[110th Congress Public Law 244]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]

[DOCID: f:publ244.110]

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Public Law 110-244
110th Congress

                                 An Act

   To amend the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation 
 Equity Act: A Legacy for Users to make technical corrections, and for 
         other purposes. <<NOTE: June 6, 2008 -  [H.R. 1195]>> 

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress <<NOTE: SAFETEA-LU Technical 
Corrections Act of 2008.>> assembled,

    (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``SAFETEA-LU 
Technical Corrections Act of 2008''.
    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents of this Act is as 

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.

                       TITLE I--HIGHWAY PROVISIONS

Sec. 101. Surface transportation technical corrections.
Sec. 102. MAGLEV.
Sec. 103. Projects of national and regional significance and national 
           corridor infrastructure improvement projects.
Sec. 104. Idling reduction facilities.
Sec. 105. Project authorizations.
Sec. 106. Nonmotorized transportation pilot program.
Sec. 107. Correction of Interstate and National Highway System 
Sec. 108. Budget justification; buy America.
Sec. 109. Transportation improvements.
Sec. 110. I-95/Contee Road interchange design.
Sec. 111. Highway research funding.
Sec. 112. Rescission.
Sec. 113. TEA-21 technical corrections.
Sec. 114. High priority corridor and innovative project technical 
Sec. 115. Definition of repeat intoxicated driver law.
Sec. 116. Research technical correction.
Sec. 117. Buy America waiver notification and annual reports.
Sec. 118. Efficient use of existing highway capacity.
Sec. 119. Future interstate designation.
Sec. 120. Project flexibility.
Sec. 121. Effective date.

                      TITLE II--TRANSIT PROVISIONS

Sec. 201. Transit technical corrections.


Sec. 301. Technical amendments relating to motor carrier safety.
Sec. 302. Technical amendments relating to hazardous materials 
Sec. 303. Highway safety.
Sec. 304. Correction of study requirement regarding on-scene motor 
           vehicle collision causation.
Sec. 305. Motor carrier transportation registration.
Sec. 306. Applicability of Fair Labor Standards Act requirements and 
           limitation on liability.


Sec. 401. Conveyance of GSA Fleet Management Center to Alaska Railroad 

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Sec. 402. Conveyance of retained interest in St. Joseph Memorial Hall.

                        TITLE V--OTHER PROVISIONS

Sec. 501. De Soto County, Mississippi.
Sec. 502. Department of Justice review.

                       TITLE I--HIGHWAY PROVISIONS


    (a) Correction of Internal References in Disadvantaged Business 
Enterprises.--Paragraphs (3)(A) and (5) of section 1101(b) of the Safe, 
Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for 
Users (119 Stat. 1156) <<NOTE: 23 USC 101 note.>> are amended by 
striking ``paragraph (1)'' each place it appears and inserting 
``paragraph (2)''.

    (b) Correction of Distribution of Obligation Authority.--Section 
1102(c)(5) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation 
Equity Act: A Legacy for <<NOTE: 23 USC 104 note.>> Users (119 Stat. 
1158) is amended by striking ``among the States''.

    (c) Correction of Federal Lands Highways.--Section 1119 of the Safe, 
Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for 
Users (119 Stat. 1190) is amended by striking subsection (m) and 
inserting the following:
    ``(m) Forest Highways.--Of the amounts made available for public 
lands highways under section 1101--
            ``(1) not more than $20,000,000 for each fiscal year may be 
        used for the maintenance of forest highways;
            ``(2) not more than $1,000,000 for each fiscal year may be 
        used for signage identifying public hunting and fishing access; 
            ``(3) not more than $10,000,000 for each fiscal year shall 
        be used by the Secretary of Agriculture to pay the costs of 
        facilitating the passage of aquatic species beneath forest roads 
        (as defined in section 101(a) of title 23, United States Code), 
        including the costs of constructing, maintaining, replacing, and 
        removing culverts and bridges, as appropriate.''.

    (d) Correction of Description of National Corridor Infrastructure 
Improvement Project.--Item number 1 of the table contained in section 
1302(e) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation 
Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1205) is <<NOTE: 23 USC 101 
note.>> amended in the State column by inserting ``LA,'' after ``TX,''.

    (e) Correction of High Priority Designations.--
            (1) Kentucky high priority corridor designation.--Section 
        1105(c)(18)(E) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation 
        Efficiency Act of 1991 (105 Stat. 2032; 112 Stat. 189; 115 Stat. 
        872) is amended by inserting before the period at the end the 
        following: ``, follow Interstate Route 24 to the Wendell H. Ford 
        Western Kentucky Parkway, then utilize the existing Wendell H. 
        Ford Western Kentucky Parkway and Edward T. Breathitt 
        (Pennyrile) Parkway to Henderson''.
            (2) Interstate route 376 high priority designation.--
                    (A) In general.--Section 1105(c)(79) of the 
                Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 
                (105 Stat. 2032; 119 Stat. 1213) is amended by striking 
                ``and on United States Route 422''.

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                    (B) Conforming amendment.--Section 
                1105(e)(5)(B)(i)(I) of the Intermodal Surface 
                Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (105 Stat. 2033; 
                119 Stat. 1213) is amended by striking ``and United 
                States Route 422''.

    (f) Correction of Infrastructure Finance Section.--Section 
1602(d)(1) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation 
Equity Act: <<NOTE: 23 USC 190, 610.>> A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 
1247) is amended by striking ``through 189 as sections 601 through 609, 
respectively'' and inserting ``through 190 as sections 601 through 610, 

    (g) Correction of Project Federal Share.--Section 1964(a) of the 
Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A 
Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1519) is amended--
            (1) by striking ``only for the States of Alaska, Montana, 
        Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, and South Dakota,''; and
            (2) by striking ``section 120(b)'' and inserting ``section 

    (h) Transportation Systems Management and Operations Defined.--
Section 101(a) of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at 
the end the following:
            ``(39) Transportation systems management and operations.--
                    ``(A) In general.--The term `transportation systems 
                management and operations' means an integrated program 
                to optimize the performance of existing infrastructure 
                through the implementation of multimodal and intermodal, 
                cross-jurisdictional systems, services, and projects 
                designed to preserve capacity and improve security, 
                safety, and reliability of the transportation system.
                    ``(B) Inclusions.--The term `transportation systems 
                management and operations' includes--
                          ``(i) regional operations collaboration and 
                      coordination activities between transportation and 
                      public safety agencies; and
                          ``(ii) improvements to the transportation 
                      system, such as traffic detection and 
                      surveillance, arterial management, freeway 
                      management, demand management, work zone 
                      management, emergency management, electronic toll 
                      collection, automated enforcement, traffic 
                      incident management, roadway weather management, 
                      traveler information services, commercial vehicle 
                      operations, traffic control, freight management, 
                      and coordination of highway, rail, transit, 
                      bicycle, and pedestrian operations.''.

    (i) Correction of <<NOTE: 23 USC 104 note.>> Reference in 
Apportionment of Highway Safety Improvement Program Funds.--
Effective <<NOTE: Effective date.>> October 1, 2007, section 
104(b)(5)(A)(iii) of title 23, United States Code, is amended by 
striking ``the Federal-aid system'' each place it appears and inserting 
``Federal-aid highways''.

    (j) Correction of Amendment To Advance Construction.--Section 115 of 
title 23, United States Code, is amended by redesignating subsection (d) 
as subsection (c).
    (k) Correction of High Priority Projects.--Section 117 of title 23, 
United States Code, is amended--
            (1) by redesignating subsections (d) through (h) as 
        subsections (e) through (i), respectively;
            (2) by redesignating the second subsection (c) (relating to 
        Federal share) as subsection (d);

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            (3) in subsection (a)(2)(A) by inserting ``(112 Stat. 257)'' 
        after ``21st Century''; and
            (4) in subsection (a)(2)(B)--
                    (A) by striking ``subsection (b)'' and inserting 
                ``subsection (c)''; and
                    (B) by striking ``SAFETEA-LU'' and inserting ``Safe, 
                Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity 
                Act: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1256)''.

    (l) Correction of Transfer of Unused Protective-Device Funds to 
Other Highway Safety Improvement Program Projects.--Section 130(e)(2) of 
title 23, United States Code, is amended by striking ``purposes under 
this subsection'' and inserting ``highway safety improvement program 
    (m) Correction of Highway Bridge Program.--
            (1) In general.--Section 144 of title 23, United States 
        Code, is amended--
                    (A) in the section heading by striking ``replacement 
                and rehabilitation'';
                    (B) in subsections (b), (c)(1), and (e) by striking 
                ``Federal-aid system'' each place it appears and 
                inserting ``Federal-aid highway'';
                    (C) in subsections (c)(2) and (o) by striking ``the 
                Federal-aid system'' each place it appears and inserting 
                ``Federal-aid highways'';
                    (D) in the heading to paragraph (4) of subsection 
                (d) by inserting ``systematic'' before ``preventive'';
                    (E) in subsection (e) by striking ``off-system 
                bridges'' each place it appears and inserting ``bridges 
                not on Federal-aid highways'';
                    (F) by striking subsection (f);
                    (G) by redesignating subsections (g) through (s) as 
                subsections (f) through (r), respectively;
                    (H) in paragraph (1)(A)(vi) of subsection (f) (as 
                redesignated by subparagraph (G) of this paragraph) by 
                inserting ``and the removal of the Missisquoi Bay 
                causeway'' after ``Bridge'';
                    (I) in paragraph (2) of subsection (f) (as 
                redesignated by subparagraph (G) of this paragraph) by 
                striking the paragraph heading and inserting ``Bridges 
                not on federal-aid highways'';
                    (J) in subsection (m) (as redesignated by 
                subparagraph (G) of this paragraph) by striking the 
                subsection heading and inserting ``Program for Bridges 
                Not on Federal-Aid Highways''; and
                    (K) in subsection (n)(4)(B) (as redesignated by 
                subparagraph (G) of this paragraph) by striking ``State 
                highway agency'' and inserting ``State transportation 
            (2) Special conditions.--Section 1114 of the Safe, 
        Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A 
        Legacy for Users (Public Law 109-59; 119 Stat. 1172) is amended 
        by adding at the end the following:

    ``(h) Special Conditions.--Any unobligated or unexpended funds 
remaining on completion of the project carried out under section 
144(f)(1)(A)(vi) of title 23, United States Code, shall be made 
available to carry out the project described in section 
144(f)(1)(A)(vii) of that title after the date on which the Vermont

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Agency of Transportation certifies to the Federal Highway Administration 
the final determination of the agency regarding the removal of the 
Missisquoi Bay causeway.''.
            (3) Conforming amendments.--
                    (A) Metropolitan planning.--Section 104(f)(1) of 
                title 23, United States Code, is amended by striking 
                ``replacement and rehabilitation''.
                    (B) Equity bonus program.--Subsections (a)(2)(C) and 
                (b)(2)(C) of section 105 of such title are amended by 
                striking ``replacement and rehabilitation'' each place 
                it appears.
                    (C) Analysis.--The analysis for chapter 1 of such 
                title is amended in the item relating to section 144 by 
                striking ``replacement and rehabilitation''.

    (n) Metropolitan Transportation Planning.--Section 134 of title 23, 
United States Code, is amended--
            (1) in subsection (f)(3)(C)(ii) by striking subclause (II) 
        and inserting the following:
                                    ``(II) Funding.--For fiscal year 
                                2008 and each fiscal year thereafter, in 
                                addition to other funds made available 
                                to the metropolitan planning 
                                organization for the Lake Tahoe region 
                                under this title and chapter 53 of title 
                                49, prior to any allocation under 
                                section 202 of this title and 
                                notwithstanding the allocation 
                                provisions of section 202, the Secretary 
                                shall set aside \1/2\ of 1 percent of 
                                all funds authorized to be appropriated 
                                for such fiscal year to carry out 
                                section 204 and shall make such funds 
                                available to the metropolitan planning 
                                organization for the Lake Tahoe region 
                                to carry out the transportation planning 
                                process, environmental reviews, 
                                preliminary engineering, and design to 
                                complete environmental documentation for 
                                transportation projects for the Lake 
                                Tahoe region under the Tahoe Regional 
                                Planning Compact as consented to in 
                                Public Law 96-551 (94 Stat. 3233) and 
                                this paragraph.'';
            (2) in subsection (j)(3)(D) by inserting ``or the identified 
        phase'' after ``the project'' each place it appears; and
            (3) in subsection (k)(2) by striking ``a metropolitan 
        planning area serving''.

    (o) Correction of National Scenic Byways Program Coverage.--Section 
162 of title 23, United States Code, is amended--
            (1) in subsection (a)(3)(B) by striking ``a National Scenic 
        Byway under subparagraph (A)'' and inserting ``a National Scenic 
        Byway, an All-American Road, or one of America's Byways under 
        paragraph (1)''; and
            (2) in subsection (c)(3) by striking ``or All-American 
        Road'' each place it appears and inserting ``All-American Road, 
        or one of America's Byways''.

    (p) Correction of Reference in Toll Provision.--Section 166(b)(5)(C) 
of title 23, United States Code, is amended by striking ``paragraph 
(3)'' and inserting ``paragraph (4)''.
    (q) Correction of Recreational Trails Program Apportionment 
Exceptions.--Section 206(d)(3)(A) of title 23, United States Code, is 
amended by striking ``(B), (C), and (D)'' and inserting ``(B) and (C)''.

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    (r) Correction of Infrastructure Finance.--Section 601(a)(3) of 
title 23, United States Code, is amended by inserting ``bbb minus, BBB 
(low),'' after ``Baa3,''.
    (s) Correction of Miscellaneous Typographical Errors.--
            (1) Section 1401 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, 
        Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 
        Stat. 1226) is amended by redesignating <<NOTE: 23 USC 130, 148 
        note.>> subsections (d) and (e) as subsections (c) and (d), 
            (2) Section 1404(e) of such <<NOTE: 23 USC 402 note.>> Act 
        (119 Stat. 1229) is amended by inserting ``tribal,'' after 
            (3) Section 10211(b)(2) of such Act (119 Stat. 1937) is 
        amended by striking ``plan administer'' and inserting ``plan and 
            (4) Section 10212(a) of such Act (119 Stat. 1937) is 
                    (A) by inserting ``equity bonus,'' after ``minimum 
                    (B) by striking ``freight intermodal connectors'' 
                and inserting ``railway-highway crossings'';
                    (C) by striking ``high risk rural road,''; and
                    (D) by inserting after ``highway safety improvement 
                programs'' the following: ``(and separately the set 
                aside for the high risk rural road program)''.

    (a) Funding.--Section 1101(a)(18) of the Safe, Accountable, 
Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 
Stat. 1155) is amended by striking ``Act--'' and all that follows 
through the end of the paragraph and inserting ``Act, $45,000,000 for 
each of fiscal years 2008 and 2009.''.
    (b) Contract Authority.--Section 1307 of the Safe, Accountable, 
Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 
Stat. 1217) <<NOTE: 23 USC 322 note.>> is amended by adding at the end 
the following:

    ``(e) Contract Authority.--Funds authorized under section 
1101(a)(18) shall be available for obligation in the same manner as if 
the funds were apportioned under chapter 1 of title 23, United States 
Code; except that the funds shall not be transferable and shall remain 
available until expended, and the Federal share of the cost of a project 
to be carried out with such funds shall be 80 percent.''.
    (c) Allocation.--Section 1307 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, 
Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1217) 
is amended <<NOTE: 23 USC 322 note.>> by striking subsection (d) and 
inserting the following:

    ``(d) Allocation.--Of the amounts made available to carry out this 
section for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall allocate--
            ``(1) 50 percent to the Nevada department of transportation 
        who shall cooperate with the California-Nevada Super Speed Train 
        Commission for the MAGLEV project between Las Vegas and Primm, 
        Nevada, as a segment of the high-speed MAGLEV system between Las 
        Vegas, Nevada, and Anaheim, California; and
            ``(2) 50 percent for existing MAGLEV projects located east 
        of the Mississippi River using such criteria as the Secretary 
        deems appropriate.''.

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    (d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section take effect 
on October 1, 2007.
                        IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS.

    (a) Project of National and Regional Significance.--The table 
contained in section 1301(m) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, 
Efficient Transportation Equity: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1203) 
is <<NOTE: 23 USC 101 note.>> amended--
            (1) in item number 4 by striking the project description and 
        inserting ``$7,400,000 for planning, design, and construction of 
        a new American border plaza at the Blue Water Bridge in or near 
        Port Huron; $12,600,000 for integrated highway realignment and 
        grade separations at Port Huron to eliminate road blockages from 
        NAFTA rail traffic'';
            (2) in item number 19 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``For purposes of construction and other related 
        transportation improvements associated with the rail yard 
        relocation in the vicinity of Santa Teresa''; and
            (3) in item number 22 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Redesign and reconstruction of interchanges 298 
        and 299 of I-80 and accompanying improvements to any other 
        public roads in the vicinity, Monroe County''.

