[110th Congress Public Law 427]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]

[DOCID: f:publ427.110]

[[Page 122 STAT. 4837]]

Public Law 110-427
110th Congress

                                 An Act

   To authorize the Administrator of General Services to take certain 
 actions with respect to parcels of real property located in Eastlake, 
         Ohio, and Koochiching County, Minnesota, and for other 
            purposes. <<NOTE: Oct. 15, 2008 -  [H.R. 6524]>> 

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,

    (a) Release of Restrictions.--Subject to the requirements of this 
section, the Administrator of General Services is authorized to release 
the restrictions contained in the deed that conveyed to the city of 
Eastlake, Ohio, the parcel of real property described in subsection (b).
    (b) Property Description.--The parcel of real property referred to 
in subsection (a) is the site of the John F. Kennedy Senior Center 
located at 33505 Curtis Boulevard, city of Eastlake, Ohio, on 10.873 
acres more or less as conveyed by the deed from the General Services 
Administration dated July 20, 1964, and recorded in the Lake County Ohio 
Recorder's Office in volume 601 at pages 40-47.
    (c) Consideration.--
            (1) In general.--The city of Eastlake shall pay to the 
        Administrator $30,000 as consideration for executing the release 
        under subsection (a).
            (2) Deposit of proceeds.--The Administrator shall deposit 
        any funds received under paragraph (1) into the Federal 
        Buildings Fund established under section 592 of title 40, United 
        States Code.
            (3) Availability of amounts deposited.--To the extent 
        provided in appropriations Acts, amounts deposited into the 
        Federal Buildings Fund under paragraph (2) shall be available 
        for the uses described in section 592(b) of title 40, United 
        States Code.

    (d) Filing of Instruments To Execute Release.--The Administrator 
shall execute and file in the appropriate office or offices a deed of 
release, amended deed, or other appropriate instrument effectuating the 
release under subsection (a).

    (a) Conveyance Authorized.--Subject to the requirements of this 
section, the Administrator of General Services shall convey to 
Koochiching County, Minnesota, the parcel of real property described in 
subsection (b), including any improvements thereon.
    (b) Property Description.--The parcel of real property referred to 
in subsection (a) is the approximately 5.84 acre parcel

[[Page 122 STAT. 4838]]

located at 1804 3rd Avenue in International Falls, Minnesota, which is 
the former site of the Koochiching Army Reserve Training Center.
    (c) Quitclaim Deed.--The conveyance of real property under 
subsection (a) shall be made through a quit claim deed.
    (d) Consideration.--
            (1) In general.--Koochiching County shall pay to the 
        Administrator $30,000 as consideration for a conveyance of real 
        property under subsection (a).
            (2) Deposit of proceeds.--The Administrator shall deposit 
        any funds received under paragraph (1) (less expenses of the 
        conveyance) into a special account in the Treasury established 
        under section 572(b)(5)(A) of title 40, United States Code.
            (3) Availability of amounts deposited.--To the extent 
        provided in appropriations Acts, amounts deposited into a 
        special account under paragraph (2) shall be available to the 
        Secretary of the Army in accordance with section 572(b)(5)(B) of 
        title 40, United States Code.

    (e) Reversion.--The conveyance of real property under subsection (a) 
shall be made on the condition that the property will revert to the 
United States, at the option of the United States, without any 
obligation for repayment of the purchase price for the property, if the 
property ceases to be held in public ownership or ceases to be used for 
a public purpose.
    (f) Other Terms and Conditions.--The conveyance of real property 
under subsection (a) shall be made subject to such other terms and 
conditions as the Administrator considers appropriate to protect the 
interests of the United States.
    (g) Deadline.--The conveyance of real property under subsection (a) 
shall be made not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this 

    Approved October 15, 2008.


HOUSE REPORTS: No. 110-866, Pt. 1 (Comm. on Transportation and 
            Sept. 22, considered and passed House.
            Sept. 30, considered and passed Senate.
