Published: January 10, 2024
The December GovInfo release was technologically and strategically productive, including 103 individually tracked system changes. Release highlights included the much-anticipated public launch of the new Congressionally Mandated Reports collection, further migration of web application functionality to a new framework, initial development for a major update of historical digitized U.S. Statutes at Large content, customizations for agency-submitted content, security patches and component upgrades, design improvements, collection and system enhancements, bug fixes, and more.
GovInfo Achieves CoreTrustSeal Certification: In addition to the deployment, also in December 2023, GPO’s GovInfo achieved certification as a Trustworthy Data Repository by the CoreTrustSeal Standards and Certification Board. The process for this certification is rigorous and only achieved by data repositories that meet the substantial requirements. This certification adds to GovInfo’s repertoire of credentials which notably includes maintaining global status as an ISO 16363 Certified Trustworthy Digital Repository since December 2018.
New Content: Over 55,000 content packages (roughly equivalent to one bound printed document) were made available from the period of October 1 to December 31. Notable submissions since the last release included the 2023 Report to Congress of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission; S. Doc. 118-8 - Report of the Secretary of the Senate: April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023, Part I and Part II; the CFR Index and Finding Aids for 2023; the 2020 edition of the Journal of the House of Representatives; 7,504 digitized U.S. Congressional Serial Set reports, documents, and journals; 95 born-digital content packages that were acquired through GPO’s Cataloging and Indexing Program; 697 digitized Congressional Hearings; interim packages for the Privacy Act Issuances collection; 12 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) publications; 20 Railroad Retirement Board publications; 25 National Security Agency's The Next Wave publications; partnership publications from Boise State University such as the Columbia River Water Management Report for Water Year 1976 and Consumptive Use of Water in the Irrigable Areas of the Columbia River Basin in Nevada; partnership publications from the Department of Energy's Source Term Subcommittee: May 1988-September 1994 and Environmental Transport Subcommittee: May 1988-September 1994; partnership publications from the University of Memphis produced by the Peace Corps; and more.
Feature Articles: Eleven feature articles were published from the period of October 1 to December 31. These included articles commemorating or memorializing World Mental Health Day, World Digital Preservation Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, the 60th Anniversary of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the 35th Anniversary of World Aids Day, National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, 50 Years of conservation with the Endangered Species Act, and feature highlights on the Ghost Fleet of Mallows Bay, the Fall 2023 Federal Depository Library Conference, and the public launch of the Congressionally Mandated Reports collection in GovInfo.
Launch of Congressionally Mandated Reports: Development occurred throughout the year that finally culminated in the much-anticipated deployment in this release of full features and functionality for the new Congressionally Mandated Reports collection. This functionality was driven by requirements mandated for the Government Publishing Office (GPO) within the “Access to Congressionally Mandated Reports Act” (ACMRA) of Public Law 117-263 - James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023, sections 7241-7248) enacted in December 2022.
As part of the ACMRA, Federal agencies must now directly submit in-scope congressionally mandated reports to GPO using a customized submission portal. The reports then go through GPO workflows and backend processing to be made available to the public on GovInfo all in one place for the first time. The hallmark GovInfo search functionalities were built for the Congressionally Mandated Reports collection including specialized advanced search form fields, custom filters, and use of collection-specific metadata to power the user experience such as title, issuing agency, publication date, date submitted to Congress, and more. Other features are also available, such as the ability to download additional formats of reports and data in either CSV and JSON formats, bulk download through GovInfo’s API or sitemaps, the ability to browse reports by issuing agency, and also an alternative ability to browse reports by topic, which are assigned to a report by agencies upon submission to GPO. Learn more about searching the Congressionally Mandated Reports collection from the GovInfo Help information here.
Migration to New Web Application Framework Continues: The process continues for migrating the user interface to a more supported, modern, and versatile framework. Efforts began in early 2023 with a plan to migrate sections gradually over time. In this release, the team completed a migration of the U.S. Congressional Serial Set topic browse (and new Congressionally Mandated Reports topic browse) to the new public web framework that will allow for more effective reuse of components across the site. In addition to the increased consistency for public user experience, this supports decreased development effort for maintenance and facilitates subsequent enhancements. In future releases, the team will migrate additional major public functionality, including browse and content details, to the new framework.
Customizations for National Security Agency (NSA) Content:
The NSA leads the U.S. Government in cryptology that encompasses both signals intelligence (SIGINT) insights and cybersecurity products and services, and NSA enables computer network operations to gain a decisive advantage for the nation and our allies. GPO now provides access to The Next Wave, NSA’s research and technological innovation journal, via GovInfo. In this release, GPO made customizations to enable the NSA’s The Next Wave to be submitted and made publicly accessible with other content. Browse these journals on the NSA collection page and search the new NSA content here.
Additional Enhancements:
About Release Notes -- Changes to GovInfo components are made through code deployments on a quarterly release cycle. Release Notes are published after deployments to highlight some of the key changes, summarize other noteworthy activities, and recap new content, feature articles, and top searches since the previous release. Read previous editions of Release Notes.