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81 Records

  1. Susan B. Anthony, Icon of the Women's Suffrage Movement features

    B. Anthony (Architect of the Capitol) Plan your visit to Susan B. Anthony’s birthplace (National Park Service) Old Friends Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony made History Together (Architect of the Capitol) Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers (Library of Congress) Read and learn about the case, U.S. vs.

  2. Constitution Day and Citizenship Day features

    Constitution Facts and Figures: Although written and signed in 1787, it wasn’t until June 21, 1788, that it was ratified by the necessary nine of thirteen states to become binding. There were 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention, although only 39 signed the document. Twelve of the 13 states were represented; Rhode Island did not send delegates to the Convention. Benjamin Franklin, 81, was the oldest delegate to the Constitutional Convention; Jonathan Dayton, 26, was the youngest.

  3. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act features

    Rept. 115-466 - Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, December 15, 2017 PDF Text Details Rules Committee Print House Committee Print 115-39 - Text of H. R. 1, Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, November 10, 2017 PDF Text Details Bill text (most recent version) PDF Text XML Details Create links that will take you to the most recent publication available for several collections using the govinfo link service.

  4. Redwood National Park's 50th Anniversary features

    (Source: NPS ) Related Publications 82 Stat. 931 - An Act to establish a Redwood National Park in the State of California, and for other purpose PDF Details 84 Stat. 825 - An Act to improve the administration of the national park system by the Secretary of the Interior, and to clarify the authorities applicable to the system, and for other purposes PDF Details 92 Stat. 163 - An act to amend the act of October 2, 1968, an act to establish a Redwood National Park in the State of California, and for other purposes PDF Details 97 Stat. 909 - Public Lands and National Parks Act of 1983 PDF Details 16 U.S.C. 1 - NATIONAL PARKS, MILITARY PARKS, MONUMENTS, AND SEASHORES PDF Details Other Resources FAQs about redwoods and the Redwood National and State Parks (NPS) Restoration at Redwood (NPS) Quick History of the National Park Service (NPS) 1916 Organic Act (39 Stat. 535) that established the National Park Service (U.S. Department of Justice) Learn more about the National Park Service’s 50th anniversary events (NPS). The Presidents and the National Parks (The White House Historical Association) Browse the U.S.

  5. December 2024 Release Notes features

    Release Notes are published after deployments to highlight some of the key changes, summarize other noteworthy activities, and recap new content, feature articles, and top searches since the previous release. Read previous editions of Release Notes.

  6. Search Results help

    See Recent and Historical Editions When you use Basic Search, only the most recent edition of the collections in the list below appear in search results. To see all editions in search results, check the box at the top of the Search Results page that says “View Historical Results.” When you use Advanced Search, all editions (most recent and historical) of documents appear in search results. To see only the most recent edition of the collections below in search results, uncheck the box at the top of the Search Results page that says “View Historical Results.”

  7. September 11 features

    September 18, 2001 joint resolution expressing the sense of the Senate and House of Representatives regarding the terrorist attacks launched against the United States on September 11, 2001 (Pub. L. 107-39, 115 Stat. 222). Ten Years After 9/11 — 2011 series of hearings before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Related Resources National Day of Service and Remembrance from the The Corporation for National Community Service Today in History - September 11 from the Library of Congress FBI's 9/11 investigation Photographs from the International Space Station over the New York City area by Expedition 3 Commander Frank Culbertson from NASA *A Statute Compilation is a compilation of the public law, as amended, is an unofficial document, and should not be cited as legal evidence of the law.

  8. September 2020 Release Notes features

    Release Notes are published after deployments to highlight some of the key changes, summarize other noteworthy activities, and recap new content, feature articles, and top searches since the previous release Read previous editions of Release Notes.

  9. State of the Union features

    Bush January 28, 2008 – 44 WCPD 117 January 22, 2007 – 43 WCPD 57 January 31, 2006 – 42 WCPD 145 February 2, 2005 – 41 WCPD 126 January 20, 2004 – 40 WCPD 94 January 28, 2003 – 39 WCPD 109 January 29, 2002 – 38 WCPD 133 September 20, 2001 – War on Terrorism – 37 WCPD 1347 February 27, 2001– Budget Message – 37 WCPD 351 President William J. Clinton January 27, 2000 – 36 WCPD 160 January 19, 1999 – 35 WCPD 78 January 27, 1998 – 34 WCPD 129 February 4, 1997 – 33 WCPD 136 January 23, 1996 – 32 WCPD 90 January 24, 1995 – 31 WCPD 96 January 25, 1994 – 30 WCPD 148 September 22, 1993 – Health Care Reform – 29 WCPD 1836 February 17, 1993 – Economic Address – 129 WCPD 215

  10. Browse by A to Z browse-a-z

    The list also includes outside links to GPO partner resources. Help Jump to a document list by it's alphabetical letter A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W A Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Appropriations Hearings, House of Representatives, 105th Congress to Present Appropriations Hearings, Senate, 105th Congress to Present Appropriations, Budget Estimates, etc., House and Senate, 104th Congress (1995-1996) to 108th Congress (2003-2004) Army University Press Publications Back to Top B Background Material and Data on Programs within the Jurisdiction of the Committee on Ways and Means (Green Book), 1996 to 2004 Ben's Guide to the U.S.