of the total direct cost 
of the agreement when the purpose of such cooperative arrangements is to 
carry out programs of mutual interest between the two parties. This does 
not preclude appropriate payment of indirect costs on grants and 
contracts with such institutions when such indirect costs are computed 
on a similar basis for all agencies for which appropriations are 
provided in this Act.
    Sec. 709. None of the funds in this Act shall be available to pay 
indirect costs charged against competitive agricultural research, 
education, or extension grant awards issued by the Cooperative State 
Research, Education, and Extension Service that exceed 20 percent of 
total Federal funds provided under each award: Provided, That 
notwithstanding section 1462 of the National Agricultural Research, 
Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3310), funds 
provided by this Act for grants awarded competitively by the Cooperative 
State Research, Education, and Extension Service shall be available to 
pay full allowable indirect costs for each grant awarded under section 9 
of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 638).
    Sec. 710. <<NOTE: 7 USC 2208a.>> Hereafter, loan levels provided in 
this or any other Appropriations Act to the Department of Agriculture 
shall be considered estimates, not limitations.

    Sec. 711. Appropriations to the Department of Agriculture for the 
cost of direct and guaranteed loans made available in the current fiscal 
year shall remain available until expended to cover obligations made in 
the current fiscal year for the following accounts: the Rural 
Development Loan Fund program account, the Rural Electrification and 
Telecommunication Loans program account, and the Rural Housing Insurance 
Fund program account.

[[Page 119 STAT. 2151]]

    Sec. 712. Of the funds made available by this Act, not more than 
$1,800,000 shall be used to cover necessary expenses of activities 
related to all advisory committees, panels, commissions, and task forces 
of the Department of Agriculture, except for panels used to comply with 
negotiated rule makings and panels used to evaluate competitively 
awarded grants.
    Sec. 713. None of the funds appropriated by this Act may be used to 
carry out section 410 of the Federal Meat Inspection Act (21 U.S.C. 
679a) or section 30 of the Poultry Products Inspection Act (21 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 714. No employee of the Department of Agriculture may be 
detailed or assigned from an agency or office funded by this Act to any 
other agency or office of the Department for more than 30 days unless 
the individual's employing agency or office is fully reimbursed by the 
receiving agency or office for the salary and expenses of the employee 
for the period of assignment.
    Sec. 715. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
to the Department of Agriculture or the Food and Drug Administration 
shall be used to transmit or otherwise make available to any non-
Department of Agriculture or non-Department of Health and Human Services 
employee questions or responses to questions that are a result of 
information requested for the appropriations hearing process.
    Sec. 716. None of the funds made available to the Department of 
Agriculture by this Act may be used to acquire new information 
technology systems or significant upgrades, as determined by the Office 
of the Chief Information Officer, without the approval of the Chief 
Information Officer and the concurrence of the Executive Information 
Technology Investment Review Board: Provided, That notwithstanding any 
other provision of law, none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made 
available by this Act may be transferred to the Office of the Chief 
Information Officer without the prior approval of the Committees on 
Appropriations of both Houses of Congress: Provided further, That none 
of the funds available to the Department of Agriculture for information 
technology shall be obligated for projects over $25,000 prior to receipt 
of written approval by the Chief Information Officer.
    Sec. 717. (a) None of the funds provided by this Act, or provided by 
previous Appropriations Acts to the agencies funded by this Act that 
remain available for obligation or expenditure in the current fiscal 
year, or provided from any accounts in the Treasury of the United States 
derived by the collection of fees available to the agencies funded by 
this Act, shall be available for obligation or expenditure through a 
reprogramming of funds which--
            (1) creates new programs;
            (2) eliminates a program, project, or activity;
            (3) increases funds or personnel by any means for any 
        project or activity for which funds have been denied or 
            (4) relocates an office or employees;
            (5) reorganizes offices, programs, or activities; or
            (6) <<NOTE: Notification.>> contracts out or privatizes any 
        functions or activities presently performed by Federal 
        employees; unless the Committees on Appropriations of both 
        Houses of Congress are notified 15 days in advance of such 
        reprogramming of funds.

    (b) <<NOTE: Notification.>> None of the funds provided by this Act, 
or provided by previous Appropriations Acts to the agencies funded by 
this Act

[[Page 119 STAT. 2152]]

that remain available for obligation or expenditure in the current 
fiscal year, or provided from any accounts in the Treasury of the United 
States derived by the collection of fees available to the agencies 
funded by this Act, shall be available for obligation or expenditure for 
activities, programs, or projects through a reprogramming of funds in 
excess of $500,000 or 10 percent, which-ever is less, that: (1) augments 
existing programs, projects, or activities; (2) reduces by 10 percent 
funding for any existing program, project, or activity, or numbers of 
personnel by 10 percent as approved by Congress; or (3) results from any 
general savings from a reduction in personnel which would result in a 
change in existing programs, activities, or projects as approved by 
Congress; unless the Committees on Appropriations of both Houses of 
Congress are notified 15 days in advance of such reprogramming of funds.

    (c) <<NOTE: Notification.>> The Secretary of Agriculture, the 
Secretary of Health and Human Services, or the Chairman of the Commodity 
Futures Trading Commission shall notify the Committees on Appropriations 
of both Houses of Congress before implementing a program or activity not 
carried out during the previous fiscal year unless the program or 
activity is funded by this Act or specifically funded by any other Act.

    Sec. 718. With the exception of funds needed to administer and 
conduct oversight of grants awarded and obligations incurred in prior 
fiscal years, none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
by this or any other Act may be used to pay the salaries and expenses of 
personnel to carry out the provisions of section 401 of Public Law 105-
185, the Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (7 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 719. None of the funds appropriated by this or any other Act 
shall be used to pay the salaries and expenses of personnel who prepare 
or submit appropriations language as part of the President's Budget 
submission to the Congress of the United States for programs under the 
jurisdiction of the Appropriations Subcommittees on Agriculture, Rural 
Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies that 
assumes revenues or reflects a reduction from the previous year due to 
user fees proposals that have not been enacted into law prior to the 
submission of the Budget unless such Budget submission identifies which 
additional spending reductions should occur in the event the user fees 
proposals are not enacted prior to the date of the convening of a 
committee of conference for the fiscal year 2007 appropriations Act.
    Sec. 720. None of the funds made available by this or any other Act 
may be used to close or relocate a State Rural Development office unless 
or until cost effectiveness and enhancement of program delivery have 
been determined.
    Sec. 721. In addition to amounts otherwise appropriated or made 
available by this Act, $2,500,000 is appropriated for the purpose of 
providing Bill Emerson and Mickey Leland Hunger Fellowships, through the 
Congressional Hunger Center.
    Sec. 722. <<NOTE: 7 USC 1736f note.>> Hereafter, notwithstanding 
section 412 of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 
1954 (7 U.S.C. 1736f), any balances available to carry out title III of 
such Act as of the date of enactment of this Act, and any recoveries and 
reimbursements that become available to carry out title III of such Act, 
may be used to carry out title II of such Act.

