Published: September 30, 2020
This release closes out Fiscal Year 2020 with the implementation of 64 individually tracked changes. These changes include the completion of final tasks related to the recent major technology refresh, a range of search and display enhancements, and improvements to the repository. This article highlights some of these key changes, summarizes other noteworthy activities, and recaps new content, feature articles, and top searches since the previous release. Please note that some system changes may require content to be reprocessed or republished for the updates to take effect and this will be completed over a period of time.
Government Experience Award: On September 24, govinfo was recognized with a 2020 Government Experience Award for achievements and best practices that are radically improving the experience of Government and pushing the boundaries of how citizen services are delivered.
Data Modernization: On September 10, GPO participated in a panel discussion on data modernization at the Virtual Public Forum along with staff members from the Library of Congress, the Clerk of the House, and the Secretary of the Senate organizations. GPO’s panel presentation showcased:
During the forum, GPO announced that we plan to make an additional 10 years of Bill Status XML files available on govinfo in early FY21. This is part of the ongoing commitment to data modernization initiatives with our partners at the Library of Congress, the House, and the Senate.
Visit the Legislative Branch Innovation Hub to view GPO’s slide presentation from the event and learn more about GPO’s data modernization efforts.
Search and Display Enhancements: In addition to implementing a distinct color for visited links throughout the site and enabling sorting by date of Public Laws on Related Documents tabs of select Details pages in the Compilation of Presidential Documents collection (see example), we have launched the new capability to search within About, Features, and Help sections through a separate search box.
The new search box is located on select About, Features, and Help pages on the left side, and you can enter one or more search terms and use the magnifying glass icon to execute the search.
Your results will display on a separate page and will indicate your keyword(s) in bold to help you determine if that result is helpful to you.
Here are some search examples to get you started exploring the depth of information in these pages:
Note that this search box is on select pages only and is different from the main govinfo search box that is accessed by clicking the orange search button in the top right corner of most pages. The main search box queries the vast number of Government documents available within the repository.
We encourage you to explore the information in the About, Features, and Help sections that:
Technology Refresh: The final tasks in our major technology refresh included migrating from legacy application servers to a new technology stack that will support our migration to a microservices approach, a precursor to our continued move towards technologies supporting cloud-infrastructure. This effort will reduce overall operational costs and enable more rapid and sustainable service delivery.
Repository Enhancements: Ten component upgrades were completed for the repository in both primary and backup locations and implemented backend work in preparation to support the submission of additional content including Bill Status XML and Statute Compilations in USLM XML.
Developer Tool Enhancements: A correction was made to the lastModified time formatting for the Bulk Data Repository that was impacting the ability of some crawlers to download files programmatically. Dates are now formatted in 24 hour time.
New Content : More than 17,600 content packages (a package is roughly equivalent to one bound printed document) have been made available since the last release in July. Notable submissions include the Unified Agenda in the Federal Register and the final documents to complete the collection of more than 11,000 Railroad Retirement Board publications.
Feature Articles : Seven articles were featured including the 100th Anniversary of Women’s Right to Vote, Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, and an article in memory of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Top Searches
Other Minor Fixes and Improvements
*A Statute Compilation is a compilation of the public law, as amended, is an unofficial document, and should not be cited as legal evidence of the law. Learn more.
About Release Notes – Changes to govinfo components are made through code deployments on a quarterly release cycle. Release Notes are published after deployments to highlight some of the key changes, summarize other noteworthy activities, and recap new content, feature articles, and top searches since the previous release Read previous editions of Release Notes.