    (b) National Corridor Infrastructure Improvement Project.--The table 
contained in section 1302(e) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, 
Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1205) 
is <<NOTE: 23 USC 101 note.>> amended in item number 23 by striking the 
project description and inserting ``Improvements to State Road 312, 

    Section 111(d) of title 23, United States Code, is repealed.

    (a) Project Modifications.--The table contained in section 1702 of 
the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A 
Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1256) is amended--
            (1) in item number 34 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Removal and Reconfiguration of Interstate ramps, 
        I-40, Memphis'';
            (2) by striking item number 61;
            (3) in item number 87 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``M-291 highway outer road improvement project'';
            (4) in item number 128 by striking ``$2,400,000'' and 
        inserting ``$4,800,000'';
            (5) in item number 154 by striking ``Virginia'' and 
        inserting ``Eveleth'';
            (6) in item number 193 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Improvements to or access to Route 108 to 
        enhance access to the business park near Rumford'';
            (7) in item number 240 by striking ``$800,000'' and 
        inserting ``$2,400,000'';
            (8) by striking item number 248;
            (9) in item number 274 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Intersection improvements at Belleville and

[[Page 122 STAT. 1579]]

        Ecorse Roads and approach roadways, and widen Belleville Road 
        from Ecorse to Tyler, Van Buren Township, Michigan'';
            (10) in item number 277 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Construct connector road from Rushing Drive 
        North to Grand Ave., Williamson County'';
            (11) in item number 395 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Plan and construct interchange at I-65, from 
        existing SR-109 to I-65'';
            (12) in item number 463 by striking ``Cookeville'' and 
        inserting ``Putnam County'';
            (13) in item number 576 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Design, right-of-way acquisition, and 
        construction of Nebraska Highway 35 between Norfolk and South 
        Sioux City, including an interchange at Milepost 1 on I-129'';
            (14) in item number 595 by striking ``Street Closure at'' 
        and inserting ``Transportation improvement project near'';
            (15) in item number 649 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Construction and enhancement of the Fillmore 
        Avenue Corridor, Buffalo'';
            (16) in item number 655 by inserting ``, safety improvement 
        construction,'' after ``Environmental studies'';
            (17) in item number 676 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``St. Croix River crossing project, Wisconsin 
        State Highway 64, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, to Minnesota 
        State Highway 36, Washington County'';
            (18) in item number 770 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Improve existing Horns Hill Road in North 
        Newark, Ohio, from Waterworks Road to Licking Springs Road'';
            (19) in item number 777 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Akutan Airport access'';
            (20) in item number 829 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``$400,000 to conduct New Bedford/Fairhaven Bridge 
        modernization study; $1,000,000 to design and build New Bedford 
        Business Park access road'';
            (21) in item number 881 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Pedestrian safety improvements near North 
        Atlantic Boulevard, Monterey Park'';
            (22) in item number 923 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Improve safety of a horizontal curve on 
        Clarksville St. 0.25 miles north of 275th Rd. in Grandview 
        Township, Edgar County'';
            (23) in item number 947 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Third East/West River Crossing, St. Lucie 
            (24) in item numbers 959 and 3327 by striking ``Northern 
        Section,'' each place it appears;
            (25) in item number 963 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``For engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and 
        reconstruction of 2 existing lanes on Manhattan Road from 
        Baseline Road to Route 53'';
            (26) in item number 983 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Land acquisition for highway mitigation in 
        Cecil, Kent, Queen Annes, and Worcester Counties'';
            (27) in item number 1039 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Widen State Route 98, including storm drain 
        developments, from D. Navarro Avenue to State Route 111'';

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            (28) in item number 1047 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Bridge and road work at Little Susitna River 
        Access road in Matanuska-Susitna Borough'';
            (29) in item number 1124 by striking ``bridge over 
        Stillwater River, Orono'' and inserting ``routes'';
            (30) in item number 1206 by striking ``Pleasantville'' and 
        inserting ``Briarcliff Manor'';
            (31) in item number 1281 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Upgrade roads in Attala County District 4 (Roads 
        4211 and 4204), Kosciusko, Ward 2, and Ethel, Attala County'';
            (32) in item number 1487 by striking ``$800,000'' and 
        inserting ``$1,600,000'';
            (33) in item number 1575 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Highway and road signage, and traffic signal 
        synchronization and upgrades, in Shippensburg Boro, Shippensburg 
        Township, and surrounding municipalities'';
            (34) in item number 1661 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Sheldon West Extension in Matanuska-Susitna 
            (35) in item number 1810 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Design, engineering, ROW acquisition, 
        construction, and construction engineering for the 
        reconstruction of TH 95, from 12th Avenue to CSAH 13, including 
        bridge and approaches, ramps, intersecting roadways, signals, 
        turn lanes, and multiuse trail, North Branch'';
            (36) in item number 1852 by striking ``Milepost 9.3'' and 
        inserting ``Milepost 24.3'';
            (37) in item numbers 1926 and 2893 by striking the project 
        descriptions and inserting ``Grading, paving roads, and the 
        transfer of rail-to-truck for the intermodal facility at 
        Rickenbacker Airport, Columbus, Ohio'';
            (38) in item number 1933 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Enhance Byzantine Latino Quarter transit plazas 
        at Normandie and Pico, and Hoover and Pico, Los Angeles, by 
        improving streetscapes, including expanding concrete and 
            (39) in item number 1975 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Point MacKenzie Access Road improvements in 
        Matanuska-Susitna Borough'';
            (40) in item number 2015 by striking the project description 
        and amount and inserting ``Heidelberg Borough/Scott Township/
        Carnegie Borough for design, engineering, acquisition, and 
        construction of streetscaping enhancements, paving, lighting and 
        safety upgrades, and parking improvements'' and ``$2,000,000'', 
            (41) in item number 2087 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Railroad crossing improvement on Illinois Route 
        82 in Geneseo'';
            (42) in item number 2211 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Construct road projects and transportation 
        enhancements as part of or connected to RiverScape Phase III, 
        Montgomery County, Ohio'';
            (43) in item number 2234 by striking the project description 
        and amount and inserting ``North Atherton Signal Coordination 
        Project in Centre County'' and ``$400,000'', respectively;

[[Page 122 STAT. 1581]]

            (44) in item number 2316 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Construct a new bridge at Indian Street, Martin 
            (45) in item number 2420 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Preconstruction and construction activities of 
        U.S. 51 between the Assumption Bypass and Vandalia'';
            (46) in item number 2482 by striking ``Country'' and 
        inserting ``County'';
            (47) in item number 2663 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Rosemead Boulevard safety enhancement and 
        beautification, Temple City'';
            (48) in item number 2671 by striking ``from 2 to 5 lanes and 
        improve alignment within rights-of-way in St. George'' and 
        inserting ``, St. George'';
            (49) in item number 2743 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Improve safety of culvert replacement on 250th 
        Rd. between 460th St. and Cty Hwy 20 in Grandview Township, 
        Edgar County'';
            (50) by striking item number 2800;
            (51) in item number 2826 by striking ``State Street and 
        Cajon Boulevard'' and inserting ``Palm Avenue'';
            (52) in item number 2931 by striking ``Frazho Road'' and 
        inserting ``Martin Road'';
            (53) in item number 3047 by inserting ``and roadway 
        improvements'' after ``safety project'';
            (54) in item number 3078 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``U.S. 2/Sultan Basin Road improvements in 
            (55) in item number 3174 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Improving Outer Harbor access through planning, 
        design, construction, and relocations of Southtowns Connector-NY 
        Route 5, Fuhrmann Boulevard, and a bridge connecting the Outer 
        Harbor to downtown Buffalo at the Inner Harbor'';
            (56) in item number 3219 by striking ``Forest'' and 
        inserting ``Warren'';
            (57) in item number 3254 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Reconstruct PA Route 274/34 Corridor, Perry 
            (58) in item number 3260 by striking ``Lake Shore Drive'' 
        and inserting ``Lakeshore Drive and parking facility/entrance 
        improvements serving the Museum of Science and Industry'';
            (59) in item number 3368 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Plan, design, and engineering, Ludlam Trail, 
            (60) in item number 3410 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Design, purchase land, and construct sound walls 
        along the west side of I-65 from approximately 950 feet south of 
        the Harding Place interchange south to Hogan Road'';
            (61) in item number 3537 by inserting ``and the study of 
        alternatives along the North South Corridor,'' after ``Valley'';
            (62) in item number 3582 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Improving Outer Harbor access through planning, 
        design, construction, and relocations of Southtowns Connector-NY 
        Route 5, Fuhrmann Boulevard, and a bridge connecting the Outer 
        Harbor to downtown Buffalo at the Inner Harbor'';

[[Page 122 STAT. 1582]]

            (63) in item number 3604 by inserting ``/Kane Creek 
        Boulevard'' after ``500 West'';
            (64) in item number 3632 by striking the State, project 
        description, and amount and inserting ``FL'', ``Pine Island Road 
        pedestrian overpass, city of Tamarac'', and ``$610,000'', 
            (65) in item number 3634 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``FL'', ``West Avenue Bridge, city of Miami Beach'', and 
        ``$620,000'', respectively;
            (66) in item number 3673 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Improve marine dry-dock and facilities in 
            (67) in item number 2942 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Redesigning the intersection of Business U.S. 
        322/High Street and Rosedale Avenue and constructing a new East 
        Campus Drive between High Street (U.S. 322) and Matlock Street 
        at West Chester University, West Chester, Pennsylvania'';
            (68) in item number 2781 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Highway and road signage, road construction, and 
        other transportation improvement and enhancement projects on or 
        near Highway 26, in Riverton and surrounding areas'';
            (69) in item number 2430 by striking ``200 South 
        Interchange'' and inserting ``400 South Interchange'';
            (70) by striking item number 20;
            (71) in item number 424 by striking ``$264,000'' and 
        inserting ``$644,000'';
            (72) in item number 1210 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Town of New Windsor--Riley Road, Shore Drive, 
        and area road improvements'';
            (73) by striking item numbers 68, 905, and 1742;
            (74) in item number 1059 by striking ``$240,000'' and 
        inserting ``$420,000'';
            (75) in item number 2974 by striking ``$120,000'' and 
        inserting ``$220,000'';
            (76) by striking item numbers 841, 960, and 2030;
            (77) in item number 1278 by striking ``$740,000'' and 
        inserting ``$989,600'';
            (78) in item number 207 by striking ``$13,600,000'' and 
        inserting ``$13,200,000'';
            (79) in item number 2656 by striking ``$12,228,000'' and 
        inserting ``$8,970,000'';
            (80) in item number 1983 by striking ``$1,600,000'' and 
        inserting ``$1,000,000'';
            (81) in item number 753 by striking ``$2,700,000'' and 
        inserting ``$3,200,000'';
            (82) in item number 64 by striking ``$6,560,000'' and 
        inserting ``$8,480,000'';
            (83) in item number 2338 by striking ``$1,600,000'' and 
        inserting ``$1,800,000'';
            (84) in item number 1533 by striking ``$392,000'' and 
        inserting ``$490,000'';
            (85) in item number 1354 by striking ``$40,000'' and 
        inserting ``$50,000'';

[[Page 122 STAT. 1583]]

            (86) in item number 3106 by striking ``$400,000'' and 
        inserting ``$500,000'';
            (87) in item number 799 by striking ``$1,600,000'' and 
        inserting ``$2,000,000'';
            (88) in item number 159--
                    (A) by striking ``Construct interchange for 146th 
                St. and I-69'' and inserting ``Upgrade 146th St. to I-69 
                Access''; and
                    (B) by striking ``$2,400,000'' and inserting 
            (89) by striking item number 2936;
            (90) in item number 3138 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Elimination of highway-railway crossing along 
        the KO railroad from Salina to Osborne to increase safety and 
        reduce congestion'';
            (91) in item number 2274 by striking ``between Farmington 
        and Merriman'' and inserting ``between Hines Drive and Inkster, 
        Flamingo Street between Ann Arbor Trail and Joy Road, and the 
        intersection of Warren Road and Newburgh Road'';
            (92) in item number 52 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Pontiac Trail between E. Liberty and McHattie 
            (93) in item number 1544 by striking ``connector'';
            (94) in item number 2573 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Rehabilitation of Sugar Hill Road in North 
        Salem, NY'';
            (95) in item number 1450 by striking ``III-VI'' and 
        inserting ``III-VII'';
            (96) in item number 2637 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Construction, road and safety improvements in 
        Geauga County, OH'';
            (97) in item number 2342 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Streetscaping, bicycle trails, and related 
        improvements to the I-90/SR-615 interchange and adjacent area 
        and Heisley Road in Mentor, including acquisition of necessary 
        right-of-way within the Newell Creek development to build future 
        bicycle trails and bicycle staging areas that will connect into 
        the existing bicycle trail system at I-90/SR-615, widening the 
        Garfield Road Bridge over I-90 to provide connectivity to the 
        existing bicycle trail system between the I-90/SR-615 
        interchange and Lakeland Community College, and acquisition of 
        additional land needed for the preservation of the Lake 
        Metroparks Greenspace Corridor with the Newell Creek development 
        adjacent to the I-90/SR-615 interchange'';
            (98) in item number 161 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Construct False Pass causeway and road to the 
        terminus of the south arm  breakwater project'';
            (99) in item number 2002 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Dowling Road extension/reconstruction west from 
        Minnesota Drive to Old Seward Highway, Anchorage'';
            (100) in item number 2023 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Biking and pedestrian trail 
        construction, Kentland'';
            (101) in item number 2035 by striking ``Replace'' and 
        inserting ``Repair'';
            (102) in item number 2511 by striking ``Replace'' and 
        inserting ``Rehabilitate'';

[[Page 122 STAT. 1584]]

            (103) in item number 2981 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Roadway improvements on Highway 262 
        on the Navajo Nation in Aneth'';
            (104) in item number 2068 by inserting ``and approaches'' 
        after ``capacity'';
            (105) in item number 98 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Right-of-way acquisition and construction for 
        the 77th Street reconstruction project, including the Lyndale 
        Avenue Bridge over I-494, Richfield'';
            (106) in item number 1783 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Clark Road access improvements, 
            (107) in item number 2711 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Main Street Road Improvements 
        through Springfield, Jacksonville'';
            (108) in item number 3485 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Improve SR 105 (Hecksher Drive) from 
        Drummond Point to August Road, including bridges across the 
        Broward River and Dunns Creek, Jacksonville'';
            (109) in item number 3486 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construct improvements to NE 19th 
        Street/NE 19th Terrace from NE 3rd Avenue to NE 8th Avenue, 
            (110) in item number 3487 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construct improvements to NE 25th 
        Street from SR 26 (University Blvd.) to NE 8th Avenue, 
            (111) in item number 803 by striking ``St. Clair County'' 
        and inserting ``city of Madison'';
            (112) in item number 615 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Roadway improvements to Jackson Avenue between 
        Jericho Turnpike and Teibrook Avenue'';
            (113) by striking item number 889;
            (114) in item number 324 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Alger County, to reconstruct, pave, and realign 
        a portion of H-58 from 2,600 feet south of Little Beaver Lake 
        Road to 4,600 feet east of Hurricane River'';
            (115) in item number 301 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Improvements for St. Georges Avenue between East 
        Baltimore Avenue on the southwest and Chandler Avenue on the 
            (116) in item number 1519 by inserting ``at the intersection 
        of Quincy/West Drinker/Electric Streets near the Dunmore School 
        complex'' after ``roadway redesign'';
            (117) in item number 2604 by inserting ``on Coolidge, Bridge 
        (from Main to Monroe), Skytop (from Gedding to Skytop), Atwell 
        (from Bear Creek Rd. to Pittston Township), Wood (to Bear Creek 
        Rd.), Pine, Oak (from Penn Avenue to Lackawanna Avenue), McLean, 
        Second, and Lolli Lane'' after ``roadway redesign'';
            (118) in item number 1157 by inserting ``on Mill Street from 
        Prince Street to Roberts Street, John Street from Roberts Street 
        to end, Thomas Street from Roberts Street to end, Williams 
        Street from Roberts Street to end, Charles Street from Roberts 
        Street to end, Fair Street from Roberts Street to end, Newport 
        Avenue from East Kirmar Avenue to end'' after ``roadway 

[[Page 122 STAT. 1585]]