[[Page 119 STAT. 2153]]

    Sec. 723. There is hereby appropriated $1,250,000 for a grant to the 
National Sheep Industry Improvement Center, to remain available until 
    Sec. 724. The Secretary of Agriculture shall--
            (1) as soon as practicable after the date of enactment of 
        this Act, conduct an evaluation of any impacts of the court 
        decision in Harvey v. Veneman, 396 F.3d 28 (1st Cir. Me. 2005); 
            (2) <<NOTE: Deadline. Reports.>> not later than 90 days 
        after the date of enactment of this Act, submit to Congress a 
        report that--
                    (A) describes the results of the evaluation 
                conducted under paragraph (1);
                    (B) includes a determination by the Secretary on 
                whether restoring the National Organic Program, as in 
                effect on the day before the date of the court decision 
                described in paragraph (1), would adversely affect 
                organic farmers, organic food processors, and consumers;
                    (C) analyzes issues regarding the use of synthetic 
                ingredients in processing and handling;
                    (D) analyzes the utility of expedited petitions for 
                commercially unavailable agricultural commodities and 
                products; and
                    (E) considers the use of crops and forage from land 
                included in the organic system plan of dairy farms that 
                are in the third year of organic management.

    Sec. 725. <<NOTE: HIV/AIDS. 7 USC 1431f.>> Hereafter, of any 
shipments of commodities made pursuant to section 416(b) of the 
Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 1431(b)), the Secretary of 
Agriculture shall, to the extent practicable, direct that tonnage equal 
in value to not more than $25,000,000 shall be made available to foreign 
countries to assist in mitigating the effects of the Human 
Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome on 
communities, including the provision of--
            (1) agricultural commodities to--
                    (A) individuals with Human Immunodeficiency Virus or 
                Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in the communities; 
                    (B) households in the communities, particularly 
                individuals caring for orphaned children; and
            (2) agricultural commodities monetized to provide other 
        assistance (including assistance under microcredit and 
        microenterprise programs) to create or restore sustainable 
        livelihoods among individuals in the communities, particularly 
        individuals caring for orphaned children.

    Sec. 726. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Natural 
Resources Conservation Service shall provide financial and technical 
            (1) from funds available for the Watershed and Flood 
        Prevention Operations program--
                    (A) to the Kane County, Illinois, Indian Creek 
                Watershed Flood Prevention Project, in an amount not to 
                exceed $1,000,000;
                    (B) for the Muskingam River Watershed, Mohican 
                River, Jerome and Muddy Fork, Ohio, obstruction removal 
                projects, in an amount not to exceed $1,800,000;

[[Page 119 STAT. 2154]]

                    (C) to the Hickory Creek Special Drainage District, 
                Bureau County, Illinois, in an amount not to exceed 
                $50,000; and
                    (D) to the Little Red River Irrigation project, 
                Arkansas, in an amount not to exceed $210,000;
            (2) through the Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations 
        program for--
                    (A) the Matanuska River erosion control project in 
                    (B) the Little Otter Creek project in Missouri;
                    (C) the Manoa Watershed project in Hawaii;
                    (D) the West Tarkio project in Iowa;
                    (E) the Steeple Run and West Branch DuPage River 
                Watershed projects in DuPage County, Illinois; and
                    (F) the Coal Creek project in Utah;
            (3) through the Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations 
        program to carry out the East Locust Creek Watershed Plan 
        Revision in Missouri, including up to 100 percent of the 
        engineering assistance and 75 percent cost share for 
        construction cost of site RW1; and
            (4) through funds of the Conservation Operations program 
        provided for the Utah Conservation Initiative for completion of 
        the American Fork water quality and habitat restoration project 
        in Utah.

    Sec. 727. Hereafter, none of the funds made available in this Act 
may be transferred to any department, agency, or instrumentality of the 
United States Government, except pursuant to a transfer made by, or 
transfer authority provided in, this or any other appropriation Act.
    Sec. 728. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, of the funds 
made available in this Act for competitive research grants (7 U.S.C. 
450i(b)), the Secretary may use up to 22 percent of the amount provided 
to carry out a competitive grants program under the same terms and 
conditions as those provided in section 401 of the Agricultural 
Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act of 1998 (7 U.S.C. 7621).
    Sec. 729. None of the funds appropriated or made available by this 
or any other Act may be used to pay the salaries and expenses of 
personnel to carry out section 14(h)(1) of the Watershed Protection and 
Flood Prevention Act (16 U.S.C. 1012(h)(1)).
    Sec. 730. <<NOTE: Missouri.>> None of the funds made available to 
the Food and Drug Administration by this Act shall be used to close or 
relocate, or to plan to close or relocate, the Food and Drug 
Administration Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis in St. Louis, 
Missouri, outside the city or county limits of St. Louis, Missouri.

    Sec. 731. None of the funds appropriated or made available by this 
or any other Act may be used to pay the salaries and expenses of 
personnel to carry out subtitle I of the Consolidated Farm and Rural 
Development Act (7 U.S.C. 2009dd through dd-7).
    Sec. 732. <<NOTE: 7 USC 2209h.>> Hereafter, agencies and offices of 
the Department of Agriculture may utilize any unobligated salaries and 
expenses funds to reimburse the Office of the General Counsel for 
salaries and expenses of personnel, and for other related expenses, 
incurred in representing such agencies and offices in the resolution of 
complaints by employees or applicants for employment, and in cases

[[Page 119 STAT. 2155]]

and other matters pending before the Equal Employment Opportunity 
Commission, the Federal Labor Relations Authority, or the Merit Systems 
Protection Board with the prior approval of the Committees on 
Appropriations of both Houses of Congress.

