[110th Congress Public Law 141] [From the U.S. Government Printing Office] [DOCID: f:publ141.110] Public Law 110-141 110th Congress An Act To exclude from gross income payments from the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund to the victims of the tragic event at Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University. <<NOTE: Dec. 19, 2007 - [H.R. 4118]>> Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. EXCLUSION FROM INCOME FOR PAYMENTS FROM THE HOKIE SPIRIT MEMORIAL FUND. For purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, gross income shall not include any amount received from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, out of amounts transferred from the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund established by the Virginia Tech Foundation, an organization organized and operated as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, if such amount is paid on account of the tragic event on April 16, 2007, at such university. SEC. 2. <<NOTE: 26 USC 6698 note.>> MODIFICATION OF PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO FILE PARTNERSHIP RETURNS. For any return of a partnership required to be filed under section 6031 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 for a taxable year beginning in 2008, the dollar amount in effect under section 6698(b)(1) of such Code shall be increased by $1. Approved December 19, 2007. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY--H.R. 4118: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 153 (2007): Dec. 4, considered and passed House. Dec. 6, considered and passed Senate. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 43 (2007): Dec. 19, Presidential remarks. <all>