            (119) in item number 805 by inserting ``on Oak Street from 
        Stark Street to the township line at Mayock Street and on East 
        Mountain Boulevard'' after ``roadway redesign'';
            (120) in item number 2704 by inserting ``on West Cemetery 
        Street and Frederick Courts'' after ``roadway redesign'';
            (121) in item number 4599 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Pedestrian paths, stairs, seating, 
        landscaping, lighting, and other transportation enhancement 
        activities along Riverside Boulevard and at Riverside Park 
            (122) in item number 1363 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Design, engineering, right-of-way 
        acquisition, and construction of streetscaping enhancements, 
        paving, lighting, safety improvements, handicap access ramps, 
        parking, and roadway redesign on Bilbow Street from Church 
        Street to Pugh Street, on Pugh Street from Swallow Street to 
        Main Street, Jones Lane from Main Street to Hoblak Street, 
        Cherry Street from Green Street to Church Street, Main Street 
        from Jackson Street to end, Short Street from Cherry Street to 
        Main Street, and Hillside Avenue in Edwardsville Borough, 
        Luzerne County'';
            (123) in item number 883 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Design, engineering, right-of-way acquisition, 
        and construction of streetscaping enhancements, paving, 
        lighting, parking, roadway redesign, and safety improvements 
        (including curbing, stop signs, crosswalks, and pedestrian 
        sidewalks) at and around the 3-way intersection involving 
        Susquehanna Avenue, Erie Street, and Second Street in West 
        Pittston, Luzerne County'';
            (124) in item number 625 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Design, engineering, right-of-way acquisition, 
        and construction of streetscaping enhancements, paving, 
        lighting, safety improvements, parking, and roadway redesign on 
        Sampson Street, Dunn Avenue, Powell Street, Josephine Street, 
        Pittston Avenue, Railroad Street, McClure Avenue, and Baker 
        Street in Old Forge Borough, Lackawanna County'';
            (125) in item number 372 by inserting ``, replacement of the 
        Nesbitt Street Bridge, and placement of a guard rail adjacent to 
        St. Vladimir's Cemetery on Mountain Road (S.R. 1007)'' after 
        ``roadway redesign'';
            (126) in item number 2308 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Design, engineering, right-of-way 
        acquisition, and construction of streetscaping enhancements, 
        paving, lighting, safety improvements, parking, and roadway 
        redesign, including a project to establish emergency access to 
        Catherino Drive from South Valley Avenue in Throop Borough, 
        Lackawanna County'';
            (127) in item number 967 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Design, engineering, right-of-way acquisition, 
        and construction of streetscaping enhancements, paving, 
        lighting, safety improvements, parking, roadway redesign, and 
        catch basin restoration and replacement on Cherry Street, Willow 
        Street, Eno Street, Flat Road, Krispin Street, Parrish Street, 
        Carver Street, Church Street, Franklin Street, Carolina Street, 
        East Main Street, and Rear Shawnee Avenue in Plymouth Borough, 
        Luzerne County'';

[[Page 122 STAT. 1586]]

            (128) in item number 989 by inserting ``on Old Ashley Road, 
        Ashley Street, Phillips Street, First Street, Ferry Road, and 
        Division Street'' after ``roadway redesign'';
            (129) in item number 342 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Design, engineering, right-of-way acquisition, 
        and construction of streetscaping enhancements, paving, 
        lighting, safety improvements, parking, roadway redesign, and 
        cross pipe and catch basin restoration and replacement on 
        Northgate, Mandy Court, Vine Street, and 36th Street in 
        Milnesville West, and on Hillside Drive (including the widening 
        of the bridge on Hillside Drive), Club 40 Road, Sunburst and 
        Venisa Drives, and Stockton #7 Road in Hazle Township, Luzerne 
            (130) in item number 2332 by striking ``Monroe County'' and 
        inserting ``Carbon, Monroe, Pike, and Wayne Counties'';
            (131) in item number 4914 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Roadway improvements on I-90 loop in 
        Mitchell along Haven Street from near Burr Street to near Ohlman 
            (132) by striking item number 2723;
            (133) in item number 61 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``AL'', ``Grade crossing improvements along Wiregrass Central RR 
        at Boll Weevil Bypass in Enterprise, AL'', and ``$250,000'', 
            (134) in item number 314 by striking the project description 
        and amount and inserting ``Streetscape enhancements to the 
        transit and pedestrian corridor, Fort Lauderdale, Downtown 
        Development Authority'' and ``$610,000'', respectively;
            (135) in item number 1639 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Operational and highway safety 
        improvements on Hwy 94 between the 20 mile marker post in Jamul 
        and Hwy 188 in Tecate'';
            (136) in item number 2860 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Roadway improvements from Halchita 
        to Mexican Hat on the Navajo Nation'';
            (137) in item number 2549 by striking ``on Navy Pier'';
            (138) in item number 2804 by striking ``on Navy Pier'';
            (139) in item number 1328 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construct public access roadways and 
        pedestrian safety improvements in and around Montclair State 
        University in Clifton'';
            (140) in item number 2559 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construct sound walls on Route 164 
        at and near the Maersk interchange'';
            (141) in item number 1849 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Highway, traffic-flow, pedestrian 
        facility, and streetscape improvements, Pittsburgh'';
            (142) in item number 697 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Highway, traffic-flow, pedestrian facility, and 
        streetscape improvements, Pittsburgh'';
            (143) in item number 3597 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Road Alignment from IL Route 159 to 
        Sullivan Drive, Swansea'';

[[Page 122 STAT. 1587]]

            (144) in item number 2352 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Streetscaping and transportation 
        enhancements on 7th Street in Calexico, traffic signalization on 
        Highway 78, construction of the Renewable Energy and 
        Transportation Learning Center, improve and enlarge parking lot, 
        and create bus stop, Brawley'';
            (145) in item number 3482 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Conduct a study to examine multi-
        modal improvements to the I-5 corridor between the Main Street 
        Interchange and State Route 54'';
            (146) in item number 1275 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Scoping, permitting, engineering, 
        construction management, and construction of Riverbank Park Bike 
        Trail, Kearny'';
            (147) in item number 726 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Grade Separation at Vanowen and Clybourn, 
            (148) in item number 1579 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``San Gabriel Blvd. rehabilitation 
        project, Mission Road to Broadway, San Gabriel'';
            (149) in item number 2690 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``San Gabriel Blvd. rehabilitation 
        project, Mission Road to Broadway, San Gabriel'';
            (150) in item number 2811 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``San Gabriel Blvd. rehabilitation 
        project, Mission Road to Broadway, San Gabriel'';
            (151) in item number 259 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Design and construction of the Clair Nelson 
        Intermodal Center in Finland, Lake County'';
            (152) in item number 3456 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Completion of Phase II/Part I of a 
        project on Elizabeth Avenue in Coleraine to west of Itasca 
        County State Aid Highway 15 in Itasca County'';
            (153) in item number 2329 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Upgrade streets, undertake 
        streetscaping, and implement traffic and pedestrian safety 
        signalization improvements and highway-rail crossing safety 
        improvements, Oak Lawn'';
            (154) in item number 766 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Design and construction of the walking path at 
        Ellis Pond, Norwood'';
            (155) in item number 3474 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Yellow River Trail, Newton County'';
            (156) in item number 3291 by striking the amount and 
        inserting ``$200,000'';
            (157) in item number 3635 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``GA'', ``Access Road in Montezuma'', and ``$200,000'', 
            (158) in item number 716 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Conduct a project study report for new Highway 
        99 Interchange between SR 165 and Bradbury Road, and safety 
        improvements/realignment of SR 165, serving Turlock/Hilmar 
            (159) in item number 1386 by striking the project 
        description and amount and inserting ``Pedestrian and bicycle 

[[Page 122 STAT. 1588]]

        and street lighting in Haddon Heights'' and ``$300,000'', 
            (160) in item number 2720 by striking the project 
        description and amount and inserting ``Pedestrian and bicycle 
        facilities and street lighting in Barrington and streetscape 
        improvements to Clements Bridge Road from the circle at the 
        White Horse Pike to NJ Turnpike overpass in Barrington'' and 
        ``$700,000'', respectively;
            (161) in item number 2523 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Penobscot Riverfront Development for 
        bicycle trails, amenities, traffic circulation improvements, and 
        waterfront access or stabilization, Bangor and Brewer'';
            (162) in item number 545 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Planning, design, and construction of 
        improvements to the highway systems connecting to Lewistown and 
        Auburn downtowns'';
            (163) by striking item number 2168;
            (164) by striking item number 170;
            (165) in item number 2366 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Design, engineering, right-of-way 
        acquisition, and paving of the parking lot at the Casey Plaza in 
        Wilkes-Barre Township'';
            (166) in item number 826 by striking ``and Interstate 81'' 
        and inserting ``and exit 168 on Interstate 81 or the 
        intersection of the connector road with Northampton St.'';
            (167) in item number 2144 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Design, engineering, right-of-way 
        acquisition and construction of streetscaping enhancements, 
        paving, lighting, safety improvements, parking, and roadway 
        redesign on Third Street from Pittston Avenue to Packer Street; 
        Swift Street from Packer Street to Railroad Street; Clark Street 
        from Main Street to South Street; School Street from Main Street 
        to South Street; Plane Street from Grove Street to William 
        Street; John Street from 4 John Street to William Street; Grove 
        Street from Plane Street to Duryea Borough line; Wood Street 
        from Cherry Street to Hawthorne Street in Avoca Borough, Luzerne 
            (168) in item number 1765 by striking the project 
        description and amount and inserting ``Design, engineering, 
        right-of-way acquisition, and construction of street 
        improvements, streetscaping enhancements, paving, lighting, 
        safety improvements, parking, roadway redesign in Pittston, 
        including right-of-way acquisition, structure demolition, and 
        intersection safety improvements in the vicinity of and 
        including Main, William, and Parsonage Streets in Pittston'' and 
        ``$1,600,000'', respectively;
            (169) in item number 2957 by striking the project 
        description and amount and inserting ``Design, engineering, land 
        acquisition, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of a 
        parking garage, streetscaping enhancements, paving, lighting, 
        safety improvements, parking, and roadway redesign in the city 
        of Wilkes-Barre'' and ``$2,800,000'', respectively;
            (170) in item number 3283 by striking the project 
        description and amount and inserting ``Pedestrian access 
        improvements, including installation of infrastructure and 
        equipment for security and surveillance purposes at subway 
        stations in Astoria, New York'' and ``$1,300,000'', 

[[Page 122 STAT. 1589]]

            (171) in item number 3556 by striking the project 
        description and amount and inserting ``Design and rehabilitate 
        staircases used as streets due to the steep grade of terrain in 
        Bronx County'' and ``$1,100,000'', respectively;
            (172) by striking item number 203;
            (173) by striking item number 552;
            (174) by striking item number 590;
            (175) by striking item number 759;
            (176) by striking item number 879;
            (177) by striking item number 1071;
            (178) by striking item number 1382;
            (179) by striking item number 1897;
            (180) by striking item number 2553;
            (181) in item number 3014 by striking the project 
        description and amount and inserting ``Design and Construct 
        school safety projects in New York City'' and ``$2,500,000'', 
            (182) in item number 2375 by striking the project 
        description and amount and inserting ``Subsurface environmental 
        study to measure presence of methane and benzene gasses in 
        vicinity of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, and the Kosciusko Bridge, 
        resulting from the Newtown Creek oil spill'' and ``$100,000'';
            (183) in item number 221 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Study and Implement transportation improvements 
        on Flatbush Ave. between Avenue U and the Marine Park Bridge in 
        front of Gateway National Park in Kings County, New York'';
            (184) in item number 2732 striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Pedestrian safety improvements in the vicinity 
        of LIRR stations'';
            (185) by striking item number 99;
            (186) in item number 398 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Construct a new 2-lane road extending north from 
        University Park Drive and improvements to University Park 
            (187) in item number 446 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Transportation improvements for development of 
        the Williamsport-Pile Bay Road corridor'';
            (188) in item number 671 by striking ``and Pedestrian Trail 
        Expansion'' and inserting ``, including parking facilities and 
        Pedestrian Trail Expansion'';
            (189) in item number 674 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``AL'', ``Grade crossing improvements along Conecuh Valley RR at 
        Henderson Highway (CR-21) in Troy, AL'', and ``$300,000'', 
            (190) in item number 739 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``AL'', ``Grade crossing improvements along Luxapalila Valley RR 
        in Lamar and Fayette Counties, AL (Crossings at CR-6, CR-20, SH-
        7, James Street, and College Drive)'', and ``$300,000'', 
            (191) in item number 746 by striking ``Planning and 
        construction of a bicycle trail adjacent to the I-90 and SR 615 
        Interchange in'' and inserting ``Planning, construction, and 
        extension of bicycle trails adjacent to the I-90 and SR 615 
        Interchange, along the Greenway Corridor and throughout'';

[[Page 122 STAT. 1590]]

            (192) in item number 749 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``PA'', ``UPMC Heliport in Bedford'', and ``$750,000'', 
            (193) in item number 813 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Preliminary design and study of long-term 
        roadway approach alternatives to TH 36/SH 64 St. Croix River 
        Crossing Project'';
            (194) in item number 816 by striking ``$800,000'' and 
        inserting ``$880,000'';
            (195) in item number 852 by striking ``Acquire Right-of-Way 
        for Ludlam Trail, Miami, Florida'' and inserting ``Planning, 
        design, and engineering, Ludlam Trail, Miami'';
            (196) in item number 994 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``PA'', ``Construct 2 flyover ramps and S. Linden Street exit 
        for access to industrial sites in the cities of McKeesport and 
        Duquesne'', and ``$500,000'', respectively;
            (197) in item number 1015 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Mississippi River Crossing 
        connecting I-94 and US 10 between US 160 and TH 101, MN'';
            (198) in item number 1101 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``I-285 underpass/tunnel assessment 
        and engineering and interchange improvements in Sandy Springs'';
            (199) in item number 1211 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``PA'', ``Road improvements and upgrades related to the 
        Pennsylvania State Baseball Stadium'', and ``$500,000'', 
            (200) in item number 1345 by striking ``to Stony Creek Park, 
        25 Mile Road in Shelby Township'' and inserting ``south to the 
        city of Utica'';
            (201) in item number 1501 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construction and right-of-way 
        acquisition of TH 241, CSAH 35 and associated streets in the 
        city of St. Michael'';
            (202) in item number 1525 by striking ``north of CSX RR 
        Bridge'' and inserting ``US Highway 90'';
            (203) in item number 1847 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Improve roads, sidewalks, and road 
        drainage, City of Seward'';
            (204) in item number 2031 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construct and improve Westside 
        Parkway in Fulton County'';
            (205) in item number 2103 by striking ``$2,000,000'' and 
        inserting ``$3,000,000'';
            (206) in item number 2219 by striking ``SR 91 in City of 
        Twinsburg, OH'' and inserting ``Center Valley Parkway in 
        Twinsburg, OH'';
            (207) in item number 2302 by inserting ``and other road 
        improvements to Safford Street'' after ``crossings'';
            (208) in item number 2560 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``I-285 underpass/tunnel assessment 
        and engineering and interchange improvements in Sandy Springs'';
            (209) in item number 2563 by striking the project 
        description and amount and inserting ``Construct hike and bike 

[[Page 122 STAT. 1591]]

        as part of Bridgeview Bridge replacement in Macomb County'' and 
        ``$486,400'', respectively;
            (210) in item number 2698 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Interchanges at I-95/Ellis Road and 
        between Grant Road and Micco Road, Brevard County'';
            (211) in item number 3141 by striking ``$2,800,000'' and 
        inserting ``$1,800,000'';
            (212) by striking item number 3160;
            (213) in item number 3353 by inserting ``and construction'' 
        after ``mitigation'';
            (214) in item number 996 by striking ``$2,000,000'' and 
        inserting ``$687,000'';
            (215) in item number 2166 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Design, right-of-way acquisition, 
        and construction for I-35 and CSAH2 interchange and CSAH2 
        corridor to TH61 in Forest Lake'';
            (216) in item number 3251 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``I-94 and Radio Drive Interchange and 
        frontage road project, design, right-of-way acquisition, and 
        construction, Woodbury'';
            (217) in item number 1488 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construct a 4-lane highway between 
        Maverick Junction and the Nebraska border'';
            (218) in item number 3240 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Railroad-highway crossings in 
            (219) in item number 1738 by striking ``Paving'' and 
        inserting ``Planning, design, and construction'';
            (220) in item number 3672 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Pave remaining stretch of BIA Route 
        4 from the junction of the BIA Route 4 and N8031 in Pinon, AZ, 
        to the Navajo and Hopi border'';
            (221) in item number 2424 by striking ``Construction'' and 
        inserting ``preconstruction (including survey and archeological 
        clearances) and construction'';
            (222) in item number 1216 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``PA'', ``For roadway construction improvements to Route 222 
        relocation, Lehigh County'', and ``$1,313,000'', respectively;
            (223) in item number 2956 by striking ``$1,360,000'' and 
        inserting ``$2,080,000'';
            (224) in item number 1256 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``PA'', ``Construction of a bridge over Brandywine Creek as part 
        of the Boot Road extension project, Downingtown Borough'', and 
        ``$700,000'', respectively;
            (225) in item number 1291 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``PA'', ``Enhance parking facilities in Chester Springs, 
        Historic Yellow Springs'', and ``$20,000'', respectively;
            (226) in item number 1304 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``PA'', ``Improve the intersection at SR 100/SR 4003 (Kernsville 
        Road), Lehigh County'', and ``$250,000'', respectively;
            (227) in item number 1357 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and