    Sec. 733. None of the funds appropriated or made available by this 
or any other Act may be used to pay the salaries and expenses of 
personnel to carry out section 6405 of Public Law 107-171 (7 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 734. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
by this or any other Act shall be used to pay the salaries and expenses 
of personnel to enroll in excess of 150,000 acres in the calendar year 
2006 wetlands reserve program as authorized by 16 U.S.C. 3837.
    Sec. 735. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
by this or any other Act shall be used to pay the salaries and expenses 
of personnel who carry out an environmental quality incentives program 
authorized by chapter 4 of subtitle D of title XII of the Food Security 
Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa et seq.) in excess of $1,017,000,000.
    Sec. 736. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
by this or any other Act shall be used to pay the salaries and expenses 
of personnel to expend the $23,000,000 made available by section 9006(f) 
of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 737. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
under this or any other Act shall be used to pay the salaries and 
expenses of personnel to expend the $80,000,000 made available by 
section 601(j)(1) of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 738. None of the funds made available in fiscal year 2006 or 
preceding fiscal years for programs authorized under the Agricultural 
Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 (7 U.S.C. 1691 et seq.) in 
excess of $20,000,000 shall be used to reimburse the Commodity Credit 
Corporation for the release of eligible commodities under section 
302(f)(2)(A) of the Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust Act (7 U.S.C. 1736f-
1): Provided, That any such funds made available to reimburse the 
Commodity Credit Corporation shall only be used pursuant to section 
302(b)(2)(B)(i) of the Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust Act.
    Sec. 739. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
by this or any other Act shall be used to pay the salaries and expenses 
of personnel to expend the $120,000,000 made available by section 
6401(a) of Public Law 107-171.
    Sec. 740. Notwithstanding subsections (c) and (e)(2) of section 313A 
of the Rural Electrification Act (7 U.S.C. 940c(c) and (e)(2)) in 
implementing section 313A of that Act, the Secretary shall, with the 
consent of the lender, structure the schedule for payment of the annual 
fee, not to exceed an average of 30 basis points per year for the term 
of the loan, to ensure that sufficient funds are available to pay the 
subsidy costs for note guarantees under that section.
    Sec. 741. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
by this or any other Act shall be used to pay the salaries and expenses 
of personnel to carry out a Conservation Security Program authorized by 
16 U.S.C. 3838 et seq., in excess of $259,000,000.

[[Page 119 STAT. 2156]]

    Sec. 742. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
by this or any other Act shall be used to pay the salaries and expenses 
of personnel to carry out section 2502 of Public Law 107-171 in excess 
of $43,000,000.
    Sec. 743. Of the unobligated balances available in the Special 
Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children reserve 
account, $32,000,000 is hereby rescinded.
    Sec. 744. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
by this or any other Act shall be used to pay the salaries and expenses 
of personnel to carry out section 2503 of Public Law 107-171 in excess 
of $73,500,000.
    Sec. 745. With the exception of funds provided in fiscal year 2005, 
none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this or 
any other Act shall be used to carry out section 6029 of Public Law 107-
    Sec. 746. Hereafter, none of the funds appropriated or otherwise 
made available in this Act shall be expended to violate Public Law 105-
    Sec. 747. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
by this or any other Act shall be used to pay the salaries and expenses 
of personnel to carry out a ground and surface water conservation 
program authorized by section 2301 of Public Law 107-171 in excess of 
    Sec. 748. None of the funds made available by this Act may be used 
to issue a final rule in furtherance of, or otherwise implement, the 
proposed rule on cost-sharing for animal and plant health emergency 
programs of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service published on 
July 8, 2003 (Docket No. 02-062-1; 68 Fed. Reg. 40541).
    Sec. 749. <<NOTE: 7 USC 426d.>> Hereafter, notwithstanding any other 
provision of law, the Secretary of Agriculture may use appropriations 
available to the Secretary for activities authorized under sections 426-
426c of title 7, United States Code, under this or any other Act, to 
enter into cooperative agreements, with a State, political subdivision, 
or agency thereof, a public or private agency, organization, or any 
other person, to lease aircraft if the Secretary determines that the 
objectives of the agreement will: (1) serve a mutual interest of the 
parties to the agreement in carrying out the programs administered by 
the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Wildlife Services; and 
(2) all parties will contribute resources to the accomplishment of these 
objectives; award of a cooperative agreement authorized by the Secretary 
may be made for an initial term not to exceed 5 years.

    Sec. 750. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
by this or any other Act shall be used to pay the salaries and expenses 
of personnel to carry out section 9010 of Public Law 107-171 in excess 
of $60,000,000.
    Sec. 751. <<NOTE: 7 USC 2209i.>> Hereafter, agencies and offices of 
the Department of Agriculture may utilize any available discretionary 
funds to cover the costs of preparing, or contracting for the 
preparation of, final agency decisions regarding complaints of 
discrimination in employment or program activities arising within such 
agencies and offices.

    Sec. 752. Funds made available under section 1240I and section 
1241(a) of the Food Security Act of 1985 in the current fiscal year 
shall remain available until expended to cover obligations

