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62 Records

  1. Search Results help

    See Recent and Historical Editions When you use Basic Search, only the most recent edition of the collections in the list below appear in search results. To see all editions in search results, check the box at the top of the Search Results page that says “View Historical Results.” When you use Advanced Search, all editions (most recent and historical) of documents appear in search results. To see only the most recent edition of the collections below in search results, uncheck the box at the top of the Search Results page that says “View Historical Results.”

  2. September 2020 Release Notes features

    Release Notes are published after deployments to highlight some of the key changes, summarize other noteworthy activities, and recap new content, feature articles, and top searches since the previous release Read previous editions of Release Notes.

  3. Browse by A to Z browse-a-z

    Government Publications) Nixon Grand Jury Records Back to Top O Obama, Barack H., Public Papers Official Register of the United States (select years between 1829 to 1959) Back to Top P PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) Panama Canal Related Publications Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules (2009 to 2016) Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules (within the CFR Index and Finding Aids for 2017 to Present) Plum Book (United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions), 1996 forward Pocket Constitution (H.

  4. March 2020 Release Notes features

    Published: April 6, 2020 Release Notes Bulk download search results in machine-readable formats, trending section, and more In our March release, we continued to focus on our top priorities for FY20 which are to perform a hardware refresh for compute and storage, increase the amount of content in the system, make it easier for users to submit and access content, and refine our processes with a focus on customers and quality.

  5. Browse Content by Government Author features

    For future releases, we are considering: creating organizational groups of authors, or “buckets” (in-progress), identifying better ways to display the results for each author, including Federal Register documents under the individual issuing agencies, other improvements to make this feature more consistent and user-friendly. Please let us know how we can improve this feature in subsequent releases by clicking on the feedback link at the top of any page on the site and submitting your comments.

  6. Sitemaps sitemaps

    Government (BUDGET) Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents (DCPD) Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (WCPD) Economic Report of the President (ERP) Public Papers of the President (PPP) Congressional Committee Materials Congressional Committee Prints (CPRT) Congressional Documents (CDOC) Congressional Hearings (CHRG) Congressional Reports (CRPT) Congressional Serial Set (SERIALSET) Congressionally Mandated Reports (CMR) Economic Indicators (ECONI) Congressional Rules and Procedures Congressional Documents (CDOC) House Rules and Manual (HMAN) Senate Manual (SMAN) Directories of Organizations and Officials Congressional Directory (CDIR) United States Government Manual (GOVMAN) Executive Agency Publications Coastal Zone Information Center (CZIC) Education Reports from ERIC (ERIC) Judicial Publications United States Court Opinions (USCOURTS) Includes listings for all court types listed by individual court code as well as top-level indices based on the year Legislative Agency Publications GAO Reports and Comptroller General Decisions (GAOREPORTS) Congressionally Mandated Reports (CMR) Proceedings of Congress and General Congressional Publications Congressional Calendars (CCAL) Congressional Record (CREC) Congressional Record (Bound) Edition (CRECB) Congressional Record Index (CRI) Congressional Serial Set (SERIALSET) Congressionally Mandated Reports (CMR) History of Bills (HOB) Journal of the House of Representatives (HJOURNAL) Regulatory Information Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Congressionally Mandated Reports (CMR) Federal Register (FR) List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA) Privacy Act Issuances (PAI) Additional Collections Additional Government Publications (GPO) Bulk Submission (GOVPUB) Bulk Data Sitemaps The following links provide sitemaps for data available in the GovInfo Bulk Data Repository.

  7. July 2020 Release Notes features

    As we close out FY20, we plan to upgrade key system components, implement additional system enhancements, and create our roadmap for FY21. Below are highlights from the 66 individually tracked changes in this release, but first, a glance at top searches, new content, and feature articles since our last Release Notes in March. Top Searches Coronavirus, Cares Act, Stimulus, and similar terms were unsurprisingly top searches over the last few months. See our curated list of relief bills and other COVID-19 related documents.

  8. March 2021 Release Notes features

    Release Notes are published after deployments to highlight some of the key changes, summarize other noteworthy activities, and recap new content, feature articles, and top searches since the previous release Read previous editions of Release Notes.

  9. Riddick's Senate Procedure help

    To print this page: Push Control + P on your keyboard To search this page: Push Control + F on your keyboard To help us improve this information: Click Feedback at the top of any page Riddick's Senate Procedure, 1992 edition Search Browse About Riddick's Senate Procedure Named after Senate Parliamentarian Emeritus Floyd M. Riddick, this Senate document contains the contemporary precedents and practices of the Senate.

  10. September 2023 Release Notes features

    For example, the “Date Published” filter now sorts values chronologically from New to Old instead of by the filter with the largest number of results at the top. This will help users find content by date more easily because they will see the more recent, relevant filters at the top. It is still possible to change the setting to see the filter values by count. This change was also made to the “Collection” and “Organization” filters.