[[Page 122 STAT. 1592]]

        inserting ``PA'', ``Intersection signalization at SR 3020 
        (Newburg Road)/Country Club Road, Northampton County'', and 
        ``$250,000'', respectively;
            (228) in item number 1395 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``PA'', ``Improve the intersection at SR 100/SR 29, Lehigh 
        County'', and ``$220,000'', respectively;
            (229) in item number 80 by striking ``$4,544,000'' and 
        inserting ``$4,731,200'';
            (230) in item number 2096 by striking ``$4,800,000'' and 
        inserting ``$5,217,600'';
            (231) in item number 1496 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``PA'', ``Study future needs of East-West road infrastructure in 
        Adams County'', and ``$115,200'', respectively;
            (232) in item number 2193 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``710 Freeway Study to comprehensively 
        evaluate the technical feasibility of a tunnel alternative to 
        close the 710 Freeway gap, considering all practicable routes, 
        in addition to any potential route previously considered, and 
        with no funds to be used for preliminary engineering or 
        environmental review except to the extent necessary to determine 
            (233) in item number 2445 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``$600,000 for road and pedestrian 
        safety improvements on Main Street in the Village of Patchogue; 
        $900,000 for road and pedestrian safety improvements on Montauk 
        Highway, between NYS Route 112 and Suffolk County Road 101 in 
        Suffolk County'';
            (234) in item number 346 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Hansen Dam Recreation Area access improvements, 
        including hillside stabilization and parking lot rehabilitation 
        along Osborne Street between Glenoaks Boulevard and Dronfield 
            (235) by striking item number 449;
            (236) in item number 3688 by striking ``road'' and inserting 
            (237) in item number 3695 by striking ``in Soldotna'' and 
        inserting ``in the Kenai River corridor'';
            (238) in item number 3699 by striking ``to improve fish 
            (239) in item number 3700 by inserting ``and ferry 
        facilities'' after ``a ferry'';
            (240) in item number 3703 by inserting ``or other roads'' 
        after ``Cape Blossom Road'';
            (241) in item number 3704 by striking ``Fairbanks'' and 
        inserting ``Alaska Highway'';
            (242) in item number 3705 by striking ``in Cook Inlet for 
        the Westside development/Williamsport-Pile Bay Road'' and 
        inserting ``for development of the Williamsport-Pile Bay Road 
            (243) in item number 3829 by striking the amount and 
        inserting ``$3,050,000'';
            (244) by inserting after item number 3829 the following:

[[Page 122 STAT. 1593]]

``3829A                         CO  U.S. 550, New Mexico     $950,000'';
                                     State line to

            (245) in item number 4788 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Heidelberg Borough/Scott Township/
        Carnegie Borough for design, engineering, acquisition, and 
        construction of streetscaping enhancements, paving, lighting and 
        safety upgrades, and parking improvements'';
            (246) in item number 3861 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Creation of a greenway path along 
        the Naugatuck River in Waterbury'';
            (247) in item number 3883 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Wilmington Riverfront Access and 
        Street Grid Redesign'';
            (248) in item number 3892 by striking ``$5,000,000'' and 
        inserting ``$8,800,000'';
            (249) in item number 3894 by striking ``$5,000,000'' and 
        inserting ``$1,200,000'';
            (250) in item number 3909 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``S.R. 281, the Avalon Boulevard 
        Expansion Project from Interstate 10 to U.S. Highway 91'';
            (251) in item number 3911 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construct a new bridge at Indian 
        Street, Martin County'';
            (252) in item number 3916 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``City of Hollywood for U.S. 1/Federal 
        Highway, north of Young Circle'';
            (253) in item number 3937 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Kingsland bypass from CR 61 to I-95, 
        Camden County'';
            (254) in item number 3945 by striking ``CR 293 to CS 5231'' 
        and inserting ``SR 371 to SR 400'';
            (255) in item number 3965 by striking ``transportation 
        projects'' and inserting ``and air quality projects'';
            (256) in item number 3986 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Extension of Sugarloaf Parkway, 
        Gwinnett County'';
            (257) in item number 3999 by striking ``Bridges'' and 
        inserting ``Bridge and Corridor'';
            (258) in item number 4003 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``City of Council Bluffs and 
        Pottawattamie County East Beltway Roadway and Connectors 
            (259) in item number 4043 by striking ``MP 9.3, Segment I, 
        II, and III'' and inserting ``Milepost 24.3'';
            (260) in item number 4050 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Preconstruction and construction 
        activities of U.S. 51 between the Assumption Bypass and 
            (261) in item number 4058 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``For improvements to the road between 
        Brighton and Bunker Hill in Macoupin County'';
            (262) in each of item numbers 4062 and 4084 by striking the 
        project description and inserting ``Preconstruction, 
        construction, and related research and studies of I-290 Cap the 
        Ike project in the village of Oak Park'';

[[Page 122 STAT. 1594]]

            (263) in item number 4089 by inserting ``and parking 
        facility/entrance improvements serving the Museum of Science and 
        Industry'' after ``Lakeshore Drive'';
            (264) in item number 4103 by inserting ``and adjacent to 
        the'' before ``Shawnee'';
            (265) in item number 4110 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``For improvements to the road between 
        Brighton and Bunker Hill in Macoupin County'';
            (266) in item number 4120 by striking the matters in the 
        project description and amount columns and inserting ``Upgrade 
        146th Street to Improve I-69 Access'' and ``$800,000'', 
            (267) in item number 4125 by striking ``$250,000'' and 
        inserting ``$1,650,000'';
            (268) by striking item number 4170;
            (269) by striking item number 4179;
            (270) in item number 4185 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Replace the Clinton Street Bridge 
        spanning St. Mary's River in downtown Fort Wayne'';
            (271) in item number 4299 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Improve U.S. 40, MD 715 interchange 
        and other roadways in the vicinity of Aberdeen Proving Ground to 
        support BRAC-related growth'';
            (272) in item number 4313 by striking ``Maryland Avenue'' 
        and all that follows through ``Rd. corridor'' and inserting 
        ``intermodal access, streetscape, and pedestrian safety 
            (273) in item number 4315 by striking ``stormwater 
        mitigation project'' and inserting ``environmental preservation 
            (274) in item number 4318 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Planning, design, and construction 
        of improvements to the highway systems connecting to Lewiston 
        and Auburn downtowns'';
            (275) in item number 4323 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``MaineDOT Acadia intermodal passenger 
        and maintenance facility'';
            (276) in item number 4338 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construct 1 or more grade-separated 
        crossings of I-75, and make associated improvements to improve 
        local and regional east-west mobility between Mileposts 279 and 
            (277) in item number 4355 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Design, engineering, ROW 
        acquisition, construction, and construction engineering for the 
        reconstruction of TH 95, from 12th Avenue to CSAH 13, including 
        bridge and approaches, ramps, intersecting roadways, signals, 
        turn lanes, and multiuse trail, North Branch'';
            (278) in item number 4357 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Design, construct, ROW, and expand 
        TH 241 and CSAH 35 and associated streets in the city of St. 
            (279) in item number 4360 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Planning, design, and construction 
        for Twin Cities Bioscience Corridor in St. Paul'';
            (280) in item number 4362 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``I-494/U.S. 169 interchange 

[[Page 122 STAT. 1595]]

        including U.S. 169/Valley View Road interchange, Twin Cities 
        Metropolitan Area'';
            (281) in item number 4365 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``34th Street realignment and 34th 
        Street and I-94 interchange, including retention and 
        reconstruction of the SE Main Avenue/CSAH 52 interchange ramps 
        at I-94, and other transportation improvements for the city of 
        Moorhead, including the SE Main Avenue GSI and Moorhead 
        Comprehensive Rail Safety Program'';
            (282) in item number 4369 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construction of 8th Street North, 
        Stearns C.R. 120 to TH 15 in St. Cloud'';
            (283) in item number 4371 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construction and ROW of TH 241, CSAH 
        35 and associated streets in the city of St. Michael'';
            (284) in item number 4411 by striking ``Southaven'' and 
        inserting ``DeSoto County'';
            (285) in item number 4424 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``U.S. 93 Evaro to Polson 
        transportation improvement projects'';
            (286) in item number 4428 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``US 76 improvements'';
            (287) in item number 4457 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construct an interchange at an 
        existing grade separation at SR 1602 (Old Stantonsburg Rd.) and 
        U.S. 264 Bypass in Wilson County'';
            (288) in item number 4461 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Transportation and related 
        improvements at Queens University of Charlotte, including the 
        Queens Science Center and the Marion Diehl Center, Charlotte'';
            (289) in item number 4507 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Design, right-of-way acquisition, 
        and construction of Highway 35 between Norfolk and South Sioux 
        City, including an interchange at milepost 1 on U.S. I-129'';
            (290) in item number 4555 by inserting ``Canal Street and'' 
        after ``Reconstruction of'';
            (291) in item number 4565 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Railroad Construction and 
        Acquisition, Ely and White Pine County'';
            (292) in item number 4588 by inserting ``Private Parking 
        and'' before ``Transportation'';
            (293) in item number 4596 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Centerway Bridge and Bike Trail 
        Project, Corning'';
            (294) in item number 4610 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Preparation, demolition, disposal, 
        and site restoration of Alert Facility on Access Road to 
        Plattsburgh International Airport'';
            (295) in item number 4649 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Fairfield County, OH U.S. 33 and old 
        U.S. 33 safety improvements and related construction, city of 
        Lancaster and surrounding areas'';
            (296) in item number 4651 by striking ``for the transfer of 
        rail to truck for the intermodal'' and inserting ``, and 
        construction of an intermodal freight'';

[[Page 122 STAT. 1596]]

            (297) in item number 4691 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Transportation improvements to 
        Idabel Industrial Park Rail Spur, Idabel'';
            (298) in item number 4722 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Highway, traffic, pedestrian, and 
        riverfront improvements, Pittsburgh'';
            (299) in item number 4749 by striking ``study'' and 
        inserting ``improvements'';
            (300) in item number 4821 by striking ``highway grade 
        crossing project, Clearfield and Clinton Counties'' and 
        inserting ``Project for highway grade crossings and other 
        purposes relating to the Project in Cambria, Centre, Clearfield, 
        Clinton, Indiana, and Jefferson Counties'';
            (301) in item number 4838 by striking ``study'' and 
        inserting ``improvements'';
            (302) in item number 4839 by striking ``fuel-celled'' and 
        inserting ``fueled'';
            (303) in item number 4866 by striking ``$11,000,000'' and 
        inserting ``$9,400,000'';
            (304) by inserting after item number 4866 the following:

``4866A                         RI  Repair and restore     $1,600,000'';
                                     railroad bridge in

            (305) in item number 4892 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construct a 4-lane highway between 
        maverick Junction and the Nebraska border'';
            (306) in item number 4916 by striking ``$1,000,000'' and 
        inserting ``$328,000'';
            (307) in item number 4924 by striking ``$3,450,000'' and 
        inserting ``$4,122,000'';
            (308) in item number 4960 by inserting ``of which $50,000 
        shall be used for a street paving project, Calhoun'' after 
            (309) in item number 4974 by striking ``, Sevier County'';
            (310) in item number 5008 by inserting ``/Kane Creek 
        Boulevard'' after ``500 West'';
            (311) in each of item numbers 5011 and 5033 by striking 
        ``200 South Interchange'' and inserting ``400 South 
            (312) in item number 5021 by striking ``Pine View Dam,'';
            (313) in item number 5026 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Roadway improvements on Washington 
        Fields Road/300 East, Washington'';
            (314) in item number 5027 by inserting ``and roadway 
        improvements'' after ``safety project'';
            (315) in item number 5028 by inserting ``and roadway 
        improvements'' after ``lighting'';
            (316) in item number 5029 by inserting ``and roadway 
        improvements'' after ``lights'';
            (317) in number 5032 by striking the project description and 
        inserting ``Expand Redhills Parkway, St. George'';
            (318) in item number 5132 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``St. Croix River crossing project, 

[[Page 122 STAT. 1597]]

        State Highway 64, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, to Minnesota 
        State Highway 36, Washington County'';
            (319) in item number 5161 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Raleigh Street Extension Project in 
            (320) in item number 1824 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``U.S. Route 10 expansion in Wadena 
        and Ottertail Counties'';
            (321) in item number 1194 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Roadway and pedestrian design and 
        improvements for Pennsylvania Avenue, Brooklyn'';
            (322) in item number 2286 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Road improvements for Church Street 
        between NY State Route 25A and Hilden Street in Kings Park'';
            (323) in item number 1724 by striking the project 
        description and amount and inserting ``For road resurfacing and 
        upgrades to Old Nichols Road and road repairs in the Nissequogue 
        River watershed in Smithtown'' and ``$1,500,000'', respectively;
            (324) in item number 3636 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``NY'', ``Road repair and maintenance in the Town of 
        Southampton'', and ``$500,000'', respectively;
            (325) in item number 3638 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``NY'', ``Improve NY State Route 112 from Old Town Road to NY 
        State Route 347'', and ``$6,000,000'', respectively;
            (326) in item number 3479 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Road improvements and utility 
        relocations within the city of Jackson'';
            (327) in item number 141 by striking ``construction of 
        pedestrian and bicycle improvements'' and inserting 
        ``transportation enhancement activities'';
            (328) in item number 1204 by striking ``at SR 283'';
            (329) in item number 2896 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Improve streetscape and signage and 
        pave roads in McMinn County, including $50,000 that may be used 
        for paving local roads in the city of Calhoun'';
            (330) in item number 3017 by striking ``, Pine View Dam'';
            (331) in item number 3188 insert after ``Reconstruction'' 
        the following: ``including U.S. 169/Valley View Road 
            (332) in item number 1772 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Reconstruction of Historic Eastern 
            (333) in item number 2610 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Reconstruction of Times and Duffy 
        Squares in New York City'';
            (334) in item number 2462--
                    (A) by striking ``of the New Jersey Turnpike, 
                Carteret'' and inserting ``and the Tremley Point 
                Connector Road of the New Jersey Turnpike''; and
                    (B) by striking ``$1,200,000'' and inserting 
            (335) in item number 2871 by striking the amount and 
        inserting ``$2,430,000'';
            (336) in item number 3381 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Determine scope, design, 
        engineering, and

[[Page 122 STAT. 1598]]

        construction of Western Boulevard Extension from Northern 
        Boulevard to Route 9 in Ocean County, New Jersey'';
            (337) in item number 2703 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Upgrading existing railroad 
        crossings with installation of active signals and gates and to 
        study the feasibility and necessity of rail grade separation'';
            (338) in item number 1004 by inserting ``SR 71 near'' after 
        ``turn lane on'';
            (339) in item number 2824 by striking the project 
        description and inserting the following: ``Sevier County, TN, SR 
        35 near SR 449 intersection'';
            (340) in item number 373 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Widening existing Highway 226, including a 
        bypass of Cash and a new connection to Highway 49'';
            (341) in item number 1486, by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Bridge reconstruction and road 
        widening on Route 252 and Route 30 in Tredyffrin Township, PA, 
        in conjunction with the Paoli Transportation Center Project'';
            (342) in item number 4541 by striking ``of the New Jersey 
        Turnpike, Carteret'' and inserting ``and the Tremley Point 
        Connector Road of the New Jersey Turnpike'';
            (343) in item number 4006 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Improvement to Alice's Road/105th 
        Street Corridor including bridge, interchange, roadway, right-
        of-way, and enhancements'';
            (344) in item number 2901 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Purchase of land and conservation 
        easements within U.S. 24 study area in Lucas, Henry, and Fulton 
        Counties, Ohio'';
            (345) in item number 2619 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Improve access to I-55 between 
        Bayless Avenue and Loughborough Avenue, including bridge 
            (346) in item number 1687 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construct an interchange at I-675 
        and Warren Avenue near downtown Saginaw'';
            (347) by striking item number 206;
            (348) by striking item number 821;
            (349) by striking item number 906;
            (350) by striking item number 1144;
            (351) in item number 1693 by striking the project 
        description and amount and inserting ``Plan and implement truck 
        route improvements in the Maspeth neighborhood of Queens 
        County'' and ``$500,000'', respectively;
            (352) in item number 3039 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Pittsfield greenways construction to 
        connect Pittsfield to the Ann Arbor greenway system, Pittsfield 
            (353) in item number 2922 by striking the project 
        description and amount and inserting ``Detroit River 
        International Wildlife Refuge for land acquisition adjacent to 
        I-75 in Monroe County for wetland mitigation and habitat 
        restoration, Fish and Wildlife Service'' and ``$1,800,000'', 
            (354) in item number 3641 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``MI'', ``River Raisin Battlefield for acquisition of historic 
        battlefield land in Monroe County, Port of Monroe'', and 
        ``$1,200,000''; respectively;