[[Page 119 STAT. 2157]]

made in the current fiscal year, and are not available for new 
    Sec. 753. There is hereby appropriated $750,000, to remain available 
until expended, for the Denali Commission to address deficiencies in 
solid waste disposal sites which threaten to contaminate rural drinking 
water supplies.
    Sec. 754. <<NOTE: Alaska. Grants.>> Notwithstanding any other 
provision of law--
            (1) the City of Palmer, Alaska shall be eligible to receive 
        a water and waste disposal grant under section 306(a) of the 
        Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C. 1926(a)) 
        in an amount that is equal to not more than 75 percent of the 
        total cost of providing water and sewer service to the proposed 
        hospital in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska;
            (2) or any percentage of cost limitation in current law or 
        regulations, the construction projects known as the Tri-Valley 
        Community Center addition in Healy, Alaska; the Cold Climate 
        Housing Research Center in Fairbanks, Alaska; and the University 
        of Alaska-Fairbanks Allied Health Learning Center skill labs/
        classrooms shall be eligible to receive Community Facilities 
        grants in amounts that are equal to not more than 75 percent of 
        the total facility costs: Provided, That for the purposes of 
        this paragraph, the Cold Climate Housing Research Center is 
        designated an ``essential community facility'' for rural Alaska;
            (3) <<NOTE: 42 USC 1472 note.>> for any fiscal year and 
        hereafter, in the case of a high cost isolated rural area in 
        Alaska that is not connected to a road system, the maximum level 
        for the single family housing assistance shall be 150 percent of 
        the median household income level in the nonmetropolitan areas 
        of the State and 115 percent of all other eligible areas of the 
        State; and
            (4) any former RUS borrower that has repaid or prepaid an 
        insured, direct or guaranteed loan under the Rural 
        Electrification Act, or any not-for-profit utility that is 
        eligible to receive an insured or direct loan under such Act, 
        shall be eligible for assistance under Section 313(b)(2)(B) of 
        such Act in the same manner as a borrower under such Act.

    Sec. 755. There is hereby appropriated $1,000,000, to remain 
available until expended, for a grant to the Ohio Livestock Expo Center 
in Springfield, Ohio.
    Sec. 756. <<NOTE: 7 USC 1926f.>> Hereafter, notwithstanding the 
provisions of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (including 
the associated regulations) governing the Community Facilities Program, 
the Secretary may allow all Community Facility Program facility 
borrowers and grantees to enter into contracts with not-for-profit third 
parties for services consistent with the requirements of the Program, 
grant, and/or loan: Provided, That the contracts protect the interests 
of the Government regarding cost, liability, maintenance, and 
administrative fees.

    Sec. 757. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
by this or any other Act shall be used to pay the salaries and expenses 
of personnel to carry out an Agricultural Management Assistance Program 
as authorized by section 524 of the Federal Crop Insurance Act in excess 
of $6,000,000 (7 U.S.C. 1524).
    Sec. 758. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary 
of Agriculture is authorized to make funding and other assistance 
available through the emergency watershed protection

[[Page 119 STAT. 2158]]

program under section 403 of the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 (16 
U.S.C. 2203) to repair and prevent damage to non-Federal land in 
watersheds that have been impaired by fires initiated by the Federal 
Government and shall waive cost sharing requirements for the funding and 
    Sec. 759. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
by this or any other Act shall be used to pay the salaries and expenses 
of personnel to carry out a Biomass Research and Development Program in 
excess of $12,000,000, as authorized by Public Law 106-224 (7 U.S.C. 
7624 note).
    Sec. 760. None of the funds provided in this Act may be used for 
salaries and expenses to carry out any regulation or rule insofar as it 
would make ineligible for enrollment in the conservation reserve program 
established under subchapter B of chapter 1 of subtitle D of title XII 
of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3831 et seq.) land that is 
planted to hardwood trees as of the date of enactment of this Act and 
was enrolled in the conservation reserve program under a contract that 
expired prior to calendar year 2002.
    Sec. 761. <<NOTE: Arizona.>> Notwithstanding 40 U.S.C. 524, 571, and 
572, the Secretary of Agriculture may sell the US Water Conservation 
Laboratory, Phoenix, Arizona, and credit the net proceeds of such sale 
as offsetting collections to its Agricultural Research Service Buildings 
and Facilities account. Such funds shall be available until September 
30, 2007 to be used to replace these facilities and to improve other 
USDA-owned facilities.

    Sec. 762. None of the funds provided in this Act may be used for 
salaries and expenses to draft or implement any regulation or rule 
insofar as it would require recertification of rural status for each 
electric and telecommunications borrower for the Rural Electrification 
and Telecommunication Loans program.
    Sec. 763. The Secretary of Agriculture may use any unobligated 
carryover funds made available for any program administered by the Rural 
Utilities Service (not including funds made available under the heading 
``Rural Community Advancement Program'' in any Act of appropriation) to 
carry out section 315 of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 764. There is hereby appropriated $650,000, to remain available 
until expended, to carry out provisions of section 751 of division A of 
Public Law 108-7.
    Sec. 765. <<NOTE: State listing. Loans. Grants.>> (a) 
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and until the receipt of the 
decennial Census in the year 2010, the Secretary of Agriculture shall 
            (1) the City of Bridgeton, New Jersey, the City of Kinston, 
        North Carolina, and the City of Portsmouth, Ohio as rural areas 
        for the purposes of Rural Housing Service Community Facilities 
        Program loans and grants;
            (2) the Township of Bloomington, Illinois (including 
        individuals and entities with projects within Township) shall be 
        eligible for Rural Housing Service Community Facilities Programs 
        loans and grants;
            (3) the City of Lone Grove, Oklahoma (including individuals 
        and entities with projects within the city) shall be eligible 
        for Rural Housing Service Community Facilities Program loans and 
            (4) the City of Butte/Silverbow, Montana, rural areas for 
        purposes of eligibility for Rural Utilities Service water and

[[Page 119 STAT. 2159]]

        waste water loans and grants and Rural Housing Service Community 
        Facilities Program loans and grants;
            (5) Cleburne County, Arkansas, rural areas for purposes of 
        eligibility of Rural Utilities Service water and waste water 
        loans and grants;
            (6) the designated Census track areas for the Upper Kanawha 
        Valley Enterprise Community, West Virginia, rural areas for 
        purposes of eligibility for rural empowerment zones and 
        enterprise community programs in the rural development mission 
            (7) the Municipality of Carolina, Puerto Rico, as meeting 
        the eligibility requirements for Rural Utilities Service water 
        and waste water loans and grants;
            (8) the Municipalities of Vega Baja, Manati, Guayama, 
        Fajardo, Humacao, and Naguabo, Puerto Rico, (including 
        individuals and entities with projects within the 
        Municipalities) shall be eligible for Rural Community 
        Advancement Program loans and grants and intermediate relending 
            (9) the City of Hidalgo, Texas as a rural area for the 
        purpose of the Rural Business-Cooperative Service Rural Business 
        Enterprise Grant Program;
            (10) the City of Elgin, Oklahoma (including individuals and 
        entities with projects within the city) shall be eligible for 
        Rural Utilities Service water and waste water loans and grants; 
            (11) the City of Lodi, California, the City of Atchison, 
        Kansas, and the City of Belle Glade, Florida as rural areas for 
        the purposes of the Rural Utilities Service water and waste 
        water loans and grants.

