<DOC> ? ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daily Congressional Record Corrections for 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daily Congressional Record Corrections Note: Corrections to the Daily Congressional Record are identified online. (Corrections April 8, 2024 through April 18, 2024) Senate On page S2650, April 8, 2024, second column, the following appears: APPOINTMENT FOR MARCH 22, 2024 The PRESIDING OFFICER: The Chair announces, on behalf of the Republican Leader, pursuant to the provisions of Public Law 114-196, the appointment of the following individual to serve as a member of the United States Semiquincentennial Commission: Member of the Senate: The Honorable Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia. The online Record has been corrected to delete the language. On page S2659, April 9, 2024, first column, the following appears: The yeas and nays resulted--yeas 58, nays 42, as follows: The result was announced--yeas 58, nays 42, as follows: [Rollcall Vote No. 117 Ex.] The online Record has been corrected to read: The yeas and nays resulted--yeas 58, nays 42, as follows: [Rollcall Vote No. 117 Ex.] On page S2733, April 15, 2024, second column, the following appears: MEASURE READ THE FIRST TIME--S. 7888 Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President . . . A bill (S. 7888) to reform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 The online Record has been corrected to read: MEASURE READ THE FIRST TIME--H.R. 7888 Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President . . . A bill (H.R. 7888) to reform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 On page S2866, April 18, 2024, third column, the following appears: HONORING THE LIFE OF JOSEPH ISADORE LIEBERMAN, FORMER SENATOR FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to the consideration of S. Res. 655, which was submitted earlier today. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will report the resolution by title. The legislative clerk read as follows: A resolution (S. Res. 655) honoring the life of Joseph Isadore Lieberman, former Senator for the State of Connecticut. There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the resolution. MORNING BUSINESS The online Record has been corrected to read: HONORING THE LIFE OF JOSEPH ISADORE LIEBERMAN, FORMER SENATOR FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to the consideration of S. Res. 655, which was submitted earlier today. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will report the resolution by title. The legislative clerk read as follows: A resolution (S. Res. 655) honoring the life of Joseph Isadore Lieberman, former Senator for the State of Connecticut. There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the resolution. Mr. SCHUMER. I ask unanimous consent that the resolution be agreed to, that the preamble be agreed to, and that the motions to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. The resolution (S. Res. 655) was agreed to. The preamble was agreed to. (The resolution, with its preamble, is printed in today's Record under ``Submitted Resolutions.'') MORNING BUSINESS Daily Congressional Record Corrections Note: Corrections to the Daily Congressional Record are identified online. (Corrections April 9, 2024 through April 30, 2024) House On April 9, 2024, page H2234, in the first column, the following appeared: Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to cast my vote for Roll Call Nos. 105 and 106. Had I been present, I would have voted ``yea'' on rollcall Vote No. 150, H.R. 6655 and ``yea'' on rollcall Vote No. 106, S. 2051. The online version has been corrected to read: Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to cast my vote for Roll Call Nos. 105 and 106. Had I been present, I would have voted ``yea'' on rollcall Vote No. 105, H.R. 6655 and ``yea'' on rollcall Vote No. 106, S. 2051. On April 9, 2024, page E313, in the third column, the following appeared: HONORING THE LIFE OF LIEUTENANT COMMANDER ISAAC L. The online version has been corrected to read: HONORING THE LIFE OF LIEUTENANT COMMANDER ISSAC L. On April 15, 2024, page H2385, in the first column, the following appeared: A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I voted ``yea'' on H.R. 5921, when I intended to The online version has been corrected to read: A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. Stated against: Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I voted ``yea'' on H.R. 5921, when I intended to On April 15, 2024, page H2385, in the second column, the following appeared: Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to cast my vote for rollcall votes Nos. 120 through 123. Had I been present, I would have voted ``aye'' on rollcall votes Nos. 120 through 123. Had I been present, I would have voted ``aye'' on rollcall vote No. 120, Motion to Table the Motion to Reconsider H.R. 7888; ``yea'' on rollcall vote No. 121, H.R. 6408; ``yea'' on rollcall vote No. 122, H.R. 5923; and ``nay'' on rollcall vote No. 123, H.R. 5921. The online version has been corrected to read: Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to cast my vote for rollcall votes Nos. 120 through 123. Had I been present, I would have voted ``aye'' on rollcall vote No. 120, Motion to Table the Motion to Reconsider H.R. 7888; ``yea'' on rollcall vote No. 121, H.R. 6408; ``yea'' on rollcall vote No. 122, H.R. 5923; and ``nay'' on rollcall vote No. 123, H.R. 5921. On April 16, 2024, page E357, in the first column, the following appeared: vote YES; on Roll Call vote No. 122, I would have votes YES; and on Roll Call vote No. 123, I would have voted NO. The online version has been corrected to read: voted YES; on Roll Call vote No. 122, I would have voted YES; and on Roll Call vote No. 123, I would have voted NO. On April 20, 2024, page H2563, in the second column, the following appeared: posed Britian backed Washington's struggling ragtime army. The online version has been corrected to read: posed Britain backed Washington's struggling ragtime army. On April 20, 2024, page H2563, in the second column, the following appeared: ensure that Vladamir Putin knows that he's not going to stay in Ukraine. The online version has been corrected to read: ensure that Vladimir Putin knows that he's not going to stay in Ukraine. On April 20, 2024, page H2563, in the third column, the following appeared: In January, European Union (EU) members unaiminously agreed to set aside frozen Rus- The online version has been corrected to read: In January, European Union (EU) members unanimously agreed to set aside frozen Rus- On April 29, 2024, page H2698, the following appeared: EC-3953. A letter from the Regulations Coordinator, Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services, transmitting the Department's Major final rule -- Unaccompanied Children Program Foundational Rule (RIN: 0970- AC93) received April 19, 2024, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The online version has been corrected to read: EC-3953. A letter from the Regulations Coordinator, Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services, transmitting the Department's Major final rule -- Unaccompanied Children Program Foundational Rule (RIN: 0970-AC93) received April 19, 2024, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on the Judiciary. On April 30, 2024, page H2715, in the second column, the following appeared: So (two-thirds being in the affirmative) the rules were suspended and the bill was passed. The result of the vote, as amended, was announced as above recorded. The online version has been corrected to read: So (two-thirds being in the affirmative) the rules were suspended and the bill, as amended, was passed. The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.