[[Page 122 STAT. 1599]]

            (355) in item number 3643 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``MI'', ``Phase 1 of Monroe County greenway system construction, 
        Monroe County'', and ``$940,000'', respectively;
            (356) in item number 3645 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``MI'', ``East County fueling operations consolidation at the 
        Monroe County Road Commission and enhancement of facilities to 
        accommodate biodiesel fuel pumps, Monroe County'', and 
        ``$1,000,000'', respectively;
            (357) in item number 3646 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``MI'', ``Greenway trail construction from City of Monroe to 
        Sterling State Park, City of Monroe'', and ``$100,000''; 
            (358) in item number 1883 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Planning for the Orangeline High 
        Speed MAGLEV from Los Angeles County to Orange County'';
            (359) in item number 3757 by inserting ``, including Van 
        Asche Drive'' after ``Corridor'';
            (360) in item number 4347 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Alger County, to reconstruct, pave, 
        and realign a portion of H-58 from 2,600 feet south of Little 
        Beaver Lake Road to 4,600 feet east of Hurricane River'';
            (361) in item number 4335 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construct an interchange at I-675 
        and Warren Avenue near downtown Saginaw'';
            (362) in item number 4891 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Widening U.S. 17 in Charleston 
        County from the Isle of Palms Connector to a point at or near 
        Darrell Creek Trail'';
            (363) in item number 3647 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``AL'', ``Drainage and infrastructure improvements on U.S. 11 in 
        front of Springville Middle School in Springville'', and 
        ``$1,000,000'', respectively;
            (364) in item number 3648 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``AL'', ``Transportation enhancement projects for sidewalks and 
        streetscaping along Cahaba Road between the Botanical Gardens 
        and the Birmingham Zoo in the City of Birmingham'', and 
        ``$1,075,000'', respectively;
            (365) in item number 3651 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``AL'', ``Engineering and right-of-way acquisition for the 
        McWrights Ferry Road extension between Rice Mine Road and New 
        Watermelon Road in Tuscaloosa County'', and ``$1,075,000'', 
            (366) in item number 562 by striking ``a designated truck 
        route through'' and inserting ``roadway and sidewalk 
        improvements in'';
            (367) in item number 2836 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Traffic calming and safety 
        improvements to Lido Boulevard, Town of Hampstead, Nassau 
            (368) in item number 1353 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Improve the flow of truck traffic in 

[[Page 122 STAT. 1600]]

            (369) in item number 1975 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Hatcher Pass Ski Development Road in 
        Matanuska-Susitna Borough'';
            (370) in item number 1661 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Hatcher Pass Ski Development Road in 
        Matanuska-Susitna Borough'';
            (371) in item number 1574 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construct commuter parking structure 
        in the central business district in the vicinity of La Grange 
        Road, and for projects identified by the Village of La Grange as 
        its highest priorities'';
            (372) in item number 3461 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construct Leon Pass overpass, and 
        for projects identified by the Village of Hodgkins as its 
        highest priorities'';
            (373) in item numbers 1310 and 2265 by striking the project 
        descriptions and inserting ``To construct up to 2 interchanges 
        on U.S. Alternate Highway 72/Alabama Highway 20 from Interstate 
        65 to U.S. Highway 31 in Decatur, Alabama, with additional lanes 
        as necessary'';
            (374) in item number 4934 by striking ``connection with 
        Hermitage Avenue'' and inserting ``Hermitage Avenue and 
        pedestrian connection'';
            (375) in item number 1227 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Construct road improvements near 
        industrial park near SR 209 and CR 345 that improve access to 
        the industrial park'';
            (376) in item number 2507 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Texas Department of Transportation: 
        for those projects the Department has identified as its highest 
            (377) in item number 3903 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Planning, design, and engineering 
        study to widen (4 lanes) SR 87 from the intersection of US 90 
        and SR 87 South to the Alabama State line'';
            (378) in item number 56 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Bicycle and pedestrian improvements, Oregon'';
            (379) in item number 604 by striking the amount and 
        inserting ``$11,800,000'';
            (380) in item number 1299 by striking the amount and 
        inserting ``$9,800,000'';
            (381) in item number 1506 by striking the amount and 
        inserting ``$5,100,000'';
            (382) in item number 1904 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Study and construct access to 
        intermodal facility in Azusa'';
            (383) in item number 3653 by striking the matters in the 
        State, project description, and amount columns and inserting 
        ``MI'', ``Bicycle and pedestrian trails in Harrison Township'', 
        and ``$2,900,000'', respectively;
            (384) in item number 3447 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Carlton, 4th Street Railroad 
        Crossing Improvement Project: Construct a safe, at grade 
        crossing of the railroad and necessary bridge, connecting the 
        community's educational and athletic facilities'';
            (385) in item number 2321 by striking the project 
        description and inserting ``Design and construct roadway and 

[[Page 122 STAT. 1601]]

        signal improvements on Stella Street and Front Street, 
        Wormleysburg, PA''; and
            (386) in item number 370 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Pedestrian paths, stairs, seating, landscaping, 
        lighting, and other transportation enhancement activities along 
        Riverside Boulevard and at Riverside Park South''.

    (b) Unused Obligation Authority.--Notwithstanding any other 
provision of law, unused obligation authority made available for an item 
in section 1702 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient 
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1256) that is 
repealed, or authorized funding for such an item that is reduced, by 
this section shall be made available--
            (1) for an item in section 1702 of that Act that is added or 
        increased by this section and that is in the same State as the 
        item for which obligation authority or funding is repealed or 
            (2) in an amount proportional to the amount of obligation 
        authority or funding that is so repealed or reduced; and
            (3) individually for projects numbered 1 through 3676 
        pursuant to section 1102(c)(4)(A) of that Act (119 Stat. 1158).

    (c) Transfer of Project Funds.--The Secretary of Transportation 
shall transfer to the Commandant of the Coast Guard amounts made 
available to carry out the project described in item number 4985 of the 
table contained in section 1702 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, 
Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1447) 
to carry out that project, in accordance with the Act of June 21, 1940, 
commonly known as the ``Truman-Hobbs Act'', (33 U.S.C. 511 et seq.).
    (d) Additional Discretionary Use of Surface Transportation Program 
Funds.--Of the funds apportioned to each State under section 104(b)(3) 
of title 23, United States Code, a State may expend for each of fiscal 
years 2008 and 2009 not more than $1,000,000 for the following 
            (1) Participation in the Joint Operation Center for Fuel 
        Compliance established under section 143(b)(4)(H) of title 23, 
        United States Code, within the Department of the Treasury, 
        including the funding of additional positions for motor fuel tax 
        enforcement officers and other staff dedicated on a full-time 
        basis to participation in the activities of the Center.
            (2) Development, operation, and maintenance of electronic 
        filing systems to coordinate data exchange with the Internal 
        Revenue Service by States that impose a tax on the removal of 
        taxable fuel from any refinery and on the removal of taxable 
        fuel from any terminal.
            (3) Development, operation, and maintenance of electronic 
        single point of filing in conjunction with the Internal Revenue 
        Service by States that impose a tax on the removal of taxable 
        fuel from any refinery and on the removal of taxable fuel from 
        any terminal.
            (4) Development, operation, and maintenance of a 
        certification system by a State of any fuel sold to a State or 
        local government (as defined in section 4221(d)(4) of the 
        Internal Revenue Code of 1986) for the exclusive use of the 
        State or local government or sold to a qualified volunteer fire 
        department (as defined in section 150(e)(2) of such Code) for 
        its exclusive use.

[[Page 122 STAT. 1602]]

            (5) Development, operation, and maintenance of a 
        certification system by a State of any fuel sold to a nonprofit 
        educational organization (as defined in section 4221(d)(5) of 
        such Code) that includes verification of the good standing of 
        the organization in the State in which the organization is 
        providing educational services.

    (e) Project Federal Share.--Section 1964 of the Safe, Accountable, 
Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 
1519) is amended by adding at the end the following:
    ``(c) Special Rule.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the 
Federal share of the cost of the projects described in item numbers 1284 
and 3093 in the table contained in section 1702 of this Act shall be 100 

    Section 1807(a)(3) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient 
Transportation Equity Act: <<NOTE: 23 USC 217 note.>> A Legacy for Users 
(119 Stat. 1460) is amended by striking ``Minneapolis-St. Paul, 
Minnesota'' and inserting ``Minneapolis, Minnesota''.

    (a) Treatment.--Section 1908(a) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, 
Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1469) 
is amended by striking paragraph (3).
    (b) National Highway System.--Section 1908(b) of the Safe, 
Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for 
Users (119 Stat. 1470) is amended by striking ``from the Arkansas State 
line'' and inserting ``from Interstate Route 540''.

    (a) Budget Justification.--Section 1926 of the Safe, Accountable, 
Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 
Stat. 1483) <<NOTE: 49 USC 301 note.>> is amended by striking ``The 
Department'' and inserting ``Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 
the Department''.

    (b) Buy America.--Section 1928 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, 
Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1484) 
is amended--
            (1) by redesignating paragraphs (2) through (5) as 
        paragraphs (3) through (6), respectively; and
            (2) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following:
            ``(2) the current application by the Federal Highway 
        Administration of the Buy America test, that is only applied to 
        components or parts of a bridge project and not the entire 
        bridge project, is inconsistent with this sense of Congress;''.

    The table contained in section 1934(c) of the Safe, Accountable, 
Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 
Stat. 1486) is amended--
            (1) in item number 436 by inserting ``, Saole,'' after 
            (2) in item number 448 by inserting ``by removing asphalt 
        and concrete and reinstalling blue cobblestones'' after 
            (3) by striking item number 451;
            (4) in item number 452 by striking ``$2,000,000'' and 
        inserting ``$3,000,000'';

[[Page 122 STAT. 1603]]

            (5) in item number 12 by striking ``Yukon River'' and 
        inserting ``Kuskokwim River'';
            (6) in item number 18 by striking ``Engineering and 
        Construction in Merced County'' and inserting ``and safety 
        improvements/realignment of SR 165 project study report and 
        environmental studies in Merced and Stanislaus Counties'';
            (7) in item number 38 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Relocation of the Newark Train Station'';
            (8) in item number 57 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Kingsland bypass from CR 61 to I-95, Camden 
            (9) in item number 114 by striking ``IA-32'' and inserting 
        ``SW'' after ``Construct'';
            (10) in item number 122 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Design, right-of-way acquisition, and 
        construction of the SW Arterial and connections to U.S. 20, 
        Dubuque County'';
            (11) in item number 130 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Improvements and rehabilitation to rail and 
        bridges on the Appanoose County Community Railroad'';
            (12) in item number 133 by striking ``IA-32'';
            (13) in item number 138 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``West Spencer Beltway Project'';
            (14) in item number 142 by striking ``MP 9.3, Segment I, II, 
        and III'' and inserting ``Milepost 24.3'';
            (15) in item number 161 by striking ``Bridge replacement on 
        Johnson Drive and Nall Ave.'' and inserting ``Construction 
            (16) in item number 182 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Improve U.S. 40, M.D. 715 interchange, and other 
        roadways in the vicinity of Aberdeen Proving Ground to support 
        BRAC-related growth'';
            (17) in item number 198 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Construct 1 or more grade separated crossings of 
        I-75 and make associated improvements to improve local and 
        regional east-west mobility between Mileposts 279 and 282'';
            (18) in item number 201 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Alger County, to reconstruct, pave, and realign 
        a portion of H-58 from 2,600 feet south of Little Beaver Lake 
        Road to 4,600 feet east of Hurricane River'';
            (19) in item number 238 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Develop and construct the St. Mary water project 
        road and bridge infrastructure, including a new bridge and 
        approaches across St. Mary River, stabilization and improvements 
        to United States Route 89, and road/canal from Siphon Bridge to 
        Spider Lake, on the condition that $2,500,000 of the amount made 
        available to carry out this item may be made available to the 
        Bureau of Reclamation for use for the Swift Current Creek and 
        Boulder Creek bank and bed stabilization project in the Lower 
        St. Mary Lake drainage'';
            (20) in item number 329 by inserting ``, Tulsa'' after 
            (21) in item number 358 by striking ``fuel-celled'' and 
        inserting ``fueled'';

[[Page 122 STAT. 1604]]

            (22) in item number 374 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Construct a 4-lane highway between Maverick 
        Junction and the Nebraska border'';
            (23) in item number 402 by striking ``from 2 to 5 lanes and 
        improve alignment within rights-of-way in St. George'' and 
        inserting ``, St. George'';
            (24) in item number 309 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``Streetscape, roadway, pedestrian, and parking 
        improvements at the intersection of Meadow Lane, Chestnut Lane, 
        Willow Drive, and Liberty Avenue for the College of New Rochelle 
        campus in New Rochelle''; and
            (25) in item number 462 by striking the project description 
        and inserting ``I-75 widening and improvements in Collier and 
        Lee Counties, Florida''.

    Section 1961 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient 
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1518) is 
            (1) in the section heading by striking ``study'' and 
        inserting ``design'';
            (2) by striking subsections (a), (b), and (c) and inserting 
        the following:

    ``(a) Design.--The Secretary shall make available the funds 
authorized to be appropriated by this section for the design of the I-
95/Contee Road interchange in Prince George's County, Maryland.''; and
            (3) by redesignating subsection (d) as subsection (b).

    (a) F-SHRP Funding.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for 
each of fiscal years 2008 and 2009, at any time at which an 
apportionment is made of the sums authorized to be appropriated for the 
surface transportation program, the congestion mitigation and air 
quality improvement program, the National Highway System, the Interstate 
maintenance program, the bridge program, or the highway safety 
improvement program, the Secretary of Transportation shall--
            (1) deduct from each apportionment an amount not to exceed 
        0.205 percent of the apportionment; and
            (2) transfer or otherwise make that amount available to 
        carry out section 510 of title 23, United States Code.

    (b) Conforming Amendments.--
            (1) Funding.--Section 5101 of the Safe, Accountable, 
        Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for 
        Users (119 Stat. 1779) is amended--
                    (A) in subsection (a)(1) by striking ``509, and 
                510'' and inserting ``and 509'';
                    (B) in subsection (a)(4) by striking ``$69,700,000'' 
                and all that follows through ``2009'' and inserting 
                ``$40,400,000 for fiscal year 2005, $69,700,000 for 
                fiscal year 2006, $76,400,000 for each of fiscal years 
                2007 and 2008, and $78,900,000 for fiscal year 2009''; 
                    (C) in subsection (b) by inserting after ``50 
                percent'' the following ``or, in the case of funds 
                appropriated by subsection (a) to carry out section 
                5201, 5202, or 5203 of this Act, 80 percent''.

[[Page 122 STAT. 1605]]

            (2) Future strategic highway research program.--Section 5210 
        of such Act (119 Stat. 1804) is amended--
                    (A) by striking subsection (c); and
                    (B) by redesignating subsection (d) as subsection 

    (c) Contract Authority.--Funds made available under this section 
shall be available for obligation in the same manner as if the funds 
were apportioned under chapter 1 of title 23, United States Code, except 
that the Federal share shall be determined under section 510(f) of that 
    (d) Applicability of Obligation Limitation.--Funds made available 
under this section shall be subject to any limitation on obligations for 
Federal-aid highways and highway safety construction programs under 
section 1102 the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation 
Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (23 U.S.C. 104 note; 119 Stat. 1157) or 
any other Act.
    (e) Equity Bonus Formula.--Notwithstanding any other provision of 
law, in allocating funds for the equity bonus program under section 105 
of title 23, United States Code, for each of fiscal years 2008 and 2009, 
the Secretary of Transportation shall make the required calculations 
under that section as if this section had not been enacted.
    (f) Funding for Research Activities.--Of the amount made available 
by section 5101(a)(1) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient 
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1779)--
            (1) at least $1,000,000 shall be made available for each of 
        fiscal years 2008 and 2009 to carry out section 502(h) of title 
        23, United States Code; and
            (2) at least $4,900,000 shall be made available for each of 
        fiscal years 2008 and 2009 to carry out section 502(i) of that 

    (g) Technical Amendments.--
            (1) Surface transportation research.--Section 502 of title 
        23, United States Code, is amended by striking the first 
        subsection (h), relating to infrastructure investment needs 
        reports beginning with the report for January 31, 1999.
            (2) Advanced travel forecasting procedures program.--Section 
        5512(a)(2) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient 
        Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1829) 
        is <<NOTE: 23 USC 135 note.>> amended by striking ``Program 
        appreciation.--'' and inserting ``Program application.--''.
            (3) University transportation research.--Section 5506 of 
        title 49, United States Code, is amended--
                    (A) in subsection (c)(2)(B) by striking ``tier'' and 
                inserting ``Tier'';
                    (B) in subsection (i)--
                          (i) by striking ``In order to'' and inserting 
                      the following:
            ``(1) In general.--In order to''; and
                          (ii) by adding at the end the following:
            ``(2) Special rule.--Nothing in paragraph (1) requires a 
        nonprofit institution of higher learning designated as a Tier II 
        university transportation center to maintain total expenditures 
        as described in paragraph (1) in excess of the amount of the 
        grant awarded to the institution.''; and
                    (C) in subsection (k)(3) by striking ``The 
                Secretary'' and all that follows through ``to carry out 
                this section''

[[Page 122 STAT. 1606]]

                and inserting ``For each of fiscal years 2008 and 2009, 
                the Secretary shall expend not more than 1.5 percent of 
                amounts made available to carry out this section''.