    Sec. 766. There is hereby appropriated $200,000 for a grant to 
Alaska Village Initiatives for the purpose of administering a private 
lands wildlife management program in Alaska.
    Sec. 767. There is hereby appropriated $2,250,000, to remain 
available until expended, for a grant to the Wisconsin Federation of 
Cooperatives for pilot Wisconsin-Minnesota health care cooperative 
purchasing alliances.
    Sec. 768. <<NOTE: New Jersey. Loans. Grants.>> The counties of 
Burlington and Camden, New Jersey (including individuals and entities 
with projects within these counties) shall be eligible for loans and 
grants under the Rural Community Advancement Program for fiscal year 
2006 to the same extent they were eligible for such assistance during 
the fiscal year 2005 under section 106 of Chapter 1 of Division B of 
Public Law 108-324 (188 Stat. 1236).

    Sec. 769. <<NOTE: 42 USC 1766 note.>> Hereafter, notwithstanding any 
other provision of law, funds made available to States administering the 
Child and Adult Care Food Program, for the purpose of conducting audits 
of participating institutions, funds identified by the Secretary as 
having been unused during the initial fiscal year of availability may be 
recovered and reallocated by the Secretary: Provided, That States may 
use the reallocated funds until expended for the purpose of conducting 
audits of participating institutions.

    Sec. 770. <<NOTE: Kansas.>> The Secretary of Agriculture is 
authorized and directed to quitclaim to the City of Elkhart, Kansas, all 
rights, title and interests of the United States in that tract of land 
comprising 151.7 acres, more or less, located in Morton County, Kansas, 
and more specifically described in a deed dated March 11, 1958, from the 
United States of America to the City of Elkhart, State

[[Page 119 STAT. 2160]]

of Kansas, and filed of record April 4, 1958 at Book 34 at Page 520 in 
the office of the Register of Deeds of Morton County, Kansas.

    Sec. 771. There is hereby appropriated $2,500,000 to carry out the 
Healthy Forests Reserve Program authorized under Title V of Public Law 
108-148 (16 U.S.C. 6571-6578).
    Sec. 772. Unless otherwise authorized by existing law, none of the 
funds provided in this Act, may be used by an executive branch agency to 
produce any prepackaged news story intended for broadcast or 
distribution in the United States unless the story includes a clear 
notification within the text or audio of the prepackaged news story that 
the prepackaged news story was prepared or funded by that executive 
branch agency.
    Sec. 773. In addition to other amounts appropriated or otherwise 
made available by this Act, there is hereby appropriated to the 
Secretary of Agriculture $7,000,000, of which not to exceed 5 percent 
may be available for administrative expenses, to remain available until 
expended, to make specialty crop block grants under section 101 of the 
Specialty Crops Competitiveness Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-465; 7 
U.S.C. 1621 note).
    Sec. 774. The Rural Electrification Act of 1936 is amended by 
inserting after section 315 (7 U.S.C. 940e) the following:
    ``Sec. 316. <<NOTE: 7 USC 940f.>> Extension of Period of Existing 
Guarantee. (a) In General.--Subject to the limitations in this section 
and the provisions of the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, as amended, 
a borrower of a loan made by the Federal Financing Bank and guaranteed 
under this Act may request an extension of the final maturity of the 
outstanding principal balance of such loan or any loan advance 
thereunder. If the Secretary and the Federal Financing Bank approve such 
an extension, then the period of the existing guarantee shall also be 
considered extended.

    ``(b) Limitations.--
            ``(1) Feasibility and security.--Extensions under this 
        section shall not be made unless the Secretary first finds and 
        certifies that, after giving effect to the extension, in his 
        judgment the security for all loans to the borrower made or 
        guaranteed under this Act is reasonably adequate and that all 
        such loans will be repaid within the time agreed. 
            ``(2) Extension of useful life or collateral.--Extensions 
        under this section shall not be granted unless the borrower 
        first submits with its request either--
                    ``(A) evidence satisfactory to the Secretary that a 
                Federal or State agency with jurisdiction and expertise 
                has made an official determination, such as through a 
                licensing proceeding, extending the useful life of a 
                generating plant or transmission line pledged as 
                collateral to or beyond the new final maturity date 
                being requested by the borrower, or
                    ``(B) a certificate from an independent licensed 
                engineer concluding, on the basis of a thorough 
                engineering analysis satisfactory to the Secretary, that 
                the useful life of the generating plant or transmission 
                line pledged as collateral extends to or beyond the new 
                final maturity date being requested by the borrower.
            ``(3) Amount eligible for extension.--Extensions under this 
        section shall not be granted if the principal balance extended 
        exceeds the appraised value of the generating plant or 
        transmission line referred to in subsection paragraph (2).

[[Page 119 STAT. 2161]]

            ``(4) Period of extension.--Extensions under this section 
        shall in no case result in a final maturity greater than 55 
        years from the time of original disbursement and shall in no 
        case result in a final maturity greater than the useful life of 
        the plant.
            ``(5) Number of extensions.--Extensions under this section 
        shall not be granted more than once per loan advance.

    ``(c) Fees.--
            ``(1) In general.--A borrower that receives an extension 
        under this section shall pay a fee to the Secretary which shall 
        be credited to the Rural Electrification and Telecommunications 
        Loans Program account. Such fees shall remain available without 
        fiscal year limitation to pay the modification costs for 
            ``(2) Amount.--The amount of the fee paid shall be equal to 
        the modification cost, calculated in accordance with section 502 
        of the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, as amended, of such 
            ``(3) Payment.--The borrower shall pay the fee required 
        under this section at the time the existing guarantee is 
        extended by making a payment in the amount of the required 

    Sec. 775. <<NOTE: Arkansas.>> (a) In General.--The Secretary of 
Health and Human Services, on behalf of the United States may, whenever 
the Secretary deems desirable, relinquish to the State of Arkansas all 
or part of the jurisdiction of the United States over the lands and 
properties encompassing the Jefferson Labs campus in the State of 
Arkansas that are under the supervision or control of the Secretary.

