[110th Congress Public Law 47]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]

[DOCID: f:publ047.110]

[[Page 121 STAT. 241]]

Public Law 110-47
110th Congress

                                 An Act

To modify the boundaries of Grand Teton National Park to include certain 
           land within the GT Park Subdivision, and for other 
             purposes. <<NOTE: July 13, 2007 -  [S. 277]>> 

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled, <<NOTE: Grand Teton 
National Park Extention Act of 2007.>> 

SECTION 1. <<NOTE: 16 USC 406d-1 note.>> SHORT TITLE.

    This Act may be cited as the ``Grand Teton National Park Extension 
Act of 2007''.

SEC. 2. <<NOTE: 16 USC 406d-1 note.>> DEFINITIONS.

    In this Act:
            (1) Park.--The term ``Park'' means the Grand Teton National 
            (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary 
        of the Interior.
            (3) Subdivision.--The term ``Subdivision'' means the GT Park 
        Subdivision, with an area of approximately 49.67 acres, as 
        generally depicted on--
                    (A) the plat recorded in the Office of the Teton 
                County Clerk and Recorder on December 16, 1997, numbered 
                918, entitled ``Final Plat GT Park Subdivision'', and 
                dated June 18, 1997; and
                    (B) the map entitled ``2006 Proposed Grand Teton 
                Boundary Adjustment'', numbered 136/80,198, and dated 
                March 21, 2006, which shall be on file and available for 
                inspection in appropriate offices of the National Park 

SEC. 3. <<NOTE: 16 USC 406d-1 note.>> ACQUISITION OF LAND.

    (a) In General.--The Secretary may accept from any willing donor the 
donation of any land or interest in land of the Subdivision.
    (b) Administration.--On acquisition of land or an interest in land 
under subsection (a), the Secretary shall--
            (1) include the land or interest in the boundaries of the 
        Park; and
            (2) administer the land or interest as part of the Park, in 
        accordance with all applicable laws (including regulations).

    (c) Deadline for Acquisition.--It is the intent of Congress that the 
acquisition of land or an interest in land under subsection (a) be 
completed not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act.
    (d) Restriction on Transfer.--The Secretary shall not donate, sell, 
exchange, or otherwise transfer any land acquired under this section 
without express authorization from Congress.

[[Page 121 STAT. 242]]


    (a) Findings.--Congress finds that--
            (1) Craig Thomas was raised on a ranch just outside of Cody, 
        Wyoming, near Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National 
        Park, where he--
                    (A) began a lifelong association with those parks; 
                    (B) developed a deep and abiding dedication to the 
                values of the public land of the United States;
            (2) during his 18-year tenure in Congress, including service 
        in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, Craig 
        Thomas forged a distinguished legislative record on issues as 
        diverse as public land management, agriculture, fiscal 
        responsibility, and rural health care;
            (3) as Chairman and Ranking Member of the National Parks 
        Subcommittee of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of 
        the Senate and a frequent visitor to many units of the National 
        Park System, including Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton 
        National Park, Craig Thomas was a strong proponent for ensuring 
        that people of all ages and abilities had a wide range of 
        opportunities to learn more about the natural and cultural 
        heritage of the United States;
            (4) Craig Thomas authored legislation to provide critical 
        funding and management reforms to protect units of the National 
        Park System into the 21st century, ensuring quality visits to 
        units of the National Park System and the protection of natural 
        and cultural resources;
            (5) Craig Thomas strongly supported public-private 
        partnerships and collaboration between the National Park Service 
        and other organizations that foster new opportunities for 
        providing visitor services while encouraging greater citizen 
        involvement in the stewardship of units of the National Park 
            (6) Craig Thomas was instrumental in obtaining the Federal 
        share for a public-private partnership with the Grand Teton 
        National Park Foundation and the Grand Teton Natural History 
        Association to construct a new discovery and visitor center at 
        Grand Teton National Park;
            (7) on June 4, 2007, Craig Thomas passed away after battling 
        cancer for 7 months;
            (8) Craig Thomas is survived by his wife, Susan, and 
        children, Patrick, Greg, Peter, and Lexie; and
            (9) in memory of the distinguished career of service of 
        Craig Thomas to the people of the United States, the dedication 
        of Craig Thomas to units of the National Park System, generally, 
        and to Grand Teton National Park, specifically, and the critical 
        role of Craig Thomas in the new discovery and visitor center at 
        Grand Teton National Park, the Grand Teton Discovery and Visitor 
        Center should be designated as the ``Craig Thomas Discovery and 
        Visitor Center''.

    (b) The Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center.--
            (1) Designation.--The Grand Teton Discovery and Visitor 
        Center located in Moose, Wyoming, and scheduled for completion 
        in August 2007 shall be known and designated as the ``Craig 
        Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center''.
            (2) Reference.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, 
        document, paper, or other record of the United States to the

[[Page 121 STAT. 243]]

        Grand Teton Discovery and Visitor Center referred to in 
        paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Craig 
        Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center''.


    There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary such sums 
as are necessary to carry out this Act.

    Approved July 13, 2007.


HOUSE REPORTS: No. 110-127 accompanying H.R. 1080 (Comm. on Natural 
SENATE REPORTS: No. 110-16 (Comm. on Energy and Natural Resources).
            June 19, considered and passed Senate.
            June 27, considered and passed House.