    Section 10212 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient 
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (as amended by section 
1302 of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-280)) (119 
Stat. 1937; 120 Stat. 780) is amended by striking ``$8,593,000,000'' 
each place it appears and inserting ``$8,708,000,000''.

    (a) Surface Transportation Program.--Section 1108(f)(1) of the 
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (23 U.S.C. 133 note; 112 
Stat. 141) is amended by striking ``2003'' and inserting ``2009''.
    (b) Project Authorizations.--The table contained in section 1602 of 
such Act (112 Stat. 257) is amended--
            (1) in item number 1096 (as amended by section 1703(a)(11) 
        of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation 
        Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1454)) by inserting 
        ``, and planning and construction to Heisley Road,'' before ``in 
        Mentor, Ohio'';
            (2) in item number 1646 by striking ``and construction'' and 
        inserting ``construction, reconstruction, resurfacing, 
        restoration, rehabilitation, and repaving''; and
            (3) in item number 614 by inserting ``and for NJ Carteret, 
        NJ Ferry Service Terminal'' after ``east''.

    (a) High Priority Corridors.--Section 1105(c) of the Intermodal 
Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (105 Stat. 2032; 119 Stat. 
1212) is amended--
            (1) in paragraph (63) by striking ``and United States Routes 
        1, 3, 9, 17, and 46,'' and inserting ``United States Routes 1, 
        9, and 46, and State Routes 3 and 17,''; and
            (2) in paragraph (64)--
                    (A) by striking ``United States Route 42'' and 
                inserting ``State Route 42''; and
                    (B) by striking ``Interstate Route 676'' and 
                inserting ``Interstate Routes 76 and 676''.

    (b) Innovative Projects.--Item number 89 of the table contained in 
section 1107(b) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act 
of 1991 (105 Stat. 2052) is amended in the matter under the column with 
the heading ``Innovative projects'' by inserting ``and contiguous 
counties'' after ``Michigan''.

    Section 164(a)(5) of title 23, United States Code, is amended by 
striking subparagraphs (A) and (B) and inserting the following:
                    ``(A) receive--
                          ``(i) a driver's license suspension for not 
                      less than 1 year; or
                          ``(ii) a combination of suspension of all 
                      driving privileges for the first 45 days of the 
                      suspension period

[[Page 122 STAT. 1607]]

                      followed by a reinstatement of limited driving 
                      privileges for the purpose of getting to and from 
                      work, school, or an alcohol treatment program if 
                      an ignition interlock device is installed on each 
                      of the motor vehicles owned or operated, or both, 
                      by the individual;
                    ``(B) be subject to the impoundment or 
                immobilization of, or the installation of an ignition 
                interlock system on, each motor vehicle owned or 
                operated, or both, by the individual;''.

    Section 5506(e)(5)(C) of title 49, United States Code, is amended by 
striking ``$2,225,000''and inserting ``$2,250,000''.
SEC. 117. <<NOTE: 23 USC 313 note.>> BUY AMERICA WAIVER 
                        NOTIFICATION AND ANNUAL REPORTS.

    (a) Waiver Notification.--
            (1) In general.--If the Secretary of Transportation makes a 
        finding under section 313(b) of title 23, United States Code, 
        with respect to a project, the Secretary shall--
                    (A) <<NOTE: Federal Register, publication.>> publish 
                in the Federal Register, before the date on which such 
                finding takes effect, a detailed written justification 
                as to the reasons that such finding is needed; and
                    (B) provide notice of such finding and an 
                opportunity for public comment on such finding for a 
                period of not to exceed 60 days.
            (2) Limitation on statutory construction.--Nothing in 
        paragraph (1) shall be construed to require the effective date 
        of a finding referred to in paragraph (1) to be delayed until 
        after the close of the public comment period referred to in 
        paragraph (1)(B).

    (b) Annual Reports.--Not later than February 1 of each year 
beginning after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall 
submit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the 
House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public 
Works of the Senate a report on the projects for which the Secretary 
made findings under section 313(b) of title 23, United States Code, 
during the preceding calendar year and the justifications for such 

    (a) Study.--The Secretary of Transportation shall conduct a study on 
the impacts of converting left and right highway safety shoulders to 
travel lanes.
    (b) Contents.--In conducting the study, the Secretary shall--
            (1) analyze instances in which safety shoulders are used for 
        general purpose vehicle traffic, high occupancy vehicles, and 
        public transportation vehicles;
            (2) analyze instances in which safety shoulders are not part 
        of the roadway design;
            (3) evaluate whether or not conversion of safety shoulders 
        or the lack of a safety shoulder in the original roadway design 
        has a significant impact on the number of accidents or has any 
        other impact on highway safety; and
            (4) compile relevant statistics.

[[Page 122 STAT. 1608]]

    (c) Report.--Not later than one year after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall transmit to Congress a report on the 
results of the study.

    (a) In General.--Subject to subsection (b), the Secretary of 
Transportation shall designate, as a future Interstate Route 69 Spur, 
the Audubon Parkway and, as a future Interstate Route 66 Spur, the 
Natcher Parkway in Owensboro, Kentucky. Any segment of such routes shall 
become part of the Interstate System (as defined in section 101 of title 
23, United States Code) at such time as the Secretary determines that 
the segment--
            (1) meets the Interstate System design standards approved by 
        the Secretary under section 109(b) of title 23, United States 
        Code; and
            (2) connects to an existing Interstate System segment.

    (b) Signs.--Section <<NOTE: Applicability.>> 103(c)(4)(B)(iv) of 
title 23, United States Code, shall apply to the designations under 
subsection (a); except that a State may install signs on the 2 parkways 
that are to be designated under subsection (a) indicating the 
approximate location of each of the future Interstate System highways.

    (c) Removal of Designation.--The Secretary shall remove designation 
of a highway referred to in subsection (a) as a future Interstate System 
route if the Secretary, as of the last day of the 25-year period 
beginning on the date of enactment of this Act, has not made the 
determinations under paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a) with 
respect to such highway.

    Section 1935(b)(1) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient 
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1510) is 
amended by inserting ``the project numbered 1322 and'' before ``the 
SEC. 121. <<NOTE: 23 USC 101 note.>> EFFECTIVE DATE.

    (a) In General.--Except as otherwise provided in this Act (including 
subsection (b)), this Act and the amendments made by this Act take 
effect on the date of enactment of this Act.
    (b) Exception.--
            (1) In general.--The amendments made by this Act (other than 
        the amendments made by sections 101(g), 101(m)(1)(H), 103, 105, 
        109, and 201(o)) to the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient 
        Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (Public Law 109-
        59; 119 Stat. 1144) shall--
                    (A) take effect as of the date of enactment of that 
                Act; and
                    (B) be treated as being included in that Act as of 
                that date.
            (2) Effect of amendments.--Each provision of the Safe, 
        Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A 
        Legacy for Users (Public Law 109-59; 119 Stat. 1144) (including 
        the amendments made by that Act) (as in effect on the day before 
        the date of enactment of this Act) that is amended by this Act 
        (other than sections 101(g), 101(m)(1)(H), 103, 105, 109, and 
        201(o)) shall be treated as not being enacted.

    (c) Conforming Amendment to Highway Trust Fund.--Subsections (c)(1) 
and (e)(3) of section 9503 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 
are <<NOTE: 26 USC 9503.>> each amended by striking ``Safe, Accountable,

[[Page 122 STAT. 1609]]

Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users'' and 
inserting ``SAFETEA-LU Technical Corrections Act of 2008''.

                      TITLE II--TRANSIT PROVISIONS


    (a) Section 5302.--Section 5302(a)(10) of title 49, United States 
Code, is amended by striking ``charter,'' and inserting ``charter, 
    (b) Section 5303.--
            (1) Section 5303(f)(3)(C)(ii) of such title is amended by 
        striking subclause (II) and inserting the following:
                                    ``(II) Funding.--For fiscal year 
                                2008 and each fiscal year thereafter, in 
                                addition to other funds made available 
                                to the metropolitan planning 
                                organization for the Lake Tahoe region 
                                under this chapter and title 23, prior 
                                to any allocation under section 202 of 
                                title 23, and notwithstanding the 
                                allocation provisions of section 202, 
                                the Secretary shall set aside \1/2\ of 1 
                                percent of all funds authorized to be 
                                appropriated for such fiscal year to 
                                carry out section 204 of title 23, and 
                                shall make such funds available to the 
                                metropolitan planning organization for 
                                the Lake Tahoe region to carry out the 
                                transportation planning process, 
                                environmental reviews, preliminary 
                                engineering, and design to complete 
                                environmental documentation for 
                                transportation projects for the Lake 
                                Tahoe region under the Tahoe Regional 
                                Planning Compact as consented to in 
                                Public Law 96-551 (94 Stat. 3233) and 
                                this paragraph.''.
            (2) Section 5303(j)(3)(D) of such title is amended--
                    (A) by inserting ``or the identified phase'' before 
                ``within the time''; and
                    (B) by inserting ``or the identified phase'' before 
                the period at the end.
            (3) Section 5303(k)(2) of such title is amended by striking 
        ``a metropolitan planning area serving''.

    (c) Section 5307.--Section 5307(b) of such title is amended--
            (1) in the heading for paragraph (2) by striking ``2007'' 
        and inserting ``2009'';
            (2) in paragraph (2)(A)--
                    (A) by striking ``2007'' and inserting ``2009''; and
                    (B) by striking ``mass'' and inserting ``public'';
            (3) by adding at the end of paragraph (2) the following:
                    ``(E) Maximum amounts in fiscal years 2008 and 
                2009.--In fiscal years 2008 and 2009--
                          ``(i) amounts made available to any urbanized 
                      area under clause (i) or (ii) of subparagraph (A) 
                      shall be not more than 50 percent of the amount 
                      apportioned in fiscal year 2002 to the urbanized 
                      area with a population of less than 200,000, as 
                      determined in the 1990 decennial census of 
                          ``(ii) amounts made available to any urbanized 
                      area under subparagraph (A)(iii) shall be not more 

[[Page 122 STAT. 1610]]

                      50 percent of the amount apportioned to the 
                      urbanized area under this section for fiscal year 
                      2003; and
                          ``(iii) each portion of any area not 
                      designated as an urbanized area, as determined by 
                      the 1990 decennial census, and eligible to receive 
                      funds under subparagraph (A)(iv), shall receive an 
                      amount of funds to carry out this section that is 
                      not less than 50 percent of the amount the portion 
                      of the area received under section 5311 in fiscal 
                      year 2002.''; and
            (4) in paragraph (3) by striking ``section 5305(a)'' and 
        inserting ``section 5303(k)''.

    (d) Section 5309.--Section 5309 of such <<NOTE: 49 USC 5309.>> title 
is amended--
            (1) in subsection (d)(5)(B) by striking ``regulation.'' and 
        inserting ``this subsection and shall give comparable, but not 
        necessarily equal, numerical weight to each project 
        justification criteria in calculating the overall project 
            (2) in subsection (e)(6)(B) by striking ``subsection.'' and 
        inserting ``subsection and shall give comparable, but not 
        necessarily equal, numerical weight to each project 
        justification criteria in calculating the overall project 
            (3) in the heading for paragraph (2)(A) of subsection (m) by 
        striking ``Major capital'' and inserting ``Capital''; and
            (4) in subsection (m)(7)(B) by striking ``section 3039'' and 
        inserting ``section 3045''.

    (e) Section 5311.--Section 5311 of such title is amended--
            (1) in subsection (g)(1)(A) by striking ``for any purpose 
        other than operating assistance'' and inserting ``for a capital 
        project or project administrative expenses'';
            (2) in subsections (g)(1)(A) and (g)(1)(B) by striking 
        ``capital'' after ``net''; and
            (3) in subsection (i)(1) by striking ``Sections 
        5323(a)(1)(D) and 5333(b) of this title apply'' and inserting 
        ``Section 5333(b) applies''.

    (f) Section 5312.--The heading for section 5312(c) of such title is 
amended by striking ``Mass Transportation'' and inserting ``Public 
    (g) Section 5314.--Section 5314(a)(3) is amended by striking 
``section 5323(a)(1)(D)'' and inserting ``section 5333(b)''.
    (h) Section 5319.--Section 5319 of such title is amended by striking 
``section 5307(k)'' and inserting ``section 5307(d)(1)(K)''.
    (i) Section 5320.--Section 5320 of such title is amended--
            (1) in subsection (a)(1)(A) by striking ``intra--agency'' 
        and inserting ``intraagency'';
            (2) in subsection (b)(5)(A) by striking ``5302(a)(1)(A)'' 
        and inserting ``5302(a)(1)'';
            (3) in subsection (d)(1) by inserting ``to administer this 
        section and'' after ``5338(b)(2)(J)'';
            (4) by adding at the end of subsection (d) the following:
            ``(4) Transfers to land management agencies.--The Secretary 
        may transfer amounts available under paragraph (1) to the 
        appropriate Federal land management agency to pay necessary 
        costs of the agency for such activities described in paragraph 
        (1) in connection with activities being carried out under this 
            (5) in subsection (k)(3) by striking ``subsection (d)(1)'' 
        and inserting ``subsection (e)(1)'';

[[Page 122 STAT. 1611]]

            (6) by redesignating subsections (a) through (m) as 
        subsections (b) through (n), respectively; and
            (7) by inserting before subsection (b) (as so redesignated) 
        the following:

    ``(a) Program Name.--The program authorized by this section shall be 
known as the Paul S. Sarbanes Transit in Parks Program.''.
    (j) Section 5323.--Section 5323(n) of such <<NOTE: 49 USC 
5323.>> title is amended by striking ``section 5336(e)(2)'' and 
inserting ``section 5336(d)(2)''.

    (k) Section 5325.--Section 5325(b) of such title is amended--
            (1) in paragraph (1) by inserting before the period at the 
        end ``adopted before August 10, 2005'';
            (2) by striking paragraph (2); and
            (3) by redesignating paragraph (3) as paragraph (2).

    (l) Section 5336.--
            (1) Apportionments of formula grants.--Section 5336 of such 
        title is amended--
                    (A) in subsection (a) by striking ``Of the amount'' 
                and all that follows before paragraph (1) and inserting 
                ``Of the amount apportioned under subsection (i)(2) to 
                carry out section 5307--'';
                    (B) in subsection (d)(1) by striking ``subsections 
                (a) and (h)(2) of section 5338'' and inserting 
                ``subsections (a)(1)(C)(vi) and (b)(2)(B) of section 
                5338''; and
                    (C) by redesignating subsection (c), as added by 
                section 3034(c) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, 
                Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users 
                (119 Stat. 1628), as subsection (k).
            (2) Technical amendments.--Section 3034(d)(2) of the Safe, 
        Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A 
        Legacy for Users (119 Stat. 1629), is <<NOTE: 49 USC 
        5336.>> amended by striking ``paragraph (2)'' and inserting 
        ``subsection (a)(2)''.