    (b) Terms.--Relinquishment of jurisdiction under this section may be 
accomplished, under terms and conditions that the Secretary deems 
            (1) <<NOTE: Notice.>> by filing with the Governor of the 
        State of Arkansas a notice of relinquishment to take effect upon 
        acceptance thereof; or
            (2) as the laws of such State may otherwise provide.

    (c) Definition.--In this section, the term ``Jefferson Labs campus'' 
means the lands and properties of the National Center for Toxicological 
Research and the Arkansas Regional Laboratory.
    Sec. 776. Section 204(b)(3)(A) of the Child Nutrition and WIC 
Reauthorization Act of 2004 (118 Stat. 781; 42 U.S.C. 1751 note) is 
amended by striking ``July 1, 2006'' and inserting ``October 1, 2005''.
    Sec. 777. (a) Section 18(f)(1)(B) of the Richard B. Russell National 
School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1769(f)(1)(B)) is amended--
            (1) by striking ``April 2004'' and inserting ``June 2005''; 
            (2) in clause (ii), by striking ``66.67'' and inserting 

    (b) <<NOTE: Effective date. 42 USC 1769 note.>> The amendments made 
by subsection (a) take effect on January 1, 2006.

    Sec. 778. None of the funds in this Act may be used to retire more 
than 5 percent of the Class A stock of the Rural Telephone Bank, except 
in the event of liquidation or dissolution of the telephone bank during 
fiscal year 2006, pursuant to section 411 of the Rural Electrification 
Act of 1936, as amended, or to maintain any account or subaccount within 
the accounting records of the Rural Telephone Bank the creation of which 
has not specifically

[[Page 119 STAT. 2162]]

been authorized by statute: Provided, That notwithstanding any other 
provision of law, none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made 
available in this Act may be used to transfer to the Treasury or to the 
Federal Financing Bank any unobligated balance of the Rural Telephone 
Bank telephone liquidating account which is in excess of current 
requirements and such balance shall receive interest as set forth for 
financial accounts in section 505(c) of the Federal Credit Reform Act of 
    Sec. 779. There is hereby appropriated $6,000,000 to carry out 
Section 120 of Public Law 108-265 in Utah, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Texas, 
Connecticut, and Idaho.
    Sec. 780. Section 508(a)(4)(B) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 
U.S.C. 1508(a)(4)(B)) is amended by inserting ``or similar commodities'' 
after ``the commodity''.
    Sec. 781. (a) Notwithstanding subtitles B and C of the Dairy 
Production Stabilization Act of 1983 (7 U.S.C. 4501 et seq.), during 
fiscal year 2006, the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board may 
obligate and expend funds for any activity to improve the environment 
and public health.
    (b) The Secretary of Agriculture shall review the impact of any 
expenditures under subsection (a) and include the review in the 2007 
report of the Secretary to Congress on the dairy promotion program 
established under subtitle B of the Dairy Production Stabilization Act 
of 1983 (7 U.S.C. 4501 et seq.).
    Sec. 782. <<NOTE: Federal buildings and 
facilities. Mississippi.>> The Federal facility located at the South 
Mississippi Branch Experiment Station in Poplarville, Mississippi, and 
known as the ``Southern Horticultural Laboratory'', shall be known and 
designated as the ``Thad Cochran Southern Horticultural Laboratory'': 
Provided, That any reference in law, map, regulation, document, paper, 
or other record of the United States to such Federal facility shall be 
deemed to be a reference to the ``Thad Cochran Southern Horticultural 

    Sec. 783. <<NOTE: Arizona. Real property.>> As soon as practicable 
after the Agricultural Research Service operations at the Western Cotton 
Research Laboratory located at 4135 East Broadway Road in Phoenix, 
Arizona, have ceased, the Secretary of Agriculture shall convey, without 
consideration, to the Arizona Cotton Growers Association and Supima all 
right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the real 
property at that location, including improvements.

    Sec. 784. <<NOTE: 7 USC 1471 note.>> (a) In General.--In carrying 
out a livestock assistance, compensation, or feed program, the Secretary 
of Agriculture shall include horses and deer within the definition of 
``livestock'' covered by the program.

    (b) Conforming Amendments.--
            (1) Section 602(2) of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 
        1471(2)) is amended--
                    (A) by inserting ``horses, deer,'' after ``bison,''; 
                    (B) by striking ``equine animals used for food or in 
                the production of food,''.
            (2) Section 806 of the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food 
        and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations 
        Act, 2001 (Public Law 106-387; 114 Stat. 1549A-51) is amended by 
        inserting ``(including losses to elk, reindeer, bison, horses, 
        and deer)'' after ``livestock losses''.
            (3) Section 10104(a) of the Farm Security and Rural 
        Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 1472(a)) is amended by striking 
        ``and bison'' and inserting ``bison, horses, and deer''.

[[Page 119 STAT. 2163]]

            (4) Section 203(d)(2) of the Agricultural Assistance Act of 
        2003 (Public Law 108-7; 117 Stat. 541) is amended by striking 
        ``and bison'' and inserting ``bison, horses, and deer''.

    (c) <<NOTE: 7 USC 1471 note.>> Applicability.--
            (1) In general.--This section and the amendments made by 
        this section apply to losses resulting from a disaster that 
        occurs on or after July 28, 2005.
            (2) Prior losses.--This section and the amendments made by 
        this section do not apply to losses resulting from a disaster 
        that occurred before July 28, 2005.