    (m) Section 5337.--Section 5337(a) of title 49, United States Code, 
is amended by striking ``for each of fiscal years 1998 through 2003'' 
and inserting ``for each of fiscal years 2005 through 2009''.
    (n) Section 5338.--Section 5338(d)(1)(B) of such title is amended by 
striking ``section 5315(a)(16)'' and inserting ``section 
    (o) SAFETEA-LU.--
            (1) Section 3011.--Section 3011(f) of the Safe, Accountable, 
        Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for 
        Users (119 Stat. 1589) is amended by adding to the end the 
            ``(5) Central Florida Commuter Rail Transit Project.''.
            (2) Section 3037.--Section 3037(c) of such Act (119 Stat. 
        1636) is amended--
                    (A) in paragraph (3) by striking ``Phase II''; and
                    (B) by striking paragraph (10).
            (3) Section 3040.--Section 3040(4) of such Act (119 Stat. 
        1639) is amended by striking ``$7,871,895,000'' and inserting 
            (4) Section 3043.--
                    (A) Portland, oregon.--Section 3043(b)(27) of such 
                Act (119 Stat. 1642) is amended by inserting ``/
                Milwaukie'' after ``Mall''.
                    (B) Los angeles.--
                          (i) Phase 1.--Section 3043(b)(13) of such Act 
                      (119 Stat. 1642) is amended to read as follows:

[[Page 122 STAT. 1612]]

            ``(13) Los Angeles--Exposition LRT (Phase 1).''.
                          (ii) Phase 2.--Section 3043(c) of such Act 
                      (119 Stat. 1645) is amended by inserting after 
                      paragraph (104) the following:
            ``(104A) Los Angeles--Exposition LRT (Phase 2).''.
                    (C) San diego.--Section 3043(c)(105) of such Act 
                (119 Stat. 1645) is amended by striking ``LOSSAN Del 
                Mar-San Diego--Rail Corridor Improvements'' and 
                inserting ``LOSSAN Rail Corridor Improvements''.
                    (D) San diego.--Section 3043(c)(217) of such Act 
                (119 Stat. 1648) is amended by striking ``San Diego'' 
                and inserting ``San Diego Transit''.
                    (E) Sacramento.--Section 3043(c)(204) of such Act 
                (119 Stat. 647) is amended by striking ``Downtown''.
                    (F) Boston.--Section 3043(d)(6) of such Act (119 
                Stat. 1649) is amended to read as follows:
            ``(6) Boston-Silver Line Phase III, $20,000,000.''.
                    (G) Project construction grants.--Section 3043(e) of 
                such Act (119 Stat. 1651) is amended by adding at the 
                end the following:
            ``(4) Project construction grants.--Projects recommended by 
        the Secretary for a project construction grant agreement under 
        section 5309(e) of title 49, United States Code, or for funding 
        under section 5309(m)(2)(A)(i) of such title during fiscal year 
        2008 and fiscal year 2009 are authorized for preliminary 
        engineering, final design, and construction for fiscal years 
        2007 through 2009 upon the completion of the notification 
        process for each such project under section 5309(g)(5).''.
                    (H) Los angeles and san gabriel valley.--Section 
                3043 of such Act (119 Stat. 1640) is amended by adding 
                at the end the following:

    ``(k) Los Angeles Extension.--In evaluating the local share of the 
project authorized by subsection (c)(104A) in the new starts rating 
process, the Secretary shall give consideration to project elements of 
the project authorized by subsection (b)(13) advanced with 100 percent 
non-Federal funds.
    ``(l) San Gabriel Valley--Gold Line Foothill Extension Phase II.--In 
evaluating the local share of the San Gabriel Valley--Gold Line Foothill 
Extension Phase II project authorized by subsection (b)(33) in the new 
starts rating process, the Secretary shall give consideration to project 
elements of the San Gabriel Valley--Gold Line Foothill Extension Phase I 
project advanced with 100 percent non-Federal funds.''.
            (5) Section 3044.--
                    (A) Projects.--The table contained in section 
                3044(a) of such Act (119 Stat. 1652) is amended--
                          (i) in item 25--
                                    (I) by striking ``$217,360'' and 
                                inserting ``$167,360''; and
                                    (II) by striking ``$225,720'' and 
                                inserting ``$175,720'';
                          (ii) in item number 36 by striking the project 
                      description and inserting ``Los Angeles County 
                      Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) for 
                      bus and bus-related facilities in the LACMTA's 
                      service area'';

[[Page 122 STAT. 1613]]

                          (iii) in item number 71 by inserting 
                      ``Metropolitan Bus Authority'' after ``Puerto 
                          (iv) in item number 84 by striking the project 
                      description and inserting ``Improvements to the 
                      existing Sacramento Intermodal Facility 
                      (Sacramento Valley Station)'';
                          (v) in item number 94 by striking the project 
                      description and inserting ``Pacific Transit, WA 
                      Vehicle Replacement'';
                          (vi) in item number 120 by striking ``Dayton 
                      Airport Intermodal Rail Feasibility Study'' and 
                      inserting ``Greater Dayton Regional Transit 
                      Authority buses and bus facilities'';
                          (vii) in item number 152 by inserting 
                      ``Metropolitan Bus Authority'' after ``Puerto 
                          (viii) in item number 416 by striking 
                      ``Improve marine intermodal'' and inserting 
                      ``Improve marine dry-dock and'';
                          (ix) in item number 457--
                                    (I) by striking ``$65,000'' and 
                                inserting ``$0''; and
                                    (II) by striking ``$67,500'' and 
                                inserting ``$0''; and
                          (x) in item number 458--
                                    (I) by striking ``$65,000'' and 
                                inserting ``$130,000'';
                                    (II) by striking ``$67,500'' and 
                                inserting ``$135,000''; and
                          (xi) in item number 57 by striking the project 
                      description and inserting ``Wilmington, NC, 
                      maintenance and operations facilities and 
                      administration and transfer facilities'';
                          (xii) in item number 460 by striking the 
                      matters in the project description, FY08 column, 
                      and FY09 column and inserting ``460. Mid-Region 
                      Council of Governments, New Mexico, public 
                      transportation buses, bus-related equipment and 
                      facilities, and intermodal terminals in 
                      Albuquerque and Santa Fe'', ``$500,000'', and 
                      ``$500,000'', respectively.
                          (xiii) in item number 138 by striking 
                      ``Design'' and inserting ``Determine scope, 
                      engineering, design,'';
                          (xiv) in item number 23 by striking 
                      ``Construct'' and inserting ``Design, engineering, 
                      right-of-way acquisition, and construction'';
                          (xv) in item number 439 by inserting before 
                      ``Central'' the following: ``Design, engineering, 
                      right-of-way acquisition, and construction'';
                          (xvi) in item number 453 by inserting before 
                      ``Central'' the following: ``Design, engineering, 
                      right-of-way acquisition, and construction'';
                          (xvii) in item number 371 by striking the 
                      project description and inserting ``Regional 
                      Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, 
                      Sunset Bus Maintenance Facility'';
                          (xviii) in item number 487 by striking 
                      ``Central Arkansas Transit Authority Facility 
                      Upgrades'' and

[[Page 122 STAT. 1614]]

                      inserting ``Central Arkansas Transit Authority Bus 
                          (xix) in item number 491 by striking the 
                      project description and inserting ``Pace, IL, 
                      Cermak Road, Bus Rapid Transit, and related bus 
                      projects, and alternatives analysis'';
                          (xx) in item number 512 by striking ``Corning, 
                      NY, Phase II Corning Preserve Transportation 
                      Enhancement Project'' and inserting 
                      ``Transportation Center Enhancements, Corning, 
                          (xxi) in item number 534 by striking 
                      ``Community Buses'' and inserting ``Bus and Bus 
                          (xxii) in item number 570 by striking ``Maine 
                      Department of Transportation-Acadia Intermodal 
                      Facility'' and inserting ``MaineDOT Acadia 
                      Intermodal Passenger and Maintenance Facility'';
                          (xxiii) in item number 80 by striking the 
                      project description and amounts and inserting 
                      ``Flagler County, Florida-buses and bus 
                      facility'', ``$57,684'', ``$60,192'', ``$65,208'', 
                      and ``$67,716'' respectively;
                          (xxiv) in item number 135 by striking the 
                      project description and inserting ``Pace Suburban 
                      Bus, IL-Purchase Vehicles'';
                          (xxv) in item number 276 by striking the 
                      project description and amounts and inserting 
                      ``Long Beach Transit, Long Beach, California, for 
                      the purchase of transit vehicles and enhancement 
                      of para-transit and senior transportation 
                      services'', ``$128,180'', ``$133,760'', 
                      ``$144,906'', and ``$150,480'', respectively; and
                          (xxvi) by adding at the end--
                                    (I)(aa) in the project description 
                                column ``666. New York City, NY, 
                                rehabilitation of subway stations to 
                                include passenger access improvements 
                                including escalators or installation of 
                                infrastructure for security and 
                                surveillance purposes''; and
                                    (bb) in the FY08 column and the FY09 
                                column ``$50,000'';
                                    (II)(aa) in the project description 
                                column ``667. St. Johns County Council 
                                on Aging buses and bus facilities, 
                                Florida''; and
                                    (bb) in the FY06, FY07, FY08, and 
                                FY09 columns ``$57,684'', ``$60,192'', 
                                ``$65,208'', and ``$67,716'', 
                                    (III)(aa) in the project description 
                                column ``668. The City of Compton, 
                                California, for the replacement of buses 
                                and paratransit vehicles''; and
                                    (bb) in the FY06, FY07, FY08, and 
                                FY09 columns ``$128,180'', ``$133,760'', 
                                ``$144,906'', and ``$150,480'', 
                                respectively; and
                                    (IV)(aa) in the project description 
                                column ``669. City of Los Angeles, 
                                California, for the purchase of transit 
                                vehicles in Watts and enhancement of 
                                paratransit and senior transportation 
                                services''; and
                                    (bb) in the FY06, FY07, FY08, and 
                                FY09 columns ``$128,200'', ``$133,760'', 
                                ``$144,908'', and ``$150,480'', 

[[Page 122 STAT. 1615]]

                    (B) Special rule.--Section 3044(c) of such Act (119 
                Stat. 1705) is amended--
                          (i) by inserting ``, or other entity,'' after 
                      ``State or local governmental authority''; and
                          (ii) by striking ``projects numbered 258 and 
                      347'' and inserting ``projects numbered 258, 347, 
                      and 411''; and
                          (iii) by striking the period at the end and 
                      inserting: ``, and funds made available for fiscal 
                      year 2006 for the bus and bus-related facilities 
                      projects numbered 176 and 652 under subsection (a) 
                      shall remain available until September 30, 
            (6) Section 3046.--Section 3046(a)(7) of <<NOTE: 49 USC 5338 
        note.>> such Act (119 Stat. 1708) is amended--
                    (A) by striking ``hydrogen fuel cell vehicles'' and 
                inserting ``hydrogen fueled vehicles'';
                    (B) by striking ``hydrogen fuel cell employee 
                shuttle vans'' and inserting ``hydrogen fueled employee 
                shuttle vans''; and
                    (C) by striking ``in Allentown, Pennsylvania'' and 
                inserting ``to the DaVinci Center in Allentown, 
            (7) Section 3050.--Section 3050(b) of such Act (119 Stat. 
        1713) is amended by inserting ``by negotiating the extension of 
        the existing agreement between mile post 191.13 and mile post 
        185.1 to mile post 165.9 in Rhode Island'' before the period at 
        the end.

    (p) Transit Tunnels.--In <<NOTE: 49 USC 5309 note.>> carrying out 
section 5309(d)(3)(D) of title 49, United States Code, the Secretary of 
Transportation shall specifically analyze, evaluate, and consider--
            (1) the congestion relief, improved mobility, and other 
        benefits of transit tunnels in those projects which include a 
        transit tunnel; and
            (2) the associated ancillary and mitigation costs necessary 
        to relieve congestion, improve mobility, and decrease air and 
        noise pollution in those projects which do not include a transit 
        tunnel, but where a transit tunnel was one of the alternatives 

    (q) Knoxville, Tennessee, Property Acquisition.--The acquisition of 
property for the city of Knoxville, Tennessee, for the Knoxville, 
Tennessee, Central Station project shall be deemed to qualify as an 
acquisition of land for protective purposes pursuant to section 622.101 
of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on the date of 
enactment of this Act. The Secretary of Transportation may allow the 
costs of such acquisition to be credited toward the non-Federal share 
for the project.
    (r) California Transit Services.--The Secretary of Transportation 
shall use not more than $3,000,000 of the funds made available for use 
at the discretion of the Secretary for fiscal year 2007 for Federal 
Transit Administration Discretionary Programs, Bus and Bus Facilities to 
reimburse the California State department of transportation for actual 
and necessary costs of maintenance and operation, less the amount of 
fares earned, for additional public transportation services that were 
provided by the department of transportation as a temporary substitute 
for highway traffic service following the freeway collapse at the 
interchange connecting Interstate Routes 80, 580, and 880 near the San 

[[Page 122 STAT. 1616]]

Bay Bridge, on April 29, 2007, until the reopening of that facility on 
June 29, 2007. The Federal share of the cost of activities reimbursed 
under this subsection shall be 100 percent.



    (a) Conforming Amendment Relating to High-Priority Activities.--
Section 31104(f) of title 49, United States Code, is amended by striking 
the designation and heading for paragraph (1) and by striking paragraph 
    (b) New Entrant Audits.--
            (1) Corrections of references.--Section 4107(b) of the Safe, 
        Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A 
        Legacy for <<NOTE: 49 USC 31144.>> Users (119 Stat. 1720) is 
                    (A) by striking ``Section 31104'' and inserting 
                ``Section 31144''; and
                    (B) in paragraph (1) by inserting ``(c)'' after 
                ``the second subsection''.
            (2) Conforming amendment.--Section 7112 of such Act (119 
        Stat. 1899) is <<NOTE: 49 USC 31144.>> amended by striking 
        subsection (c).

    (c) Prohibited Transportation.--Section 4114(c)(1) of the such Act 
(119 Stat. 1726) is <<NOTE: 49 USC 31144.>> amended by striking ``the 
second subsection (c)'' and inserting ``(f)''.

    (d) Effective Date Relating to Medical Examiners.--Section 4116(f) 
of such Act (119 Stat. 1728) <<NOTE: 49 USC 31149 note.>> is amended by 
striking ``amendment made by subsection (a)'' and inserting ``amendments 
made by subsections (a) and (b)''.

    (e) Roadability Technical Correction.--Section 31151(a)(3)(E)(ii) of 
title 49, United States Code, is amended by striking ``Act'' and 
inserting ``section''.
    (f) Correction of Subsection Reference.--Section 4121 of the Safe, 
Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for 
Users (119 Stat. 1734) <<NOTE: 49 USC 31139.>> is amended by striking 
``31139(f)(5)'' and inserting ``31139(g)(5)''.

    (g) CDL Learner's Permit Program Technical Correction.--Section 
4122(2)(A) of such <<NOTE: 49 USC 31308.>> Act (119 Stat. 1734) is 
amended by striking ``license'' and inserting ``licenses''.

    (h) CDL Information System Funding Reference.--Section 31309(f) of 
title 49, United States Code, is amended by striking ``31318'' and 
inserting ``31313''.
    (i) Clarification of Reference.--Section 229(a)(1) of the Federal 
Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 (49 U.S.C. 31136 note; 119 
Stat. 1743) is amended by inserting ``of title 49, United States Code,'' 
after ``31502''.
    (j) Redesignation of Section.--The second section 39 of chapter 2 of 
title 18, United States Code, relating to commercial motor vehicles 
required to stop for inspections, and the item relating to such section 
in the analysis for such chapter, are redesignated as section 40.
    (k) Office of Intermodalism.--Section 5503 of title 49, United 
States Code, is amended--

[[Page 122 STAT. 1617]]

            (1) in subsection (f)(2) by striking ``Surface 
        Transportation Safety Improvement Act of 2005'', and inserting 
        ``Motor Carrier Safety Reauthorization Act of 2005''; and
            (2) by redesignating the first subsection (h), relating to 
        authorization of appropriations, as subsection (i) and moving it 
        after the second subsection (h).

    (l) Use of Fees for Unified Carrier Registration System.--Section 
13908 of title 49, United States Code, is amended by redesignating 
subsection (e) as subsection (f) and inserting after subsection (d) the 
    ``(e) Use of Fees for Unified Carrier Registration System.--Fees 
collected under this section may be credited to the Department of 
Transportation appropriations account for purposes for which such fees 
are collected and shall be available for expenditure for such purposes 
until expended.''.
    (m) Commercial Motor Vehicle Definition.--Section 14504a(a)(1)(B) of 
title 49, United States Code, is amended by striking ``a motor carrier 
required to make any filing or pay any fee to a State with respect to 
the motor carrier's authority or insurance related to operation within 
such State, the motor carrier'' and inserting ``determining the size of 
a motor carrier or motor private carrier's fleet in calculating the fee 
to be paid by a motor carrier or motor private carrier pursuant to 
subsection (f)(1), the motor carrier or motor private carrier''.
    (n) Clarification of Unreasonable Burden.--Section 14504a(c)(2) of 
title 49, United States Code, is amended by striking ``interstate'' the 
last place it appears and inserting ``intrastate''.
    (o) Contents of Agreement Typo.--Section 14504a(f)(1)(A)(ii) of 
title 49, United States Code, is amended by striking ``or'' the last 
place it appears.
    (p) Other Unified Carrier Registration System Technical 
Corrections.--Section 14504a of title 49, United States Code, is 
            (1) in subsection (c)(1)(B) by striking ``the a'' and 
        inserting ``a'';
            (2) in subsection (f)(1)(A)(i) by striking ``in connection 
        with the filing of proof of financial responsibility''; and
            (3) in subsection (f)(1)(A)(ii) by striking ``in connection 
        with such a filing'' and inserting ``under the UCR agreement''.