    Sec. 785. Amounts made available for the Plant Materials Center in 
Fallon, Nevada, under the heading ``Conservation Operations'' under the 
heading ``Natural Resources Conservation Service'' of title II of the 
Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and 
Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2005 (Public Law 108-447; 118 Stat. 
2823) shall remain available until expended.
    Sec. 786. None of the funds made available in this Act may be used 
to study, complete a study of, or enter into a contract with a private 
party to carry out, without specific authorization in a subsequent Act 
of Congress, a competitive sourcing activity of the Secretary of 
Agriculture, including support personnel of the Department of 
Agriculture, relating to rural development or farm loan programs.
    Sec. 787. None of the funds made available under this Act shall be 
available to pay the administrative expenses of a State agency that, 
after the date of enactment of this Act and prior to receiving 
certification in accordance with the provisions set forth in section 
17(h)(11)(E) of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, authorizes any new for-
profit vendor(s) to transact food instruments under the Special 
Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) if 
it is expected that more than 50 percent of the annual revenue of the 
vendor from the sale of food items will be derived from the sale of 
supplemental foods that are obtained with WIC food instruments, except 
that the Secretary may approve the authorization of such a vendor if the 
approval is necessary to assure participant access to program benefits.
    Sec. 788. Of the unobligated balances under section 32 of the Act of 
August 24, 1935, $37,601,000 are hereby rescinded.
    Sec. 789. None of the funds provided in this Act may be obligated or 
expended for any activity the purpose of which is to require a recipient 
of any grant that was funded in Public Law 102-368 and Public Law 103-50 
for ``Rural Housing for Domestic Farm Labor'' in response to Hurricane 
Andrew to pay the United States any portion of any interest earned with 
respect to such grants: <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Provided, That such funds 
are expended by the grantee within 18 months of the date of enactment of 
this section for the purposes of providing farm labor housing consistent 
with the purpose authorized in title V of the Housing Act of 1949, as 
determined by the Secretary.

    Sec. 790. There is hereby appropriated $140,000 to remain available 
until expended, for a grant to the University of Nevada at Reno; 
$400,000 to remain available until expended for a grant to the Ohio 
Center for Farmland Policy Innovation at Ohio State University, 
Columbus, Ohio; $200,000 to remain available until expended, for a grant 
to Utah State University for a farming and dairy training initiative; 
$500,000, to remain available until

[[Page 119 STAT. 2164]]

expended, for a grant to the Nueces County, Texas Regional Fairground; 
and $350,000 to provide administrative support for a world hunger 
organization: Provided, That none of the funds may be used for a 
monetary award to an individual.
    Sec. 791. There is hereby appropriated $1,000,000 to establish a 
demonstration intermediate relending program for the construction and 
rehabilitation of housing for the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians: 
Provided, That the interest rate for direct loans shall be 1 
percent: <<NOTE: Deadline. Reports.>> Provided further, That no later 
than 1 year after the establishment of this program the Secretary shall 
provide the Committees on Appropriations with a report providing 
information on the program structure, management, and general 
demographic information on the loan recipients.

    Sec. 792. Section 285 of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 
U.S.C. 1638d) is amended by striking ``2006'' and inserting ``2008''.
    Sec. 793. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available 
by this Act shall be used to pay salaries and expenses of personnel who 
implement or administer section 508(e)(3) of the Federal Crop Insurance 
Act (7 U.S.C. 1508(e)(3)) or any regulation, bulletin, policy or agency 
guidance issued pursuant to section 508(e)(3) of such Act for the 2007 
reinsurance year.
    Sec. 794. <<NOTE: Effective date.>> Effective 120 days after the 
date of enactment of this Act, none of the funds made available in this 
Act may be used to pay the salaries or expenses of personnel to inspect 
horses under section 3 of the Federal Meat Inspection Act (21 U.S.C. 
603) or under the guidelines issued under section 903 the Federal 
Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 (7 U.S.C. 1901 note; 
Public Law 104-127).

    Sec. 795. (a) Subject to subsection (b), none of the funds made 
available in this Act may be used to--
            (1) grant a waiver of a financial conflict of interest 
        requirement pursuant to section 505(n)(4) of the Federal Food, 
        Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355(n)(4)) for any voting 
        member of an advisory committee or panel of the Food and Drug 
        Administration; or
            (2) make a certification under section 208(b)(3) of title 
        18, United States Code, for any such voting member.

    (b) Subsection (a) shall not apply to a waiver or certification if--
            (1) <<NOTE: Deadline. Internet.>> not later than 15 days 
        prior to a meeting of an advisory committee or panel to which 
        such waiver or certification applies, the Secretary of Health 
        and Human Services discloses on the Internet website of the Food 
        and Drug Administration--
                    (A) the nature of the conflict of interest at issue; 
                    (B) the nature and basis of such waiver or 
                certification (other than information exempted from 
                disclosure under section 552 of title 5, United States 
                Code (popularly known as the Freedom of Information 
                Act)); or
            (2) <<NOTE: Public information.>> in the case of a conflict 
        of interest that becomes known to the Secretary less than 15 
        days prior to a meeting to which such waiver or certification 
        applies, the Secretary shall make such public disclosure as soon 
        as possible thereafter, but in no event later than the date of 
        such meeting.

    (c) <<NOTE: Reports.>> None of the funds made available in this Act 
may be used to make a new appointment to an advisory committee or panel 
of the Food and Drug Administration unless the Commissioner

[[Page 119 STAT. 2165]]

of Food and Drugs submits a quarterly report to the Inspector General of 
the Department of Health and Human Services and the Committees on 
Appropriations of the House and Senate on the efforts made to identify 
qualified persons for such appointment with minimal or no potential 
conflicts of interest.

    Sec. 796. Section 274(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act 
(8 U.S.C. 1324(a)(1)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
                    ``(C) It is not a violation of clauses (ii) or (iii) 
                of subparagraph (A), or of clause (iv) of subparagraph 
                (A) except where a person encourages or induces an alien 
                to come to or enter the United States, for a religious 
                denomination having a bona fide nonprofit, religious 
                organization in the United States, or the agents or 
                officers of such denomination or organization, to 
                encourage, invite, call, allow, or enable an alien who 
                is present in the United States to perform the vocation 
                of a minister or missionary for the denomination or 
                organization in the United States as a volunteer who is 
                not compensated as an employee, notwithstanding the 
                provision of room, board, travel, medical assistance, 
                and other basic living expenses, provided the minister 
                or missionary has been a member of the denomination for 
                at least one year.''.

    Sec. 797. (a) Section 2111(a)(1) of the Organic Foods Production Act 
of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 6510(a)(1)) is amended by inserting ``not appearing on 
the National List'' after ``ingredient''.
    (b) Section 2118 of the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (7 
U.S.C. 6517) is amended--
            (1) in subsection (c)(1)--
                    (A) in the paragraph heading, by inserting ``in 
                organic production and handling operations'' after 
                    (B) in subparagraph (B)--
                          (i) in clause (i), by inserting ``or'' at the 
                      end; and
                          (ii) in clause (ii), by striking ``or'' at the 
                      end and inserting ``and''; and
                    (C) by striking clause (iii); and
            (2) in subsection (d), by adding at the end the following:
            ``(6) Expedited petitions for commercially unavailable 
        organic agricultural products constituting less than 5 percent 
        of an organic processed product.--The Secretary may develop 
        emergency procedures for designating agricultural products that 
        are commercially unavailable in organic form for placement on 
        the National List for a period of time not to exceed 12 

    (c) Section 2110(e)(2) of the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 
(7 U.S.C. 6509(e)(2)) is amended--
            (1) by striking ``A dairy'' and inserting the following:
                    ``(A) In general.--Except as provided in 
                subparagraph (B), a dairy''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following:
                    ``(B) Transition guideline.--Crops and forage from 
                land included in the organic system plan of a dairy farm 
                that is in the third year of organic management may be 
                consumed by the dairy animals of the farm during the 12-
                month period immediately prior to the sale of organic 
                milk and milk products.''.

[[Page 119 STAT. 2166]]

    Sec. 798. Amenable Species.--The Federal Meat Inspection Act (21 
U.S.C. 601 et seq.) is amended--
            (1) <<NOTE: 21 USC 603-605, 608, 609, 615, 617, 618, 620, 
        621. 21 USC 601.>> by striking ``cattle, sheep, swine, goats, 
        horses, mules, and other equines'' each place it appears and 
        inserting ``amenable species'';
            (2) in section 1, by adding at the end the following new 

    ``(w) The term `amenable species' means--
            ``(1) those species subject to the provisions of this Act on 
        the day before the date of the enactment of the Agriculture, 
        Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related 
        Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006; and
            ``(2) any additional species of livestock that the Secretary 
        considers appropriate.''; and
            (3) in section <<NOTE: 21 USC 619.>> 19--
                    (A) by striking ``horses, mules, or other equines'' 
                and inserting ``species designated by regulations in 
                effect on the day before the date of the enactment of 
                the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug 
                Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 
                2006''; and
                    (B) by striking ``cattle, sheep, swine, or goats'' 
                and inserting ``other amenable species''.

    (b) <<NOTE: 21 USC 601 note.>> Effective Date.--The amendments made 
by subsection (a) shall take effect on the day after the effective date 
of section 794 of the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug 
Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006.

    Sec. 799. Public Law 109-54, the Department of the Interior, 
Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006, is amended 
as follows:
            (1) <<NOTE: Ante, p. 508.>> Under the heading ``National 
        Park Service, Construc- tion''--
                    (A) by striking ``of which'' after ``$301,291,000, 
                to remain available until expended,'' and inserting 
                    (B) in the sixth proviso, by striking 
                ``hereinafter'' and inserting ``hereafter'' and, after 
                ``Annex'', inserting the following: ``and the Blue Ridge 
                Parkway Regional Destination Visitor Center''; and
                    (C) in the seventh proviso, by striking 
                ``solicitation and contract'' and inserting 
                ``solicitations and contracts''.
            (2) <<NOTE: Ante, p. 509.>> Under the heading ``National 
        Park Service, Land Acquisition and State Assistance'' by 
        striking ``$74,824,000'' and inserting ``$64,909,000''.
            (3) <<NOTE: Ante, p. 518.>> Under the heading ``Departmental 
        Management, Salaries and Expenses'' by striking ``$127,183,000'' 
        and inserting ``$117,183,000''.
            (4) <<NOTE: Ante, p. 528.>> In title II, under the heading 
        ``Environmental Protection Agency, State and Tribal Assistance 
                    (A) before the period at the end of the first 
                paragraph, insert ``: Provided further, That of the 
                funds made available under this heading in division I of 
                Public Law 108-447, $300,000 is for the Haleyville, 
                Alabama, North Industrial Area Water Storage Tank 
                project: Provided further, That the referenced statement 
                of the managers under the heading ``Environmental 
                Protection Agency, State and Tribal Assistance Grants'' 
                in Public Law 107-73, in reference to item 184, is 
                deemed to be amended by striking ``$2,000,000'' and 
                inserting ``$29,945'' and by inserting after

[[Page 119 STAT. 2167]]

                ``improvements'' the following: ``, $500,000 to the City 
                of Sheridan for water system improvements, $500,000 to 
                Meagher County/Martinsdale Water and Sewer District for 
                Martinsdale Water System Improvements, and $970,055 to 
                the City of Bozeman for Hyalite Waterline and Intake''; 
                    (B) <<NOTE: Ante, p. 530.>> in the second paragraph 
                strike ``original''.
            (5) <<NOTE: Ante, p. 535.>> Under the heading ``Forest 
        Service, Land Acquisition'' by striking ``land that are 
        encumbered'' and all that follows through ``under this 
        section,'' and inserting the following: ``lands that are 
        encumbered by unpatented claims acquired under this section, or 
        with previously appropriated funds,''.
            (6) <<NOTE: Ante, p. 559.>> At the end of title IV--General 
        Provisions, insert the following:


    ``(a) Redesignation.--Section 140(c)(4) of division E of Public Law 
108-447 <<NOTE: 16 USC 1132 note.>> is amended by striking `National'.

    ``(b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, 
document, paper, or other record of the United States to the `Gaylord A. 
Nelson National Wilderness' shall be deemed to be a reference to the 
`Gaylord A. Nelson Wilderness'.''.
    This Act may be cited as the ``Agriculture, Rural Development, Food 
and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 

    Approved November 10, 2005.


HOUSE REPORTS: Nos. 109-102 (Comm. on Appropriations) and 109-255        
(Comm. of Conference).
SENATE REPORTS: No. 109-92 (Comm. on Appropriations).
            June 8, considered and passed House.
            Sept. 15, 19-22, considered and passed Senate, amended.
            Oct. 28, House agreed to conference report.
            Nov. 2, 3, Senate considered and agreed to conference 
            Nov. 10, Presidential statement.