    (q) Identification of Vehicles.--Section 14506(b)(2) of title 49, 
United States Code, is amended by inserting before the semicolon at the 
end the following: ``or under an applicable State law if, on October 1, 
2006, the State has a form of highway use taxation not subject to 
collection through the International Fuel Tax Agreement''.
    (r) Driveaway Saddlemount Vehicle.--
            (1) Definition.--Section 31111(a)(4) of title 49, United 
        States Code, is amended--
                    (A) in the paragraph heading by striking ``Drive-
                away saddlemount with fullmount'' and inserting 
                ``Driveaway saddlemount'';
                    (B) by striking ``drive-away saddlemount with 
                fullmount'' and inserting ``driveaway saddlemount''; and
                    (C) by inserting ``Such combination may include one 
                fullmount.'' after the period at the end.

[[Page 122 STAT. 1618]]

            (2) In general.--Section 31111(b)(1)(D) of such title is 
        amended by striking ``a driveaway saddlemount with fullmount'' 
        and inserting ``all driveaway saddlemount''.

    (a) Definition of Hazmat Employees.--Section 7102(2) of the Safe, 
Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy 
for <<NOTE: 49 USC 5102.>> Users (119 Stat. 1892) is amended--
            (1) by striking ``(3)(A)'' and inserting ``(3)'';
            (2) in subparagraph (A) by striking ``clause (i)'' and 
        inserting ``clause (i) of subparagraph (A)''; and
            (3) in subparagraph (B) by striking ``clause (ii)'' and 
        inserting ``subparagraph (A)(ii)''.

    (b) Technical Correction.--Section 5103a(g)(1)(B)(ii) of title 49, 
United States Code, is amended by striking ``Act'' and inserting 
    (c) Preemption Correction.--Section 5125 of title 49, United States 
Code, is amended--
            (1) in subsection (d)(1) by striking ``5119(e)'' and 
        inserting ``5119(f)'';
            (2) in each of subsections (e) and (g) by striking 
        ``5119(b)'' and inserting ``5119(f)''; and
            (3) in subsection (g) by striking ``(b), (c)(1), or (d)'' 
        and inserting ``(a), (b)(1), or (c)''.

    (d) Relationship to Other Laws.--Section 7124(3) of the Safe, 
Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for 
Users (119 Stat. 1908) is <<NOTE: 49 USC 5126.>> amended by inserting 
``the first place it appears'' before ``and inserting''.

    (e) Report.--Section 5121(h) of title 49, United States Code, is 
            (1) in paragraph (2) by striking ``exemptions'' and 
        inserting ``special permits''; and
            (2) in paragraph (3) by striking ``exemption'' and inserting 
        ``special permit''.

    (f) Section Heading.--Section 5128 of title 49, United States Code, 
is amended by striking the section designation and heading and inserting 
the following:
``Sec. 5128. Authorization of appropriations''.

    (g) Chapter Analysis.--The analysis for chapter 57 of title 49, 
United States Code, is amended in the item relating to section 5701 by 
striking ``Transportation'' and inserting ``transportation''.
    (h) Norman Y. Mineta Research and Special Programs Improvement 
Act.--Section 5(b) of the Norman Y. Mineta Research and Special Programs 
Improvement Act (49 U.S.C. 108 note; 118 Stat. 2427) is amended by 
inserting ``(including delegations by the Secretary of Transportation)'' 
after ``All orders''.
    (i) Shipping Papers.--Section 5110(d)(1) of title 49, United States 
Code, is amended--
            (1) in the subsection heading by striking ``Shippers'' and 
        inserting ``Offerors''; and
            (2) by striking ``shipper's'' and inserting ``offeror's''.

    (j) NTSB Recommendations.--Section 19(1) of the Pipeline Inspection, 
Protection, Enforcement, and Safety Act of 2006 (49 U.S.C. 60102 note; 
120 Stat. 3498) is amended by striking ``165'' and inserting ``1165''.

[[Page 122 STAT. 1619]]

SEC. 303. <<NOTE: Effective dates.>> HIGHWAY SAFETY.

    (a) State Minimum <<NOTE: 23 USC 402 note.>> Apportionments for 
Highway Safety Programs.--Effective October 1, 2007, section 402(c) of 
the title 23, United States Code, is amended by striking ``The annual 
apportionment to each State shall not be less than one-half of 1 per 
centum'' and inserting ``The annual apportionment to each State shall 
not be less than three-quarters of 1 percent''.

    (b) Consolidation of Grant Applications.--Section 402(m) of title 
23, United States Code, is amended in the first sentence--
            (1) by striking ``through'' and inserting ``for which''; and
            (2) by inserting ``is appropriate'' before the period at the 

    (c) Technical Corrections.--
            (1) Section 2002(b) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, 
        Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (119 
        Stat. 1521) <<NOTE: 23 USC 402.>> is amended--
                    (A) by striking paragraph (2); and
                    (B) by redesignating paragraphs (3) and (4) as (2) 
                and (3), respectively.
            (2) Section 2007(b)(1) of such <<NOTE: 23 USC 410.>> Act 
        (119 Stat. 1529) is amended--
                    (A) by inserting ``and'' after the semicolon at the 
                end of subparagraph (A);
                    (B) by striking ``and'' at the end of subparagraph 
                (B); and
                    (C) by striking subparagraph (C).
            (3) Effective <<NOTE: 23 USC 410 note.>> August 10, 2005, 
        section 410(c)(7)(B) of title 23, United States Code, is amended 
        by striking ``clause (i)'' and inserting ``clauses (i) and 
            (4) Section 411 of title 23, United States Code, is amended 
        by redesignating the second subsection (c), relating to 
        administration expenses, and subsection (d) as subsections (d) 
        and (e), respectively.
                        VEHICLE COLLISION CAUSATION.

    Section 2003(c)(1) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient 
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (Public Law 109-59; 119 
Stat. 1522) is amended in the second sentence by striking ``shall'' and 
inserting ``may''.

    (a) General Requirements.--Section 31138 of title 49, United States 
Code, is amended--
            (1) by striking subsection (a) and inserting the following:

    ``(a) General <<NOTE: Regulations.>> Requirement.--
            ``(1) Transportation of passengers for compensation.--The 
        Secretary of Transportation shall prescribe regulations to 
        require minimum levels of financial responsibility sufficient to 
        satisfy liability amounts established by the Secretary covering 
        public liability and property damage for the transportation of 
        passengers for compensation by motor vehicle in the United 
        States between a place in a State and--
                    ``(A) a place in another State;
                    ``(B) another place in the same State through a 
                place outside of that State; or
                    ``(C) a place outside the United States.

[[Page 122 STAT. 1620]]

            ``(2) Transportation of passengers not for compensation.--
        The Secretary may prescribe regulations to require minimum 
        levels of financial responsibility sufficient to satisfy 
        liability amounts established by the Secretary covering public 
        liability and property damage for the transportation of 
        passengers for commercial purposes, but not for compensation, by 
        motor vehicle in the United States between a place in a State 
                    ``(A) a place in another State;
                    ``(B) another place in the same State through a 
                place outside of that State; or
                    ``(C) a place outside the United States.''; and
            (2) by striking ``commercial'' each place it appears in 
        subsection (c)(4).

    (b) Transportation of Property.--Section 31139 of such title is 
            (1) by striking ``commercial motor vehicle'' in subsection 
        (b)(1) and inserting ``motor carrier or motor private carrier 
        (as such terms are defined in section 13102 of this title)''; 
            (2) by striking ``commercial'' in subsection (c).

    (c) Definitions Relating to Motor Carriers.--Paragraphs (6)(B), 
(7)(B), (14), and (15) of section 13102 of such title are each amended 
by striking ``commercial motor vehicle (as defined in section 31132)'' 
and inserting ``motor vehicle''.
    (d) Freight Forwarders.--Section 13903(a) of such title is amended 
to read as follows:
    ``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall register a person to provide 
service subject to jurisdiction under subchapter III of chapter 135 as a 
freight forwarder if the Secretary finds that the person is fit, 
willing, and able to provide the service and to comply with this part 
and applicable regulations of the Secretary and the Board.''.
    (e) Brokers.--Section 13904(a) of such title is amended to read as 
    ``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall register, subject to section 
13906(b), a person to be a broker for transportation of property subject 
to jurisdiction under subchapter I of chapter 135, if the Secretary 
finds that the person is fit, willing, and able to be a broker for 
transportation and to comply with this part and applicable regulations 
of the Secretary.''.
                        ON LIABILITY.

    (a) Applicability Following <<NOTE: Effective date.>> This Act.--
Beginning on the date of enactment of this Act, section 7 of the Fair 
Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 207) shall apply to a covered 
employee notwithstanding section 13(b)(1) of that Act (29 U.S.C. 

    (b) Liability Limitation Following SAFETEA-LU.--
            (1) Limitation on liability.--An employer shall not be 
        liable for a violation of section 7 of the Fair Labor Standards 
        Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 207) with respect to a covered employee 
                    (A) the violation occurred in the 1-year period 
                beginning on August 10, 2005; and
                    (B) as of the date of the violation, the employer 
                did not have actual knowledge that the employer was 

[[Page 122 STAT. 1621]]

                to the requirements of such section with respect to the 
                covered employee.
            (2) Actions to recover amounts previously paid.--Nothing in 
        paragraph (1) shall be construed to establish a cause of action 
        for an employer to recover amounts paid before the date of 
        enactment of this Act in settlement of, in compromise of, or 
        pursuant to a judgment rendered regarding a claim or potential 
        claim based on an alleged or proven violation of section 7 of 
        the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 207) occurring 
        in the 1-year period referred to in paragraph (1)(A) with 
        respect to a covered employee.

    (c) Covered Employee Defined.--In this section, the term ``covered 
employee'' means an individual--
            (1) who is employed by a motor carrier or motor private 
        carrier (as such terms are defined by section 13102 of title 49, 
        United States Code, as amended by section 305);
            (2) whose work, in whole or in part, is defined--
                    (A) as that of a driver, driver's helper, loader, or 
                mechanic; and
                    (B) as affecting the safety of operation of motor 
                vehicles weighing 10,000 pounds or less in 
                transportation on public highways in interstate or 
                foreign commerce, except vehicles--
                          (i) designed or used to transport more than 8 
                      passengers (including the driver) for 
                          (ii) designed or used to transport more than 
                      15 passengers (including the driver) and not used 
                      to transport passengers for compensation; or
                          (iii) used in transporting material found by 
                      the Secretary of Transportation to be hazardous 
                      under section 5103 of title 49, United States 
                      Code, and transported in a quantity requiring 
                      placarding under regulations prescribed by the 
                      Secretary under section 5103 of title 49, United 
                      States Code; and
            (3) who performs duties on motor vehicles weighing 10,000 
        pounds or less.


SEC. 401. <<NOTE: Real property.>> CONVEYANCE OF GSA FLEET 

    (a) In General.--Subject to the <<NOTE: Deadline.>> requirements of 
this section, the Administrator of General Services shall convey, not 
later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, by quitclaim 
deed, to the Alaska Railroad Corporation, an entity of the State of 
Alaska (in this section referred to as the ``Corporation''), all right, 
title, and interest of the United States in and to the parcel of real 
property described in subsection (b), known as the GSA Fleet Management 

    (b) GSA Fleet Management Center.--The parcel to be conveyed under 
subsection (a) is the parcel located at the intersection of 2nd Avenue 
and Christensen Avenue in Anchorage, Alaska, consisting of approximately 
78,000 square feet of land and the improvements thereon.
    (c) Consideration.--

[[Page 122 STAT. 1622]]

            (1) In general.--As consideration for the parcel to be 
        conveyed under subsection (a), the Administrator shall require 
        the Corporation to--
                    (A) convey replacement property in accordance with 
                paragraph (2); or
                    (B) pay the purchase price for the parcel in 
                accordance with paragraph (3).
            (2) Replacement property.--If the Administrator requires the 
        Corporation to provide consideration under paragraph (1)(A), the 
        Corporation shall--
                    (A) convey, and pay the cost of conveying, to the 
                United States, acting by and through the Administrator, 
                fee simple title to real property, including a building, 
                that the Administrator determines to be suitable as a 
                replacement facility for the parcel to be conveyed under 
                subsection (a); and
                    (B) provide such other consideration as the 
                Administrator and the Corporation may agree, including 
                payment of the costs of relocating the occupants 
                vacating the parcel to be conveyed under subsection (a).
            (3) Purchase price.--If the Administrator requires the 
        Corporation to provide consideration under paragraph (1)(B), the 
        Corporation shall pay to the Administrator the fair market value 
        of the parcel to be conveyed under subsection (a) based on its 
        highest and best use as determined by an independent appraisal 
        commissioned by the Administrator and paid for by the 

    (d) Appraisal.--In the case of an appraisal under subsection 
            (1) the appraisal shall be performed by an appraiser 
        mutually acceptable to the Administrator and the Corporation; 
            (2) the assumptions, scope of work, and other terms and 
        conditions related to the appraisal assignment shall be mutually 
        acceptable to the Administrator and the Corporation.

    (e) Proceeds.--
            (1) Deposit.--Any proceeds received under subsection (c) 
        shall be paid into the Federal Buildings Fund established under 
        section 592 of title 40, United States Code.
            (2) Expenditure.--Funds <<NOTE: Notification.>> paid into 
        the Federal Buildings Fund under paragraph (1) shall be 
        available to the Administrator, in amounts specified in 
        appropriations Acts, for expenditure for any lawful purpose 
        consistent with existing authorities granted to the 
        Administrator; except that the Administrator shall provide to 
        the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House 
        of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public 
        Works of the Senate 30 days advance written notice of any 
        expenditure of the proceeds.

    (f) Additional Terms and Conditions.--The Administrator may require 
such additional terms and conditions to the conveyance under subsection 
(a) as the Administrator considers appropriate to protect the interests 
of the United States.
    (g) Description of Property and Survey.--The exact acreage and legal 
description of the parcels to be conveyed under subsections (a) and 
(c)(2) shall be determined by surveys satisfactory to the Administrator 
and the Corporation.

[[Page 122 STAT. 1623]]

SEC. 402. <<NOTE: Michigan. Real property.>> CONVEYANCE OF 

    (a) In General.--Subject to the terms and conditions of subsection 
(c), the Administrator of General Services shall convey to the city of 
St. Joseph, Michigan, by quitclaim deed, any interest retained by the 
United States in St. Joseph Memorial Hall.
    (b) St. Joseph Memorial Hall Defined.--In this section, the term 
``St. Joseph Memorial Hall'' means the property subject to a conveyance 
from the Secretary of Commerce to the city of St. Joseph, Michigan, by 
quitclaim deed dated May 9, 1936, recorded in Liber 310, at page 404, in 
the Register of Deeds for Berrien County, Michigan.
    (c) Terms and Conditions.--The conveyance under subsection (a) shall 
be subject to the following terms and conditions:
            (1) Consideration.--As consideration for the conveyance 
        under subsection (a), the city of St. Joseph, Michigan, shall 
        pay $10,000 to the United States.
            (2) Additional terms and conditions.--The Administrator may 
        require such additional terms and conditions for the conveyance 
        under subsection (a) as the Administrator considers appropriate 
        to protect the interests of the United States.

                        TITLE V--OTHER PROVISIONS


    Section 219(f)(30) of the Water Resources Development Act of 1992 
(106 Stat. 4835; 110 Stat. 3757; 113 Stat. 334; 114 Stat. 2763A-220; 119 
Stat. 282; 119 Stat. 2257) is amended by striking ``$55,000,000'' and 
inserting ``$75,000,000''.

    Consistent with applicable standards and procedures, the Department 
of Justice shall review allegations of impropriety regarding item 462 in 
section 1934(c) of Public Law 109-59 to ascertain if a violation of 
Federal criminal law has occurred.

    Approved June 6, 2008.


HOUSE REPORTS: No. 110-62 (Comm. on Transportation and Infrastructure).
SENATE REPORTS: No. 110-81 accompanying S. 1611 (Comm. on Banking, 
Housing, and Urban Affairs).
                                                        Vol. 153 (2007):
                                    Mar. 26, considered and passed 
                                                        Vol. 154 (2008):
                                    Apr. 15-17, considered and passed 
                                        Senate, amended.
                                    Apr. 30, House concurred in Senate 
